"SWAN'S SONG" finale! Wonder Woman fights to break Silver Swan out of her mania and stop her all-out assault. Will Wonder Woman be able to get through, or will she lose her friend to the madness in the process?
As the Swan Song nears its tragic end, can Diana save the Silver Swan before she manifests into something she will regret further? Jason is starting to doubt himself, as he cannot handle seeing the brutality of Wonder Woman's reality. Being wonderful, it turns out, is not everything it's cracked up to be. Read Full Review
If you picked up Part 1 and 2 of "Swan Song", then you must grab Part 3. It's just as good as the previous two parts and is even better considering the villain cameo we get, not to mention what happens to Jason at the very end of the issue. Read Full Review
The artwork for this issue was pretty striking " especially the top image on page 17. The dramatic pose/carrying combined with a stunning waterscape image really made for an impactful scene. Having it come at the conclusion to a major fight was a bonus. I still love Silver Swan's design, so thankfully they didn't seem to mess with it too much. Read Full Review
The story ends with Jason being engulfed in dark purple energy with Diana finding a ‘farewell' note from her brother. Although not as epic as the Darkseid story, it was fun seeing Wonder Woman face a more grounded villain and once again James Robinson delivers a decent issue with a few cliches thrown into the mix. Add in the gorgeous art of Emanuela Lupacchino and she really captures the majesty and power of this Amazonian Goddess and really complements the story of Robinson. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #40 slows its narrative down with some repetitive storytelling, but Lupacchino's glossy visuals make this a smooth read. Read Full Review
Altogether, this book had a good bit of action, but simultaneously did not get a lot accomplished storywise. Silver Swan is defeated, and Jason feels inadequate in his ability to follow in Dianas footsteps. Thats the gist of it. Unfortunately, it feels like the entire arc was just filler, or a prelude to the real story. One could say that every story arc in a comic book hints at what will be happening next, but it truly felt like nothing important happened in this one, except for the big story beats at the end. Hopefully, there will be further development for Silver Swan coming. Read Full Review
The conclusion to the Swan Song story falls hard but looks beautiful while doing it. Read Full Review
This is an okay issue. It looks amazing and is worth buying for the art alone. I think the conclusion is a little disappointing. I thought Vanessa was potentially great and the story became a little generic for me. Wasting time on a Darkseid subplot didn't help either. It's still enjoyable; the action is cool and Robinson writes Diana well but it could have been more. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #40 comes close to having a lot of good moments, but it misses each one by a little. All these small mistakes do add up though, even if the comic never becomes genuinely bad. If youre a devotee of Diana of Themyscira, I can recommend this comic to you. However, I wouldnt call it necessary reading, and I wouldnt recommend it to anyone not desperate for Diana reading material. Read Full Review
Her origin may got off to a rough start but Silver Swan turned out to be an interesting addition to the Wonder Woman lore. This issue had a decent finish and some lovely artwork. I just wish there was more consistency in this title. Read Full Review
Robinson brings a familiar face back to the fold, which hopefully will lead to some interesting developments for the next arc. And offer some more insight into Trevor's subplot. Read Full Review
Our Swan Song arc comes to a close with this issue and boy is it underwhelming. While the art in this issue is fantastic, the conclusion was anticlimactic as hell and only seeded the title with possibilities for future arcs to come while giving us nothing here. Read Full Review
The significant talents of Emanuela Lupacchino are wasted entirely on Wonder Woman #40, a comic in which characters say things no human being would say and both drama and comedy fall flat as a result. Read Full Review
I have never said this about any writer in any of my reviews but, frankly, James Robinson should be ashamed of himself. The intentional padding of scenes is astronomically blatant and it deeply frustrates me. Lupacchino and Carnero provide great work and I hope they could provide rotating art like the beginning of this series. Read Full Review
As the awful Silver Swan arc wraps up, Wonder Woman #40 once again emphasizes just how wrong everything about this run has been. Read Full Review