let's be real here, while the review may be a little to harsh, this was arguably the weakest arc in the whedon run
This is it. The stunning conclusion to Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's year-long run on ASTONISHING X-MEN. As "Dangerous" draws to a finale readers will have to see to believe, the lives of the X-Men will NEVER be the same.
Real meat: If the last page reveal is true, Whedon is mucking about with Morrisons work to a greater extent than anticipated. And if he can make it work, more power to him. I have no idea where its all going, but Ive been waiting to see this group revitalized for some time, and this teaser will put us squarely back in the territory of Whedons strengths for the next arc: compelling and articulate antagonists and protagonists confusing even us about who Read Full Review
So if this is such a sloppy puddle of vomitous filth, why the bullet? Well, it's not all bad; Cassaday and Martin continue to show that they're much too good for this comic with some wonderful action scenes and cracking fight choreography. There's a real sense of movement and energy in these pages, particularly in the fight between Beast and Porno Grip Ultron. Cassaday's Wolverine is a bit too, er, stout though; he looks more like Puck from Alpha Flight. Also worth mentioning is that single panel of Beast crouching over the shattered remains of Porno Grip Ultron and growling "Mine"; it's an intelligent and slightly creepy use of the character's cat form and psychology that hasn't been seen since Morrison's era (and as such, all the more surprising for its inclusion). Good stuff. But some nice art and one panel's worth of decent characterisation can't save this shameful mess. This has been an Astonishing (ha!) waste of time, effort and money for all involved. For the art team, w Read Full Review
Fact eight, John Cassaday can sure draw purty, but it takes more than really beautiful artwork to blind one to a lame story authored by somebody can write better even when stricken by say a mutated strain of flu virus. Read Full Review
Well, not bad. Could be better, but still fine.
The X-Men have their finally showdown with Danger in Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men #12. The art once again stands out with Kitty Pryde and Professor X really standing out among the other characters. The story ends with some infighting as new subplots are revealed.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10