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Joined: Feb 09, 2018

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Forge reviewed X-Men / Fantastic Four #1 Feb 5, 2020

Boy, was this book a disappointment.

I've never read Zdarsky before but I've heard good things about his Spiderman books, so I had fairly high expectations for this miniseries. What I ended up with was a book where the X-Men act like idiots. For what is essentially a diplomatic mission to the Fantastic Four, Prof X decides to send Wolverine, Magneto and Pyro. Considering that the FF are more

X-Men / Fantastic Four #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 5, 2020

KRAKOA. Every mutant on Earth lives there ... except for one. But now it's time for FRANKLIN RICHARDS to come home.
It's the X-MEN VS. the FANTASTIC FOUR and nothing will ever be the same.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
The-MJP - Jun 6, 2020

I know this is mostly personal taste but dodson, a bad artist? Really? Dodson? The only art of his I didn't like was the generation x covers and that's into because the colors on those blended into each other and it stangley gave the impression it was a "woke" book Other than that I have read it comment

CrazyforRAMU - Sep 7, 2020

Rather than dismiss Xavier as an idiot, consider that this undiplomatic visit drove Franklin straight into the mutants' arms. Bringing a combative roster -- particularly letting Magneto push Sue's buttons -- worked out great for him.

Forge reviewed House of X #1 Jul 24, 2019

Yes please.

House of X #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jul 24, 2019

FACE THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (SECRET WARS, AVENGERS, FANTASTIC FOUR) takes the reins of the X-Men universe! Since the release of Uncanny X-Men #1, there have been four seminal moments in the history of the X-Men. Giant-Sized X-Men. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse. New X-Men. Four iconic series that introduced a new era for Marvel's m...

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Forge reviewed Uncanny X-Men #22 Jul 18, 2019

This book is garbage. Rosenberg was once a promising writer but his Uncanny run has been a disaster. What was the point of making humans forget about mutants only to reverse that in the very next issue? How does blowing up the cerebro helmet accomplish this? Why were so many characters meaninglessly killed off? What is Jordon White even doing? He's clearly not 'editing' anything.

Larro more

Uncanny X-Men #22

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Salvador Larroca
Released: Jul 17, 2019

It all ends here. This is forever! As Cyclops' cleanup mission nears its close, all the problems the X-Men face come together. The truth behind the Hellfire Club's intentions, the culmination of the O.N.E.'s assaults on mutantkind and even the inner struggles within the team... It all ends here. This is forever.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
MKW69 - Aug 5, 2019

Yeah right. This was the best of X-Men since Second Coming. Forgetting was meant to show that Cyclops was the hero, and didn''t back down from consequences. Most of the deaths were of characters that didn't mattered. Oh you little soul, you haven't saw a editorless book!

Forge reviewed Uncanny X-Men #17 May 2, 2019

I've really liked Rosenburg's run so far but this issue was pointless. It's like a filler issue but with a completely meaningless death.

It makes no sense that Rahne wouldn't defend herself. It's also inconceivable that a group of gendarmes would get the drop on Wolverine and Kwannon.

Uncanny X-Men #17

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: May 1, 2019

• First...the X-Men lose one of their own.  
•  Then...the new Black King of the Hellfire Club makes a move.
Rated T+

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Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #8 Sep 29, 2018

The X-Men Red Team literally spends half of this issue sitting around holding hands.

Nothing in this story makes sense. The X-Men hide from Jean Grey by running out of the room, apparently forgetting that Jean is a telepath. Nightcrawler teleports Storm thousands of miles around the globe, once again violating decades old rules about how his powers work. Storm attacks Cassandra Nova wit more

X-Men: Red #8

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Sep 26, 2018

In the wake of an unprecedented assault on Atlantis, the X-Men must react and recover...while at the mercy of a world that grows more hostile to mutants every day, and a foe who is determined to keep it that way!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
The-MJP - Dec 28, 2018

i stoped caring about what you have to say when you said "Jean Grey isn't as hot as she should be"

Forge reviewed Astonishing X-Men #14 Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men is the best x-book out right now. I think this could signal the beginning of a X-Men revival over the next few months. This is long overdue considering that x-fans like myself havebeen forced to suffer mostly garbage over the last six years.

