Astonishing X-Men #10

Writer: Joss Whedon Artist: John Cassaday Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 15, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 23
5.3Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

A familiar face returns to the pages of ASTONISHING X-MEN just as things take a turn for the worse. But will the helping hand be in time?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 19, 2005

    The cover to this issue is certainty a visually striking image, and while I'm not sure it will grab the attention of the casual comic fan, I'm sure X-fans will be left quite curious once they get a look at this cover. As for the interior art, John Cassaday gets the opportunity to deliver an issue that is pretty much one extended battle. There are several jaw dropping visuals in this issue, from the Beast's savage attack to one of the most shocking panels to ever grace the pages of an X-book (no, I'm not even going to make an attempt to describe it, as I do not want to spoil the moment for any readers who have yet to read this issue). Needless to say, John Cassaday proves to be surprisingly adept when it comes to delivering the action, as the battle is extremely well laid out on the page, and his impact shots are some of the best in the industry. In fact, his interior visuals are so solid when it comes to delivering the action, that I'm a little surprised that his covers don't have Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green May 20, 2005

    Somewhere in here, theres a decent creative team struggling with some bloody awful plotting. Perhaps the plot was imposed by editorial, as has been happening elsewhere at Marvel, or perhaps Whedon is distracted by scripting duties on his Wonder Woman movie, but this is just bilge. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate May 11, 2005

    The "Hydra-haired"--see that's wit I expect from Whedon--Special Agent Brand of SWORD checks in on the superbly pathetic nasally-challenged alien that Lockheed burned in a previous issue, and he's the only provider of comedy. No, wait. Scratch that. Xavier provides humor too. It's funny when a man confined to a wheelchair challenges a killer robot that should be able to eviscerate him before he can think up some last words. My thought here was maybe you should call in some backup, Chuck. Like Babs Gordon for instance. The Wheels of Prey! Read Full Review

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