1602 #3

Writer: Neil Gaiman Artist: Andy Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 8, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 10
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Matthew Murdoch continues to make his way across Europe to get the mysterious Templar treasure that Dr. Strange thinks will give him the key to the mysterious weather changes. But can he get to it before Otto Von Doom? And what does the first American-born child, Virginia Dare, have to do with it all?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 14, 2003

    While my fondness for all things Spider-Man continues to make Peter into my favorite character in this miniseries, I must confess that Nick Fury stands ready to oust him from the top spot, as I can't help but find the character's take no prisoners approach to his job utterly riveting, and with the last page reveal that he's failed at his job, I can't wait to see what the character does next. I mean here's a character whose entire purpose in life is to protect the Queen from the dangers of the world, and by the end of this issue we see all that his chest beating thuggery has managed to accomplish is to reveal the identity of the man who is currently killing his Queen. There's also some nice work on a scene involving Magneto's counterpart, as he dispatches an assassin who was sent to kill him with a wonderfully casual manner. I do have to say I'm a little confused by the mixed gender status of Jean Grey's counterpart, though I'm guessing the answer to this mystery will be forthcoming. Da Read Full Review

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