Thor #5

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Jorge Molina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 40
8.3Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

• The mysterious all-new Thor has taken Midgard by storm. But if her enemies have their say, her reign as the Goddess of Thunder will be a short one.
•  Prince Odinson is making a list and checking it twice.
•  All-Father Odin is so desperate to see Mjolnir returned to Asgard that he will call on some very dangerous, very unexpected allies.
•  And the Absorbing Man and Titania are just up to their usual tricks. Namely, robbing banks and crushing anyone who dares get in their way.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Feb 11, 2015

    THOR #5 is full of laughs, clever commentary, solid artwork, and a whole lot of promising plot progression. It may not be as action-heavy as the previous chapters, but that hardly matters because the narrative and dialogue is handled excellently. This issue had me totally absorbed and I'm ready for the next one. It may be too dialogue-heavy for some, but I loved it and I'm left with no major criticisms. THOR #5 has it all. Unless you're strongly against the concept, you need to strongly consider buying this comic. It's worthy of your love, people. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Matthew Tupper Feb 12, 2015

    The feminist tilt this issue took is something that needed to betackled at some point and the fight back against typical fan-boy chatter was a great way to add some levity. The girl-power sentiment from Titania and Freyja was also a nice, feel-good touch for a character who has had to be fairlybrusquethrough issues 1-4to make up for her appearance. We will have to see how far Odin will go to take back Mjolnir before someone has to stand up to him directly. Maybe by the end of this runwe will see Asgard ruled by an All-Mother again! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Kelly Richards Feb 11, 2015

    But beyond these quibbles, Thor #5 is definitely an issue for the girls " Thor, Titania, Freya, and Sif all make their presence, and inability to suffer fools known within the pages of #5. These are not identikit women, and each possesses an agency and speaks with a voice all of her own. Whether beating down B-list bad guys or partaking in a little girl talk on the moon, these women are getting stuff done in ways the boys can only dream of. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 12, 2015

    This series continues to be a real delight to read and soak up, both through the dialogue, actions and artwork within. There's a sense very quickly here that there's a larger plan at work, one that I hope survives the coming event of Secret Wars, because the potential for some great storytelling that impacts a good but underused area of the Marvel Universe is really exciting to see unfold. Thor has some good scenes here, but it's also difficult to become fully invested as we have no idea who she is and it can be a bit frustrating. But we get some good material with Odinson and I'm liking the portrayals of others that are being well used here, such as Freja and some good time with Sif this installment. Odin is who I'm really keeping my eye on because the idea of working him to being a clear cut despot for awhile and all that that entails could make for some great stories as others in Asgard fall to their sides. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Feb 12, 2015

    I can't recall a recent superhero comic I've enjoyed this thoroughly and this consistently. So much energy and obvious love for each character moves within every page, andthe engrossing mystery continues to simmer at its core, keeping the reader guessing at every turn. And while I can't (yet) prove that it's a certain S.H.I.E.L.D. agent underneath that helm (because it totally is), if Thor is this flawless while it has a "guest" artist, it certainly proves this comic is one of the very best currently on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Feb 15, 2015

    Thor #5 shows us anger in Asgardia and empathy on Midgard with some lovely art from a fill in artist. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Feb 13, 2015

    For my money, I bet she's Roz Solomon. And I would totally be OK with her becoming Lady Thunderstrike after she returns Mjolnir. Or maybe Beta Ray Jill. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - Jonathan Schultz Feb 14, 2015

    Jason Aaron is doing a great job keeping me guessing and subtly dropping hints without giving too much away. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Feb 17, 2015

    A lot of story threads begin this issue, and the story is expertly woven by Jason Aaron as he juggles the many characters of the Asgardian realm. The guest artist, Jorge Molina, adds a different take to the art than regular Russell Dauterman and it is beautiful to look at. His colours add a lot to the pencils, conveying each scene with its own palate. You can almost feel the coldness of space, or the warmth of the fire in the Asgardian Dining Hall. Hopefully we will see this artist grace these hallowed pages once more in the not too distant future but for now, enjoy another successful issue of Thor. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Feb 11, 2015

