"SON OF SUPERMAN" part 7! In this epilogue issue, Superman considers the toll his battles with the Eradicator and Doomsday have taken on his family and the need for a normal life. But can the Man of Steel ever take a day off?
Just a joy to read from page 1 (Look for those Justice League cameos) until the final gag! Read Full Review
The art is just as strong and the combination of Patrick Gleason and Jorge Jimenez have been a great one-two punch on this series. Jimenez takes the lead in this issue and makes the most of this quiet tale. I especially love his drawing of young Jon as he looks the age he should, and adds so much character by infusing plenty of personality into his facial expressions. This issue was such a joy to read and despite having no typical super-heroics, was maybe the best issue in what I feel is one of DC's best series. Read Full Review
This is just a straight up comedic and fun issue full of small entertaining moments. From start to finish it nails everything perfectly. Add in the art by Jimenez and you've got an issue that's absolutely fantastic and fun to read and one that left me with a smile on my face to the very last moment. Read Full Review
I am hard pressed to recall a book, any book, within the last year that so wonderfully pulled at the heartstrings like this one. From the facial expressions of Jon having to talk school while at the fair, to Lois' face at hearing how Clark snuck in crimefighting, to " everything. Everything about this comic is as true to the essence of Superman as possible. Read Full Review
Up until now I have thoroughly enjoyed the Superman title, and a lot of that has to do with the compelling characters. This issue is by far my favourite that has come out since Rebirth, and the rason for that is that it strips away all of the superfluous stuff just for a moment and allows these characters to breathe, enjoying a relatively normal day as a family. While I do love the bombastic action involved with the Superman character, it's issues like this, that really highlight his humanity and qualities outside of his power set, that make me read his series and turned him into one of my favourite heroes. Read Full Review
The Man of Tomorrow is working the night shift, performing superheroics from the space station to the South Pacific until dawn. Clark returns home as the sun comes up over Hamilton County, and he promises to spend the day with Lois and Jon without taking time out to be Superman. Read Full Review
A series could not survive on issues like this I am sure, but when they placed at the right moment you get master work. I have loved every issue of this series so far so it is saying something when I say this is by far my favorite. Read Full Review
News headlines, a heated political season and terrorist scares make the real world a difficult place to endure sometimes. Superman #7 can't fix the world's woes, but it sure did make it a lot more enjoyable for just the briefest of moments. This is easily my must-read recommendation of the week if not the month. Read Full Review
After the Eradicator story filled with genetic cleansing, anguished souls, and pet deaths, I needed this palate cleanser. There was a wonderful sense of joy to this story, the simple happiness of Superman, here to help. But it is the interaction between the family members that I find heartwarming. From Clark telling Lois how much he loves her, to Lois teach Jon manners, to the parents meeting the townpeople, this all worked beautifully. And what better title than 'Our Town', hearkening back to the slice of life play by Thronton Wilder. It felt like a mix of 'The Private Life of Clark Kent', 'Mr. and Mrs. Superman', and 'Superboy' tales from Superman Family. High praise indeed. I have said it since the beginning of #Rebirth. I am really thrilled with the state of the Superman books these days. And this issue was another brick in that wall of happiness. Read Full Review
Superman #7 was a simple issue about the Superman family having a night out at a county fair and yet, there was so much heart and humanity in it that I loved every second of it. The writing, the characters, and the terrific artwork really give this one-in-done story a great boost. All in all, this is easily one of the best single issues I read this year when it comes to comics. Definitely give it a read if you enjoy Superman and want something a little more down to Earth. Read Full Review
Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason may have delivered an incredible first arc to their Superman run with the battle against The Eradicator, but it's this single issue, featuring a simple visit to the county fair, that lets you know the duo were the perfect choice to usher in the character's Rebirth. Read Full Review
This is the issue I've been waiting for when it comes to this series and it delivers on all fronts. The story is well written and gives us heart and humor, plus the super heroics we've come to expect, while also showing us what a Super Family does when it's time to put the cape down and spend a little time together. On top of all that, the art in this issue is probably the best I've seen from this series and even though I know we'll have to get to some terrible evil that Clark will have to take on, I wish we could just continue seeing a day in the life of the Superman Family like this issue gives us. Read Full Review
I am still loving the return of the Post-Crisis Superman to the DCU. The Superman family of titles are fun and exciting reads once again. Let's hope that DC Comics keeps this new take on the old Superman the hard and fast status quo. Read Full Review
Another great issue. Again, Superman is my favourite title of the month – and given the quality evident across the whole DC line right now, that makes it quite special. Read Full Review
The reader has to know that no matter how hard Clark tries, there's no resisting doing the right thing. Although his son never picks up on it, Lois, due to a hot mic, figures it out. Tomasi breaks up the heaviness of the battle with the Eradicator in the previous issues with a quick and hilarious story of the Kent family trying their best to assimilate within their town. If you're looking for a Superman issue that helps us catch our breath and comes more on the lighthearted side,Superman #7 fully pushes us into Clark's responsibility to family. Read Full Review
Whilst it might not be the most exciting or bold issue,Superman#7 primarily works to give the audience a deeper connection to an otherworldly character, grounding him in today's society. And it reads brilliantly, it's not too complex and it doesn't take itself too seriously. If you're looking for a superhero story that's relatively self contained and light hearted,Superman#7 is the one for you. Whilst the lack of a hugely exciting story might disappoint some readers – the character needed something to give the audience a break after the fast paced Eradicator storyline. We initially weren't keen on the new Man of Steel, but he's certainly growing on us. Read Full Review
Now, this is what we needed after a double-shipped six-issue arc. Decompression hurts, and a one-off issue is just what both creators and readers need to catch their breaths. Read Full Review
This was an enjoyable issue in the pleasing new Superman run, letting us see more Clark than Superman and the family man that he wants to be. Tomasi and Gleason have kept the ball rolling thus far, albeit with a lot of punching, but manage to take away the action for an issue in a pleasing, heart warming way.I give Superman #7 an 8/10. Read Full Review
Sometimes going small can make all the difference in the world, and Superman #7 stands as a prime example of that. Read Full Review
It's just a really nice story for Superman, not ending on a giant cliffhanger or a dark portent of things to come – rather just an overarching gag between Clark & Lois, and a fun denouement moment which sells a gorgeous looking issue all about family, and the juxtaposition between it and being the hero looking out for the little man. Read Full Review