The-MJP's Profile

Joined: Jul 21, 2018

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1602 #1

Sep 13, 2018

1602 #2

Sep 13, 2018

Gaiman wins the award for doing way more research than he needed too

1602 #3

Sep 13, 2018

1602 #4

Sep 13, 2018

The twists!

1602 #5

Sep 13, 2018

To anyone who read this: show it to your history professor immedatley cause This should honestly be taught in classrooms.

1602 #6

Sep 13, 2018

THE watchers cameo my ha e been a little groan-worthy but hey it’s neil Gaiman and that guy loves him some omniscient beings, plus the tense action sequence more than makes up for it Plus I totally called it three issues ago, the treausre from Jerusalem is Thor’s hammer

1602 #7

Jun 7, 2020

1602 #8

Jun 7, 2020

Captain America being a guy from the future sent to the past instead of the other way around was an interesting twist and given how time travel works in the marvel universe and some revelations in X-Men blue I could believe that time travel would cause marvel heroes to spear in the 15th century of someone stayed there long enough. but I still think that this could have done without the time-travel amdjust focused on the whole peace and new world thing. Still a great series of them that and I really think this should be taught in classrooms

Action Comics (2016) #1001  
All-New Wolverine #1

Aug 15, 2018

Like it but the story as if this issue is a little confusing and lopez’ art REALLY holds it back Seriously, they couldn’t get the guy who does the covers on art duties?

All-New Wolverine #2

Aug 15, 2018

All-New Wolverine #3

Aug 15, 2018

Tom Taylor has a bad habit of shafting guest characters which I think he ends up doing with taskmaster, Still Laura is good and I’m interested in how this plays out, and the reveal of alchemax putting a tracking device in Laura was really clever IMHO, especially when you read the pervious issues with that in mind

All-New Wolverine #4

Aug 15, 2018

a common complaint about Marvel Post-Secret Wars was the overuse of guest characters and team-ups (*cough* Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur *cough*), that combined with Tom Taylors unfortunate tendency to shaft guest characters, made me really worried about doctor strange But this issue used him well without overusing him and Laura and the scene with the sisters in the Sanctum Santorum really adds some welcome humor to the book, though some things abut the plot are confusing, it didn't really bug me because Tom Taylor's writing really ket me engaged and made me keep reading. Lopez' awkward artwork is a problem, I don't think he's a good artist and he's just trying to copy the Alred Siblings and there are like, no shadows. but other than that, good work all around

All-New Wolverine #5

Aug 16, 2018

All-New Wolverine #6

Aug 16, 2018

the are some things that confuse me and some minor story issues, but overall, this is a good story rc that did a good job setting up the series and I'm interested in reading the next story arc

America #9  
Astonishing X-Men (2004) #1

Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #2

Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #3

Aug 3, 2018

conflict with beast is top-notch IMHO

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #4

Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #5

Aug 3, 2018

not sure if Whendon intended to keep colossus' resurrection vauge but otherwise, nice job

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #6

Aug 3, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #7

Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #8

Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #9

Aug 5, 2018

let's be real here, dangerous was a weak arc and danger should have been set up a hell of a lot more than she/it was

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #10

Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #11

Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men (2004) #12

Aug 5, 2018

Astonishing X-Men Vol. 2 Ultimate Collection

Sep 22, 2018

Nice action and character interaction but a little too convoluted for my taste

Astonishing X-Men (2017) #14

Aug 1, 2018

the art by pornface land seriously knocks it down

Batgirl (2016) #26  
Black #1

Jul 30, 2018

i hate white people: the comic um, i'd just like to say my uncles a highway patrol man, he's never shot anybody, f*ck you and your Spiteful Bigoty, Kwanza

Black Panther & the Crew #1

Jul 21, 2018

is to white people what Holy Terror was to Muslims, except this has better art no, seriously, in this book, if you are a white guy you are a racist, how very current year

Black Widow (2016) #1

Sep 24, 2018

I never really had an interest in black widow and I have not heard good things about Waid’s recent work, so I was unsure about this seres This issue immediately hooked me on the character and showed me why she’s more that just “the avenger who kicks a lot” Very excited to read the rest of the series But I will say Samnee’s art is a little Amateurish for my taste, please don’t hate me

Black Widow (2016) #2

Sep 24, 2018

Already hooked but this issue ups the ante, good work all around

Captain America (2018) #2

Aug 1, 2018

i'm sorry ta'neshi coates my be a good writer objectively speaking and he may have some good points, but i don't think his extreme ideologies are healthy

Champions (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2018

if you are conservative-leaning you will not like this book, I am sorry

Civil War II #8

Jul 30, 2018

as a guy and two robots in space said once They. Just. Didn't Care.