Astonishing X-Men #14

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Greg Land
Released: Aug 1, 2018

• Welcome back to the X-Men stage, the incomparable...the amazing...the uncanny...DAZZLER!
•  The Reavers are hunting random mutants, so Havok and Beast must save a former X-Man.
•  But these Reavers aren't completely as they seem!
Rated T+

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Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #6 Jul 18, 2018

Twenty pages where nothing happens. The first half of this book is wasted on Gentle, an obscure character that nobody cares about. The second half is spent preparing for an unnecessarily elaborate heist which is then mostly skipped over. The closest thing to action in this book is when Nightcrawler teleports the team onto the transport plane, once again ignoring 40+ year old rules about how Nightc more

X-Men: Red #6

By: Tom Taylor, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Jul 18, 2018

• From deep beneath the ocean, Jean Grey's X-Men watch as waves of anti-mutant hatred wash over the world!
•  Can the X-Men quell the tide? Or will they be swept away in its wake?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
Ambaryerno - Jul 18, 2018

Plenty of people care about Gentle, and were ecstatic to see him on the book. So speak for yourself. And exactly what rule about Kurt's powers was broken? This is nothing we haven't seen him do before. And you think that just because Xavier is dead Cassandra will just stop and go on her merry way?

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

@ambaryerno thank you so much, i honestly think this guy is just complaing about marvel because "SJW's cant write muh nostolgia"

Forge reviewed X-23 #1 Jul 11, 2018

Bringing Honey Bagder into this book almost ruins it. I'm not sure if this decision was Tamaki's or if it was mandated by editorial, but it drags down what otherwise would have been a pretty good book. X-23 was always written as a very dark, borderline sociopathic character for a decade before Brian Michael Bendis decided to denude her of any personality in his All New X-Men. Tom Taylor doubled do more

X-23 #1

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Jul 11, 2018

Cloned from a warrior, raised as a killer, Laura Kinney has gone through hell and come out the other side a hero. After a stint as the All-New Wolverine, she returns to her roots as X-23 to make sure no one ever has to go through the horrors she did. With her sister Gabby and their pet Jonathan in tow, X-23 forges her own destiny in this new series...

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Forge reviewed Captain America #1 Jul 4, 2018

Coastes' writing has improved so much since he began on Black Panther two years ago that he's almost unrecognizable. He's progressed from being a terrible writer to merely being boring. This book was a snoozefest. It started out well enough with plenty of action and great art from Leinil Francis Yu, but the second half of the book was a waste. Sharon's reluctance to help with the investigation is more

Captain America #1

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Jul 4, 2018

For over 70 years, he has stood in stalwart defense of our country and its people. But in the aftermath of Hydra's takeover of the nation, Captain America is a figure of controversy, carrying a tarnished shield...and a new enemy is rising!
Who are the Power Elite? And how do they intend to co-opt and corrupt the sy...

+ LikeComments (1)
Freden - Jul 4, 2018

Don't be so Harsh!

Forge reviewed Black Panther #2 Jun 27, 2018

Coates' writing has improved enormously from the Black Panther books of just a few months ago. That said, a major source of confusion in this book comes from the dogfight scene at the beginning when Future T'Challa demonstrates a short range teleporting ability which he calls 'space folding'. The first time it happened I almost missed it. It wasn't emphasized well by the art. He does this two more more

Black Panther #2

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Daniel Acuna
Released: Jun 27, 2018

T'Challa is a stranger in a strange land. With no memory of his past, there is only the suffering of the present - in the Vibranium mines of an unfamiliar empire. But all hope is not lost. A rebellion is growing--and they have a plan. But who will lead these lost citizens? Where i...