    This issue presents the art of Jorge Molina. Known mostly for doing amazing cover art for some of the biggest comics going, Jorge really flexes his muscle in this issue. A gorgeous splash page of a fight between Creel and Thor will make you stop in your tracks and admire everything about it. Able to take your breath away with full-page artwork and large scenes that come to life, Jorge can also do smaller panels that pack in a lot of comedy and heart-felt moments. He doesn't go overboard and give this issue a completely different look from the rest of the series, but throws his spin on things. You'll want to get this issue just for what he's able to put on the page. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Feb 11, 2015

    Thor #5 was a very enjoyable and fun to read issue overall. It set up some interesting storylines and some really enjoyable characterization for next time around. While nothing intense or exciting happened overall, I do look forward to seeing where the comic's next story arc takes us. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Feb 11, 2015

    Those reading the series with the end goal of finding out who the new Thor is will be disappointed once again, as it is revealed that the character is keen on guarding her identity, seemingly not only from the gods but also from the readers. While this issue was a bit flatter in its presentation, it is still worthy of a read. As a weaker entry so far in this new series it does keep the story moving and does what it needs to do, which is to keep the readers guessing. All in all though, it is unlikely that the readers will find out very soon about the new Thor, but that the ride will continue to be an enjoyable one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Feb 13, 2015

    Overall, its no real surprise that Ive been loving this series, being that I am such a die-hard Jason Aaron fan. Objectively speaking though, this is still undoubtedly a deftly handled take on what could be a fairly contentious transition period, and should, five issues in, be more than enough to prove to the doubters that this quote-unquote publicity stunt is so much more than that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jose R. Feb 11, 2015

    Overall, this was a satisfying issue, nothing more, nothing less. It made me anticipate the trouble that our new Thor is going to face , and it was great to see how the rest of Asgard is reacting to all the changes that have transpired in Thor's and The Odinson's worlds. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Feb 13, 2015

    If you're not reading "Thor" then you're missing out on Marvel's most consistent and arguably best ongoing series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 16, 2015

    "Thor" #5 is simply another grand adventure for the all-new Thor. Jason Aaron and Jorge Molina give readers plenty of action, bits of intrigue and fine character moments, despite never truly revealing Thor's identity. Aaron eliminates all concerns that may have been lingering after this volume's first arc and teases out more action, mystery and excitement to come while continuing to offer new readers a warm hall in which to come and hoist some mead while he regales them with a tale of Mjolnir. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Feb 11, 2015

    As mentioned, Russell Dauterman takes the issue off, presumably to catch some rays on the sands of Muspelheim. Guest artist Jorge Molina proves a more than capable stand-in, his lines sharp and eye-catching. His placement, both on the streets of Midgard to the halls of Asgard, is top notch, utilizing setting and space remarkably well. As far as fill in artists go you can't do much better, and while we eagerly await Dauterman's return, Molina is welcome to stop by anytime. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Feb 18, 2015

    Just two weeks after a battle of Thors we are gifted another installment of Jason Aaron's Thor. It's quite a treat, but the question is whether it feels like the beginning of the next arc of the series or just a small bonus. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 17, 2015

    Ah well. I want to like the series - I like the art a lot - but the writing is uneven. The only thing to recommend it is the enthusiasm of the new Thor for her new... Thor-ness... but that's not enough to carry a series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - Rob George Feb 19, 2015

    Overall the issue is a strong issue. After the high action issue 4 it's nice to get an issue that dives into a bit of storyline. The direction Odin is moving into is interesting and we are left with a huge tease for the trouble that is on the way for new Thor. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comicosity - J.A. Micheline Feb 11, 2015

    All in all, I still find myself wanting more from Thor #5. The art is certainly something to be appreciatedand I think learned from, when it comes to trying to understand what comics-for-women could look likebut Im still missing a solid characterization of Thor herself. Especially given how Odinson-centered the last issue was, I thought more could have been done to assure that Thor really owned this story and Im beginning to lose my confidence that the big reveal of her past will be enough to justify that lack up to now. Ill wait and see what happens next month, but Im worried that once again, Ill be doing just that: waiting. Read Full Review

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