Predator: Life and Death #4

Event\Storyline: Life and Death Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brian Thies Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: June 1, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

The battle between the Colonial Marines and the Predators opens on two fronts as the humans attempt to split the enemy's force and take possession of the mysterious horseshoe-shaped alien spaceship! Getting their hands on the alien technology will be a huge victory for the humans . . . or will it?

  • 9.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jun 1, 2016

    As most of us know, the next story from this universe is Prometheus: Life and Death. Fans will be excited, and should be excited when finding out how Predator: Life And Death #4 leads into this next chapter. Knowing that half of the creative team will still be on for the next story gives you high hopes because Predator: Life And Death fit so well with what you find thrilling about this franchise. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - christopher scott author May 31, 2016

    The art by Brian Albert Thies is jammed pack with action, gunfire, and violence. I will admit you can see the influence of the late artist H.R. Giger, in the interior of the Xenomorph ship, just as you should in this world. The subtle almost rib-like build of the ship is interesting and evokes whats come before. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 1, 2016

    Predator: Life and Death has a similar feeling to how the Fire and Stone event worked which means there's good and bad here. The Predator arc is solid through and through with what it does as Abnett and Thies made for a great series of action events built upon some intriguing ideas that can move forward – all of which works off of events we saw in Fire and Stone. I like both sides of what we get here with Roth and Paget's groups and where their stories can go. I do suspect that similar to Fire and Stone this will all work a lot tighter when read in full, but there's a lot of fun to take in throughout the individual installments a well. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    FanboyNation - Josh Heffington Jun 8, 2016

    Predator: Life and Death #4 is a series that was made for the AvP Fandom. It is eye candy for those that enjoy seeing their favorite Predators fighting with humans and ripping their spines out as trophies. Readers outside of the fandom may not enjoy it as much. For those ready for the Prometheus part of the story, the last few pages of this issue works as Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Jacques Cloete Jun 15, 2016

    War is at the forefront in the final issue of the Predator: Life and Death series. The Colonial Marines are still split into two factions as Piaget leads a strike on ground zero in the jungle while Roth and his brutes take on the Predator attack that concluded the previous issue. This is a satisfying end to the finale, even though some characterization had to be sacrificed in order to give the final war the epic scale it deserved. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Jun 1, 2016

    In the end the two elements that make comics what they are, art and storytelling, just don't work as well as they should have for this series. So the best assessment I could supply is outstanding concept but average execution. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Big Comic Page - Mike Annerino May 31, 2016

    The issues leading up to this have been okay, but this is the first issue in this arc that has been flat-out bad, which isnt something you want from your finale. Theres a long history of Predator comic books to delve into for interesting, rich storytelling if thats what youre looking for. As for Life and Death, skip it. You arent missing anything except disappointment. Read Full Review

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