Eternity Girl #1

Sep 6, 2018

Eternity Girl #2

Sep 6, 2018

Eternity Girl #3

Sep 6, 2018

Eternity Girl #4

Sep 6, 2018

Eternity Girl #5

Aug 1, 2018

giving this a negative review because I want us to keep having nice things

Eternity Girl #6

Aug 11, 2018

Female Furies #1

Mar 1, 2019

Even feminist are decrying this as shallow propaganda, what does that tell you? All I can say is that whoever wrote is REALLY fighting the stigma of women not caring or knowing anything about comics I’d preside it for the art but I read All-new Wolverine, I never really gave two f-s about art as long as it followed an actual sequence

Generation X (2017) #2

Jul 31, 2018

one character exosts because the author wanted a character with the same race as her am i the only one who's irked by that

Ghost Rider (2016) #5

Aug 1, 2018

all i can say is...thankg god that Jason Aaron is handling him a hell of a lot better over in avengers

Green Lanterns #22

Jul 30, 2018

Green Lanterns #23

Jul 30, 2018

Green Lanterns #24

Jul 30, 2018

Green Lanterns #25

Jul 30, 2018

Green Lanterns #26

Jul 30, 2018

Heroes In Crisis #6

Mar 1, 2019

Oh tom king, it’s cute how you think you know anything about mental health or the DC Universe. Stop pretending to care about comics, I know some easily offended whiny feminazis who care more about comics than you do I mean you have to try to give this much of a middle finger to the fanbase, (word of advice, fans are never wrong) Tom Taylor, the guy who wrote X-men red is officially the better comic book Tom, at least X-men red didn’t kill of 90% of a ten favorite team Also I’m pretty sure Stan Smith from American dad is a better CIA agent than you Man that feels so good to let out

Illuminati (2015) #1

Aug 1, 2018

Joshua williamson is so much better than this

Jessica Jones #1

Sep 15, 2018

When is marvel going to realize that the feminists like Jessica Jones for all the wrong reasons

New Warriors (2014) #1

Jul 28, 2018

while Chris Yost may be no Alan Moore this series is just good old fun, and even though Civil War screwed them over, it's still nice to see the new warriors together is some capacity, even in a series that is quickly cancelled also I am an unabashed fan of Kaine so seeing him in here is always a plus, plus he has some really funny moments in here

New Warriors (2014) #2

Jul 28, 2018

it's honestly a goddamned shame more people didnt read this series when it first came out

New Warriors (2014) #3

Aug 11, 2018

New Warriors (2014) #4

Aug 11, 2018

ypst writes a suprisingly good high evolutionary, tho how his machine was destroyed was a little anticlimactic. this title wouls have been a lot better stretched out more

New Warriors (2014) #5

Aug 11, 2018

this series is good,, but the sped-up pacing really hurts thios story, I like how they interact, but establishing the dynamics of a team like this in just one issue is a bit of a mistake

New Warriors (2014) #6

Aug 11, 2018

this arc really would have benefitted by an extra issue, but aside form that and the amateurish art whit it's doing it's doing pretty well

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #1

Jul 30, 2018

who was asking for Mags Visaggio to get more work

Oh S#!t It's Kim & Kim #2

Sep 14, 2018

The comic equivalent to rape

Robin (1993) #150  
Scarlet Spider #1

Jul 28, 2018

I. LOVE. KAINE. PARKER. and this issue and what it sets up is the reason why. really did a good job getting inside the head of the broody and '3DGY' spider''man, seriously, Yost may be no Alan Moore, but he really should be praised a lot more

Scarlet Spider #2

Aug 25, 2018

cannot recommend this enough, one of my favorite comics of all time.