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Forge reviewed Cable #158 Jun 21, 2018

This is the best Cable book from Nadler and Thompson so far. The thing that stands out most to me in comparison to other current Marvel books is that the different characters have distinct voices. This shouldn't be such a big deal but compared to almost every other Marvel book today this is unheard of. If Tom Taylor wrote this book all the characters would speak exactly the same. Cable would speak more

Cable #158

By: Lonnie Nadler, Zac Thompson
Released: Jun 20, 2018

•  CABLE and the X-FORCE discover a horrifying secret inside STRYFE's secret base.
•  Will Cable's past fears destroy his team?
•  Guest-starring CANNONBALL, DOMINO, FERAL, BOOM-BOOM, and SHATTERSTAR! The original X-Force team returns!
Rated T+

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Forge reviewed S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #6 Jun 13, 2018

Reading this near perfect book is like traveling through time and seeing Marvel before it self destructed.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Dustin Weaver
Released: Jun 13, 2018

•  Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver's unfinished epic of 2010-2011 finally gets its conclusion!
•  The Brotherhood of the Shield is made of the likes of Da Vinci, Stark, Tesla and Richards, but they're in trouble.
•  Si...

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Jon Comics reviewed X-Men: Red #5 Jun 9, 2018

So far this book has not demonstrated a reason fo exist. It feels redundant and irrelevant, with its generic mutant persectution storyline. It scores some point as its heart is in the right place as a plea against prejudice. It even sets a major showdown in currently right wing Poland as a place which goes all out to persecute mutants with its army.
But there is no character development. It†more

X-Men: Red #5

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jun 6, 2018

•  ...and Jean Grey is caught right in the middle!
•  CASSANDRA NOVA's plan is finally revealed....but to devastating consequences.
•  And just because JEAN GREY's team finally knows what's going on, doesn't mean they can actually stop it.
• ...

+ LikeComments (1)
MKW69 - Jun 13, 2018

Shut up!

Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #5 Jun 6, 2018


Someone should explain to Tom Taylor how Nightcrawler's powers work. It's a strain for Nightcrawler to teleport someone in addition to himself and he would never port four people at once. Also, he never teleports somewhere he can't see unless the situation is dire. These are the sorts of things an editor should catch. This book has four of them.

Jean says "We're going t more

X-Men: Red #5

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jun 6, 2018

•  ...and Jean Grey is caught right in the middle!
•  CASSANDRA NOVA's plan is finally revealed....but to devastating consequences.
•  And just because JEAN GREY's team finally knows what's going on, doesn't mean they can actually stop it.
• ...

+ LikeComments (3)
SomeDummy - Jun 13, 2018

lol look at this mad special education alumni telling people to research.

The-MJP - Aug 7, 2018

@MKW69 @Ellrick guys, you're both terrible

Forge reviewed X-Men: Red Annual #1 May 30, 2018

This book tastes like virtue signaling and bad writing.

I usually have pretty low expectations for annual issues, and Tom Taylor managed to live down to my expectations in every way. The thing most people will focus on is the terrible hot dog line. I think back to the classic 70's and 80's books written by Chris Claremont (the all time best X-Men writer) and how he dealt with bigotry. H more

X-Men: Red Annual #1

By: Tom Taylor, Pascal Alixe
Released: May 30, 2018

After Resurrection. Before Red. Jean Grey was reborn in a world that had changed. Her friends and family had lived lives. Some had lost lives. This is Jean's story of catching up losses and triumphs. Reconnecting with old colleagues, grieving for those lots, and meeting family members she didn't know existed.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (4)
Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Jun 14, 2018

I haven't read this yet but I feel like this a problem most writing falls into today, so I definitely relate to your complaints.

The-MJP - Aug 7, 2018

"no one's that bigoted" . - ever been to 4chan?

