Green Lanterns #22

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Ronan Cliquet Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 3, 2017 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 11
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

"LOST IN SPACE" part one! The Green Lantern duo of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz venture into space to train with the rest of the Green Lantern Corps for the first time! But will both of them reach the Corps after Jessica is jettisoned out of transluminal travel and forced to find her way through the void of space?

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Danny Saab May 3, 2017

    A very good character building issue for sure, with a side story that will most likely take centre stage very soon. You will need to read up on issue #18 though to refresh your memories on that one, or read my review of it right here. Next issue is all about Green Lantern boot camp! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 9, 2017

    A fantastic issue that is the perfect entry point for new readers to this title and the Green Lantern Corps. Though I'm very familiar with the lanterns and how they function, this was still an enjoyable issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles May 3, 2017

    Baz and Cruz don't need to stick around with the other Lanterns too long, but I'm thrilled Humphries is taking his time in letting this necessary story unfold. Especially with the developments teased on the last page. This is an easy recommendation for Lanterns fans and a nice jumping on point for readers who haven't been keeping up with the Lantern books. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Andrew Wheeler May 3, 2017

    Although it was irritating at some points it was nice to see the Green Lanterns on Mogo and finally meeting the Corps -- bringing it back to the Green Lantern roots. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Deron Generally May 3, 2017

    This is a good issue for the series and it showcases the wonder and scope of what being a Green Lantern is. I think more of that joy and wonder and less of the personal angst might be refreshing going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hussein Wasiti May 3, 2017

    This is the much-needed boost the series has been lacking the past ten or so issues. A fun story taking advantage of these characters is what makes the book shine, and we get this here. The art was fun and seeing beloved characters from the perspective of the rookies was handled very well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Kyle Pinion May 3, 2017

    I'm not sure if Green Lanterns is the most improved book over the course of Rebirth's first year, but it's definitely in the conversation. I'm glad I stuck with it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman May 3, 2017

    GREEN LANTERNS #22 is a solid first chapter in a new arc, and while there isn't too much happening in terms of action, the future is quite bright. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy May 3, 2017

    For the start of a new arc, this issue reminded me why the Green Lantern Corps is such a unique aspect. Even though most of this issue was mostly Jessica's reaction to the new world she's just been introduced to. Overall an enjoyable issue and fun start to a new arc. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    IGN - Jeff Lake May 4, 2017

    Humphries' pacing is a little off here"the appearance of Kyle Rayner is so quick and random that it takes a few pages for it to really sink in"but overall he does a great job of capturing the awe and spectacle that would likely overwhelm any shiny-eyed recruit. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerd Church Radio - Ben DuPey May 3, 2017

    This issue was a much needed re-centering of the Green Lanterns story that's been happening in DC Rebirth. We're finally back to dealing with Volthoom. And the Green Lantern Corps are involved, so it's super epic! The issue did present more questions than answers, but the answers are coming soon (I hope). Simon and Jessica are finally getting some formal Green Lantern training, which is going to be really fun to watch in the next issue. And the artwork from Cliquet and Hi-Fi with Green Lanterns in space is always breathtaking. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 3, 2017

    We're finally getting back to our Volthoom story with this issue and while I'm happy about that, it seems that it's going to be played out very slowly because we barely get anything about that here.  Really, there isn't much to this issue besides for trying to get new readers on the Green Lantern trolley by explaining the Corps and showing, but even that doesn't come off great because there's blatant mistakes made.  Even with that though, this had great art and I'm looking forward to the rest of the arc. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey May 9, 2017

    Green Lanterns #22 isn't a must read by any stretch of the imagination.  Other than one minor plot point nothing happens and there are several things which should rub Green Lanterns fans the wrong way.  Five out of ten lanterns. Read Full Review

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