Scarlet Spider #3

Aug 25, 2018

Scarlet Spider #4

Aug 25, 2018

Scarlet Spider #5

Aug 25, 2018

Scarlet Spider #6

Aug 25, 2018

the fact that Marvel and Yost made Kaine of all people (in my opinion) one of the most interesting and complex characters in comics, proves that you can amke a good story about anything

Scarlet Spider #7

Aug 25, 2018

obvious filler plot, but kaine is still written really well

Scarlet Spider #8

Aug 25, 2018

I just love Kaine interactions with the 'Premire" super-group of the southwest. also I'd love to know if the Rangers were a thing before this or were made up for this series

Scarlet Spider #9

Aug 25, 2018

Secret Wars (2015) #1

Jul 30, 2018

see, DC this is how you write an aniversary event

Secret Wars 2099 #3

Aug 17, 2018

Secret Wars 2099 #4

Aug 17, 2018

Spider-Woman (2015) #1

Jul 30, 2018

wow, I actually care about jessica Drew now, thanks Hopeless, all the s*it you pulled with Avengers Arena is now forgiven

Star-Lord (2016) #1

Jul 30, 2018

people wonder why I haven't boycotted marvel yet despite my political views. stuff like this is why, Zadarsky's writing is so dang charming and has mo much heart behind it, that I just can't hate anything he writes. hell, he could make an entire issue of this series about #metoo and i'd still read it. i actually think Grounded was an interesting enough idea and this book fully realizes what that concept means for Peter Quill, as he is now basically a guy who's trying to figure out what to do now that his life has kind of hit a road block and trying to interact with a world he never really knew, a relatable struggle I can't stop myself from reading about. also, give me more Old Man Logan and Peter Quill, Zadarsky although there are some unreadable pannels, it's still a fine book

Star-Lord (2016) #2

Jul 30, 2018

not much to really add, still a fun book that's very fun to read and some really funny jokes and lines (like "thanks super-helmet")

Star-Lord (2016) #3

Jul 30, 2018

I just have to say, the solicitation blurb for this is one of the funniest ones i've read But seriously though, it's interesting to see star-lord in this kind of situation, and i'm impressed to see how much Zadarsky can put into this issue without it feeling too overstuffed. art's a little unreadable in some blaces but otherwise, good job

Star-Lord (2016) #4

Aug 1, 2018

Star-Lord (2016) #5

Aug 1, 2018

aside form some questionable art decisions, like having all the panels where a character gets hit tinted red, this was a good issue, Black Cat was surprisingly good as the villain, the bond between Edmund and Peter is believable and the suspense was very well-built. I also really like the way Shocker was written in this series as a whole, seriously marvel, give Zadarsky a Shocker mini-series, you know you want to. all in all, I'm glad we got this series and I'm glad I'm one of the few who picked this up

Star-Lord (2016) #6

Jul 30, 2018

The feels :,) A great ending/epilogue to this series, especially considering how hard it is to end a series that gets so abruptly cancelled. Great character development for Quill, great introduction to Zadarsky's work and a great series overall, good work all around (except for the colorist, I have my reservations about him) if this wasn't meant to be a miniseries it's a shame this book was so quickly cancelled (pretty much the quickest i've seen any book cancelled), it's a good read. oh, and marvel, just give Zadarsky another star-lord book, and actually promote it this time

Star-Lord Grounded

Aug 1, 2018

Star-Lord (2016) Annual #1  
Superman (2016) #7

Aug 15, 2018

Superman (2016) #8

Aug 15, 2018

i know everyone likes thos series, but i feel this is just boring and rushed

Superman (2016) #9

Aug 15, 2018

Superman (2016) #10

Aug 15, 2018

Superman (2016) #11

Aug 15, 2018

i like the interactions between Damien and Jonathan, but i feel the story is very pedestrian

Superman (2016) #12

Aug 15, 2018

Superman (2016) #13

Aug 15, 2018

am i the only one who finds Tomasi's writing very weak. also Frankenstien and his bride wanting to get back together came straight outta nowhere IMHO

The Life Of Captain Marvel #2

Aug 27, 2018

Captain marvel is a pure virtue signal character and this issue proves it

Thor (2014) #1

Jul 30, 2018

Thor (2014) #2

Jul 30, 2018

Thor (2014) #3

Jul 30, 2018

i have to give Jason Aaron credit, the suspense is built up wonderfully and leaves you on the edge of your seat, even more so if you already know who female Thor is

Thor (2014) #4

Jul 30, 2018

Thor (2014) #5

Jul 30, 2018

let's be real here. there was no real need for this issue, the fight with the absorbing man and titania REALLY drag it down, and the cringe feminist undertones (which i think are only there because marvel editorial wanted to make the new Thor look more "woke") sort of give the impression that it's just padding and that Arron is phoning it in cause he's focusing on the next storyline. even though it goes against everything I stand for as a Conservative-leaning fan I actually like the female thor, and the mystery of who she was got me into Thor in the first place (I haven't read the 'god of thunder" series before this, sue me.) but this issue really drags it down, the fact this comic is mostly remembered for the meme-worthy pannel where Thor punches the absorbing man for calling her a femminist does not send the best message