Forge liked this:
aceraxon reviewed X-Men: Red Annual #1 Jun 2, 2018

The art is uneven, Jean Grey half the time looks like she has a man's body, I just don't understand what's going on there. The dialogue is about the most awful garbage I've ever seen. I mean, seriously, stop and read it out loud. Read the interaction between Logan and Jean and see how awful it is. It makes no sense, she just comes off like a jerk.

The story is about as boring as p more

X-Men: Red Annual #1

By: Tom Taylor, Pascal Alixe
Released: May 30, 2018

After Resurrection. Before Red. Jean Grey was reborn in a world that had changed. Her friends and family had lived lives. Some had lost lives. This is Jean's story of catching up losses and triumphs. Reconnecting with old colleagues, grieving for those lots, and meeting family members she didn't know existed.
Rated T+

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Forge reviewed Black Panther #1 May 23, 2018

This book was confusing. It wasn't until the end that I realized that this is all taking place in the future. I guess the space Wakandans have evolved into these gray skinned guys with barracuda teeth? But a few still look like regular earth brothers. I'm not sure why the guards didn't just kill future T'challa when he tried to escape. Also, all the flashbacks and flash-forwards added to the confu more

Black Panther #1

By: Ta-Nehisi Coates, Daniel Acuna
Released: May 23, 2018

A bold new direction for the Black Panther! For years, T'Challa has fought off invaders from his homeland, protecting Wakanda from everything from meddling governments to long-lost gods. Now, he will discover that Wakanda is much bigger than he ever dreamed...
Across the vast Multiverse...

+ LikeComments (3)
Herushalaim - May 24, 2018

The different types of people were explained in the back of the book. The guards are comprised of many different species, usually taken by the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda. The guards said more than once that they don't want to kill the emperor's property and that they'd face becoming a minor themselves if they did. And the flashbacks are just T'Challa remember his life. And the art differentiated to clue you in on what was and wasn't a flashback.

The-MJP - Aug 7, 2018

@Billyndo this guy's either very cynicsl, or he's just mad the 90's are over

Forge reviewed S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #5 May 23, 2018

Only Jonathan Hickman can save Marvel comics.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #5

By: Jonathan Hickman, Dustin Weaver
Released: May 23, 2018

•  Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver's unfinished epic of 2010-2011 finally gets its conclusion!
•  The Brotherhood of the Shield is made of the likes of Da Vinci, Stark, Tesla and Richards, but they're in trouble.
•  Sir Issac Newton stands with his fo...

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Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #4 May 16, 2018

This book is so boring that it takes a considerable effort just to review it.

The cover art makes Laura look ugly. The dialog is interchangeable (this is typical for a Tom Taylor book). The team already switches to their second hideout in this relatively new series. Hopefully they will stay there for awhile, but it makes you wonder why Taylor wasted any time at all on Wakanda. The powe more

X-Men: Red #4

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: May 16, 2018

• JEAN GREY and her team of X-Men are trying to save the world...but one mutant could spoil that for everyone.
•  When an old friend of Jean's is corrupted and turned against her, will Jean have to do the unthinkable?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (1)
MKW69 - May 24, 2018

Dude shut up. You're talking bullshit, and only shows how much you have a problem with your inteligence.

Forge reviewed Action Comics #1000 Apr 18, 2018

Eight dollars for a twelve page superman story by Bendis. I especially like how on his very first issue he is already making major continuity changes. I can't wait for him to make Superman gay! As a Marvel fan, I am perfectly happy to see Bendis go to DC.

Jim Lee's art is the only reason I didn't give this book a lower rating.

Action Comics #1000

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Apr 18, 2018

Retailers: This issue will ship with ten covers. Please see the order form for details.
Celebrate 1000 issues of Action Comics with an all-star lineup of top talent as they pay tribute to the comic that started it all! From today's explosive action to a previously unpublished tale illustrated by the legendary Curt Swan to the Man ...

