Predator: Life and Death #3

Event\Storyline: Life and Death Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brian Thies Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: May 4, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Colonial Marines discover the corporate claim jumpers they're protecting have been hiding what they know about the massive, horseshoe-shaped alien spaceship. Meanwhile, the Predators go on the offensive!

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author May 12, 2016

    The firefight that starts the issue is gorgeous and violent. Even if there is death on both sides it does reveal the more hunter based aspect of the Predator race. I will admit despite the short, and cut off firefight in the end, I'm curious to see how it ends. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Kevin Given May 5, 2016

    ConclusionAt the conclusion of this fine issue the enemy has returned. Our heroes haven't had time to rest from the previous battle and the Predators have been toying with them all along. They have to forget their personal squabbles and team up once again to face an enemy that appear to be impossible to defeat. They don't seem to tire at all while our fearless freedom fighters are obviously exhausted and ready to step down. One of the major characters faces an insurmountable obstacle as he finds himself in the enemy's grasp. The story is gearing up for what appears to be a winner take all scenario in the following issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller May 6, 2016

    While P:LaD #3 has some slipups in the middle, it's still a very solid comic with some very solid ideas and artwork. I like that it's breaking some molds to the series, and I'm excited to see how it ends and what series comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 4, 2016

    Predator: Life and Death has worked really well for me in its first three issues and I wish this was just the halfway point so that it could dig into it all more as I fear that the ending is going to feel rushed. Abnett handles the cast well since most of them are just victims in waiting but we get the right kind of color and personalization for some of them to give it all a little more meaning. Brian Thies has been nailing it with this run in giving it a rough and raw look but one with a strong dynamic design that feels very grounded, perfectly suited for this kind of property. The things that need to look familiar do while the original pieces blend in just right. It's a great looking book that carries the tension and impact of events very well. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze May 4, 2016

    This issue leaves us on a cliffhanger leading into the final issue, but Predator Life And Death #3 proves that they are trying to make a worthwhile story that will have a definite ending even if they all die. Because right now things are not looking so good for the Marines and everyone else stuck with them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Freddie Nero May 5, 2016

    I am looking forward for the conclusion of the Predator sequence of this run. I recommend if you have been reading Life and Death to keep reading. If the first 3 issues are any indication, Abnett and Thies are taking us on a wild ride. If you've been living under a rock and haven't been reading, then I rude you to catch up and keep up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm May 10, 2016

    Writer Dan Abnett knows the source material well, and he delivers a thrilling story of two powerful forces clashing in a gritty battle that will undoubtedly cost both sides heavy losses. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Jacques Cloete Dec 31, 1969

    All in all, Predator: Life and Death #3 is the most beautiful and intriguing entry in the series thus far. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams May 3, 2016

    At the same time, I have the utmost faith in both Dark Horse as a publisher and Dan Abnett as a writer, so whatever happens, Im in this one for the long haul. Im just keeping my fingers crossed that things pick up sooner rather than later, or this event could end up becoming a damp squib of epic proportions. Read Full Review

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