Secret Wars 2099 #4

Writer: Peter David Artist: Will Sliney Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 12, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
7.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

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Rated T

  • 7.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Kyle Chrise Aug 18, 2015

    Secret Wars 2099 #4 is action-packed and begins to pay off everything that the book has been building towards, but because the stakes have been low throughout the series, some of the most powerful moments don't reach their highest potential. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 13, 2015

    Though elements of this aren't working for me (and they're the bigger elements), the fun of the book itself is what salvages it as well as the artwork. I've enjoyed Will Sliney's sense of design and camera angles for his panels for awhile and he gets to do some fun things here throughout the fights as well as the quieter moments. I wish he was able to go a bit further with the character interpretations but we're dealing with a larger event where the main cast is already going through so many permutations that it's hard to stand out. The series is one that feels like it's just a placeholder for the moment until we get back to the post-Secret Wars space and then launch anew. or at least I'm hoping so because I enjoy the 2099 world, but would like to actually experience it in a meaningful way. Read Full Review

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