"SWAN'S SONG" part two! While Wonder Woman reckons with the savage descent of the young woman she put her faith in, her brother Jason is left wondering if Wonder Woman will always be there for him, or if a similar fate awaits him! And Steve Trevor hasn't given up on the trail of Darkseid and Grail...unfortunately for him, it's put him face-to-face with the Female Furies!
All in all, Robinson channels a great version of Diana and sure the dialogue is a little cliched at times but he creates some decent characterisation and an enjoyable story that is backed up by the brilliant art of Emanuela Lupacchino who really channels that comic book blockbuster… oh… and there's Darkseid! Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #39 is an action packed issue that puts character work at the center of its narrative. Read Full Review
If there is a moral to this arc, it's that your perceptions can become your reality, and if your viewpoint is focussed through a prism of pain and hurt, potentially that is all that you will see. In Silver Swan's case, she is looking to take out that hurt on the one person who would have ideally been there to help. With the separate viewpoints in play, both of which are valid to the respective characters, Robinson has cleverly given us an issue where there is no clear villain. Read Full Review
The artwork was pretty decent for this issue, as it has been lately. I still love the design of the Silver Swan (but I said that already). It was nice seeing Diana have to fight a flying opponent " you don't get to see that every day. I particularly enjoyed the storm that Jason conjured " more accurately I love the way the artist chose to portray it. Read Full Review
This issue provides a lot of clues about Darkseid and Grail's plans while further developing the tension between Diana and Jason. While the story chops and changes a little abruptly, the magnificent art does not miss a beat. Read Full Review
A new villain strikes fear into the hearts of citizens! Silver Swan has taken the lives of a family, and it is up to Diana to stop her. Can she work out Silver Swan's motives in time to save more lives from being lost? Will Vanessa ever forgive Diana? Read Full Review
This is an okay issue. The art is fantastic; the issue is worth reading just for this art. The writing is not as strong unfortunately. This disappointed me because I thought Robinson nailed the last issue and I was really excited about this story. The issue still works but I think it could have been better. Read Full Review
If you are already reading the series, issue #39 won't really have much impact, but for someone like me who hasn't picked up a Wonder Woman comic in months there isn't much here to inspire me to stick around and see how events play out. For fans. Read Full Review
The Silver Swan arc is still off to a good start, but its still just starting because of all of the side arc distractions. This still has potential to be one of the better recent arcs, well see what the finale brings. Read Full Review
Not much happens in this issue, but it's got a pretty cool cliffhanger that has me excited for the next issue. While the story felt like it was on repeat for a while, in addition to the boring cutaway, the art almost made up for it. Read Full Review
I'm a little worried this take on Silver Swan is too one-note. Hopefully Robinson has some other levels to explore otherwise Darkseids machinations are going to prove the most entertaining aspect of the Swan Song arc. Read Full Review
While beautiful to look at, the lack of emotional weight leaves much to be desired for this issue. Read Full Review
While I was really looking forward to this issue after what we got previously, I was a bit disappointed when the story felt disjointed, when progression seemed to come off panel and when I had no idea what was going on from the art at the end. Thankfully though, the majority of the art was great and I love seeing the characters we get here, I just hope that things become more straight forward and spelled out as the arc continues. Read Full Review
This run continues to be a disaster. Read Full Review
Needs more Darkseid
Interesting to me that they chose Wonder Woman to progress Darkseid's return, but not complaining. Silver Swan seems completely bonkers and clingy.
Robinson cannot find Diana's voice. Which is a real pity because everything else clicks, especially his Darkseid.
Nothing interesting in here