Pftt Noob. No one was written out of character. And mutants are always in excintion.
From the Age of Apocalypse to the end of the X-Men...and the dawn of the AGE OF X-MAN???
Rated T+
Pere Perezs art blew me away in this issue. Every panel was framed beautifully and the sequence between Psylocke and Storm was one of the best Ive seen in a long time. A great looking issue. Read Full Review
The final chapter in the "Disassembled" storyline doesn't disappoint. Plot twist after insane plot twist help make UNCANNY X-MEN #10 something that is both familiar for veteran X-Men fans and something entirely unique. Read Full Review
Diversity encourages betterment and vastly enriches our own life experience. Faced with a world without X-Men... where do we go from here? Read Full Review
Though more of a launch pad for new stories than a conclusion, Uncanny X-Men #10 does a good job of making readers want to pick up what comes next. Read Full Review
This new era in X-Men storytelling arrives just in time for the deep winter. Choose your own journey here as the sheer amount of upcoming titles feels like bottom line overkill. Beginning with #11,Uncanny will ship bi-weekly, following the exploits of Cyclops and another freshly resurrected hairy mutant as they assemble a new team in the aftermath of X-Man's victory. For answers to how Cyclops returned from death, look out for Uncanny X-Men Annual #1.Meanwhile, see what became of the X-Men who fell in battle to Nate Grey with the "Age of X-Man" one shot, followed by the mini-series " The Marvelous X-Men, The Amazing Nightcrawler, NextGen, Prisoner X, Apocalypse and the X-Tracts, and The X-Tremists. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men #10 is a strange beast. Its a good book with a shocking conclusion and great art, but that conclusion feels so cliche for an X-book by this point that its not very special for long time fans. The book also doesnt really use its too large roster effectively. This issue is emblematic of all the good and bad things this story has done so far. Its not bad, its just extremely by the numbers. This story arc has had a lot of ups and downs quality wise and this one lands somewhere in the middle: not bad, not great, but kind of average. Read Full Review
Despite the many talented creators involved, "Disassembled" was not the rousing return of the flagship X-Men series that it was made out to be. Read Full Review
Uncanny X-Men #10 is a comic that prioritizes the sense of a climactic final battle at the cost of making those sequences engaging. Read Full Review
This was an X-Men's greatest hits series done very poorly from start to finish. If you're into nostalgia alone, with next to no substance, good for you, but I need something more out of a story asking so much out of my wallet. If you came solely for the art you wont be too disappointed, with a bunch of different impressive spread pages, that look great. Howeverthis entire series accomplished very little in the scheme of things, and is one of the rare cases of something being so bad it might chase fans away from whats yet to come. Read Full Review
The new issue of Uncanny X-Men is a big, ugly mess, capping off a big, ugly mess of a story. Read Full Review
It's pretty safe to call the weekly series a gimmick at this point, and unfortunately, a generally failed one. Read Full Review
Could have been better but I'm ready for the AGE OF X-MAN.
-The art was a step up. It has some bad parts (that page where Psylocke stabs Storm is full-on cringe) but its better than the art in this series has been, at least.
-I thought the battle scenes were really cool. Definitely a very action-packed issue that works in that sense.\
-I think this is my favorite issue of the series. It wasn't my thing, that's fine, but I overall enjoyed this.
-For once, I'm looking forward to the next issue, and not just because of Matthew Rosenberg and Salvador Larroca, although I cannot wait to see those two do an X-Men book together.
-I liked the X-Men's dialogue in this issue. It felt natural, not forced, something that's hard to do in a fight more
I liked this issue. I thought it was a good finale. Not exactly one I didn't see coming, given all the Age of X-Man announcements, but still. That's a good way to clear off the board. It lives up to the "Disassembled" name. Issue 11 will actually be the best jumping on point, probably.
Exagerada. Essa HQ tenta criar uma ambientação parecida com a dos mutantes pós dinastia m, tenta dar aquele ar de fim dos tempos, mas não consegue. O trem up dos personagens nessa aqui é incrível, é um verdadeiro trabalho em equipe, tem uma cena do Bishop ajudando um homem com uma placa sue diz "Deus odeia mutantes" que é uma cena linda, todos estão sendo bem utilizados, nem todos bem desenvolvidos, mas cumprem o seu papel. Gostaria de ver esses roteiristas trabalhar em outra hq dos mutantes porquê eles parecem conhecer os personagens, mas não tiveram a chance de dar o seu melhor.
Not sure how to feel about it. Creative? Sure. Satisfying? No. Hard to know how to score it.
An algorithm could have written this. Hopefully the event is more creative.
I liked:
- The art was pretty good all around.
- Seeing some seriously obscure old X-Men members (even if there was no time to give the spotlight to more than a few characters, or even name all the cameos).
I didn't like:
- The ending. I don't see how "spin the random crossover generator twice and then die" accomplishes any of Nate's plans. "I see so clearly what I have to do." Well, I don't.
- I did enjoy the popcorn movie scale of the conflict, but it seemed very by-the-numbers and flat.
- The last two pages rushed into a status quo that feels unearned. The present MU has some anti-mutant bigots, but hardly feels like a place where mutants would be erased from history books and widespread anti-mutant more
Okay so this is the end of the big first 10 issue story?... so why no conclusion or more information on the Beast/ kid who stole the cure. Issue felt forced towards the end. With unanswered questions like why wasn’t Scott destroyed as well and why would Jean tell Nate he’s sorry her and Scott didn’t spend enough time with him because isn’t he from an alternate universe. This story doesn’t make me excited for the future of Uncanny.
This run was underwhelming af
Too much reliance on nostalgia. Too many characters written badly out of character. Too much plot that's plopped down preassembled and with no build-up. And worse still, we're back to yet ANOTHER Mutant Extinction plot so soon after IvX (and that's not even getting into the Age of Apocalypse rehash).
I can't with this story... I literally can't...