Thor (2014) #6

Jul 30, 2018

Thor (2014) #7

Jul 30, 2018

I like both Cul, the Destroyer, and Thor, so it a win-win for me

Thor (2014) #8

Jul 30, 2018

personally, I'm just glad Female Thor turned out to be a Long-standing supporting character and not some nobody who exists solely to be 'diverse' (*cough* Riri Williams *cough*) but in all seriousness though, congrats to Jason Aaron for making me care about Jane Foster in a Thor story side-note: would say that Spider-woman calling another woman "hawt" in that inflection is more in line with Tigra than her, but to be honest Jessica Drew's demeanor and outlook changes like every year so I shouldn't be raising my finger too high, ;)

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #1

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #2

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #3

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #4

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #5

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #6

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #7

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #8

Aug 8, 2018

have to admit, scorpion is a weak villain in any universe

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #9

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #10

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #11

Aug 8, 2018

there are some story issues, like how miles decided all of a sudden that what he was doing was wrong, but it's still a good story and i'm really liking this version of spider-man and his conflict with ultimate prowler not to mention Ultimate Prowler's scumminess and ruthlessness makes him one of the better spidey villains and I really wish he would have stuck around after this arc

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #12

Aug 8, 2018

fine issue, but killing Ultimate Prowler was a mistake on Bendis' part also, the art is phenomenal and really well done, Marquez should get an award

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #13

Aug 8, 2018

0/10 NO REMARKS ABOUT FRANCE MUH MUH MUH MUH in all seriousness though, this series continues to be good, and hard-ass Ultimate Cap really works in this arc

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #14

Aug 8, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #15

Aug 8, 2018

Just as a heads-up the cover is a lie, Thor, Iron Man and Fury do not show up at any point and Miles doesn't work with the ultimates until succeeding issues, so it gets bumped a bit down for that but hey, at least it's not a pin-up of spidey posing like all the other ultimate covers

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #16

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #16.1

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #17

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #18

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #19

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #20

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #21

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #22

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #23

Aug 17, 2018

I'm sorry, but this is my least favorite arc of the ultimate miles morales saga so far, Miles' motivation for quitting mkes no sense to me, i get that the death of a loved one would shake anybody up, but why exactly does miles think it's his fault he died? least I checked, venom hand the police missing had othing to do with him, still, I get what bendis was going for and I'm probably in minority when it comes to this particular arc

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #24

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #25

Aug 17, 2018

copereate espianoge is far out of spider-man's comfort zone (unless your name is Miguel O'hara) and it hurts this story arc

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #26

Aug 17, 2018

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #27

Aug 17, 2018

miles, I love ya, but i really can't behind this arc, leave the cooperate espionage to Miguel O'Hara

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #28

Aug 17, 2018

i'll admit, the head of roxxon really should have stuck around for the marvel NOW! Miles Morales series

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #200

Aug 1, 2018

um, how the hell did marvel get to 200 issues of USM, counting both peter's and Miles' tenure this is only the 189th issue of this comic, not counting Ultimate Six, Ultimate Marvel team-up, and Ultimatum: SM requiem . so... did Bendis want to do this issue later on, but had to move the milestone issue 11 months forward because cataclysm necessitated a relaunch, and they didn't want to change the number, that's the only thing reasoining that makes sense

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #1

Jun 7, 2020

Some might argue that bad characters not going way is signifying the death of the industry I say...f*ck you yellowflash Jane is great as Thor or valkyrie, she got me into this corner of the marvel universe and you can't take that away from me

Venom (2018) #4

Jul 30, 2018

if you can read every page of this comic and tell me it's all complete crap than you probably never even liked marvel in the first place.

Vision (2015) #1

Jul 22, 2018

i would have boycotted marvel if not for this series, lol

West Coast Avengers (2018) #1

Aug 23, 2018

America Chavez sucks

X-Men (2021) #28

Nov 15, 2023

Firestar would never betray anyone (even for a ruse) and she certainly wouldn't cower in fear of kitty pride. This comic is stupid, and Gerry Duggan needs to admit that he hates this character already That is all

X-Men: Red (2018) #7  

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