+ LikeComments (2)
nec - Apr 19, 2018

There are 68 other pages in this book that deserve a much high score than you ha e this. Jurgen's story is a great tribute to supes not to mention the other 6 stories that were good. Why would you buy a book for only 1/7 of the total book. This book is definitely worth the price as it's only 10 cents a page

MKW69 - Apr 20, 2018

nec we need More guys like you.

Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #3 Apr 11, 2018

Apparently russian bots are tricking everyone into hating mutants. Those guys ruin everything.

Meh. A filler issue where nothing much happens. Nightcrawler doesn't say anything. Laura says RRRRRR! And Honeybadger is still retarded.

I think Gambit is a difficult character to write well. No writer has really done a good job with Gambit since the 90s. I would say that if you c more

X-Men: Red #3

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Apr 11, 2018

  The Hate Machine Part 3
•  The battle rages in India, and the newest X-Men member may be the key to the team's survival.
•  GAMBIT is caught up the intensifying global frenzy of mutant hate.
•  Plus: Could one of JEAN GREY's oldest friends turn foe?
Rated T+

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Forge reviewed East of West #36 Mar 7, 2018

A pretty good issue in a great series.

East of West #36

By: Jonathan Hickman, Nick Dragotta
Released: Mar 7, 2018

We catch up with Death and Babylon.

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Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #2 Mar 7, 2018

Wow this is garbage. Jean isn't nearly as hot as she should be. X-23 isn't as dark as she should be. Nightcrawler has no personality. Come to think of it, none of these characters seem to have any personality with the possible exception of the newly introduced Trinary. Honey Badger is an incredibly worthless character. Also, the art sucks.

There seems to be a new mandate for the X-Men b more

X-Men: Red #2

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Mar 7, 2018

•  JEAN GREY and her team must infiltrate a top-secret compound in order to save a mutant they've never met.
•  They'll have to avoid guards armed with guns, protestors armed with hate and sentinels armed with...well, slightly larger and more dangerous guns than the guards.
•  All in a day's work for ...

+ LikeComments (4)
Nomadic Avenger - Mar 8, 2018

"Jean isn't nearly as hot as she should be" This sentence alone tells me to stop reading and disregard your review... But like RustonLF suggests, read Gold if this isn't your thing.

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

your cover pic is a liefeld drawing, i immediately have zero intrest in what you have to say

Forge reviewed Cable #154 Feb 25, 2018

The timeline makes absolutely no sense, but the action and Jon Malin's art with 90's costumes makes this a fun read.

Cable #154

By: Ed Brisson, Jon Malin
Released: Feb 14, 2018

•  Is the enemy of my enemy truly my friend? CABLE and the NEWER MUTANTS are about to find out.
•  Can GIDEON kill the last of the EXTERNALS, becoming one of the most powerful beings in the MARVEL U?
•  What's up with BLINK?! Whose side is she really on?

+ LikeComments (3)
The-MJP - Jul 22, 2018

so...Ta-neshi Coates is a bad writer, but Jon Malin is a good artist you're tase officially sucks

The-MJP - Jul 22, 2018

also, how am i supposed to take your opinions seriously when your profile pic is a F*cking rob liefeld drawing

Forge reviewed The Black Monday Murders #8 Feb 25, 2018

Terrific. I'm glad to see that this story seems to have a lot of road ahead of it.

The Black Monday Murders #8

By: Jonathan Hickman, Tomm Coker
Released: Feb 14, 2018

The unholy alliance of money and law is formed. Dumas and Ria meet again.

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Forge reviewed X-Men: Red #1 Feb 9, 2018

Five dollars worth of garbage.

X-Men: Red #1

By: Tom Taylor, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Feb 7, 2018

The Hate Machine Part 1
JEAN GREY is back! Returned to a world she doesn't recognize, the First Lady of the X-MEN gathers an unlikely team - NIGHTCRAWLER, NAMOR and LAURA KINNEY (A.K.A. ALL-NEW WOLVERINE) - to face an evil that threatens to tear down XAVIER's dream by any me...

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