Black Widow #1
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Black Widow #1

Writer: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee Artist: Chris Samnee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 2, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 53
8.7Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The Eisner Award-winning team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee are taking Black Widow on the lam! Natasha has spent years gathering secrets, and when some of the darkest ones begin mysteriously going public, no one is safe. With her betrayed former confederates at S.H.I.E.L.D. on her heels and a lifetime of training and ingenuity at her disposal, Natasha's out for answers in a knock-down-drag-out tale of action and espionage! Hidden enemies, old friends and unusual allies collide, and all eyes are on Black Widow. The chase is on!

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 2, 2016

    Black Widow is once again getting the series she deserves. Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson have shown us how well they work together, and that's carrying over into this new series. The storytellers waste no time in showing us just how much action and butt-kicking we can expect in this volume. Black Widow versus just about all of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a fantastic way to start a new series. You might read through the issue fairly quickly, but you'll find yourself going back to the beginning to read it again. This is exactly the Black Widow book you've been wanting. I figured with this creative team I'd be happy with this first issue. They've delivered more than I could have hoped for. It's not often I find myself on edge after reading an issue, ready to start counting how many days until the next one. If you want a crazy amount of action and butt-kicking with a looming mystery hanging overhead, you absolutely have to read this book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Mar 8, 2016

    The most incredible thing about the issue, much like the opening of Steranko's iconic debut, is an early page-turn that dramatically pulls the rug out from under readers, subverting expectations and broadening the scale of what this comic could be in a shocking, awe-inspiring way. It's a sequence that has to be seen to be believed and serves as well as a jaw-dropping action sequences as a statement of intent from its creators. Hold on tight, it's going to be an incredible ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Mar 4, 2016

    With these brilliant visuals surrounding Waid's smattering of intermittent(but expertlyplaced) dialogue, and excellent sense of pacing, Natasha doesn't need to uttera single word: her feet and fists do all the talking for her, speaking loudly in onomatopoeian kraks, faks, whumps, and choks. Between the sound effectsin the fights, the explosions, the screaming car chases, not to mention a headbutt or two, Joe Caramagna outdoes himself with the lettering. The entire comic is a seamlessly smooth yet exciting read — an exercise in creative mastery, really.It cements Natasha as one of the most capable characters in the entire Marvel U"even if she might be on the wrong side of the law now and then. I cannot wait to see where this comic goes next. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 3, 2016

    Highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Brett Mar 1, 2016

    I wasn't sure what I was expecting in this first issue, but I can definitely say this wasn't it. Waid seems to have redefined a first issue giving us one that's worthy of being the opening sequence on the big screen. Comics are supposed to be fun, and Samnee and Waid have nailed it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Mar 1, 2016

    All-New, All-Different Marvel has had some pretty sweet successes, and this is definitely another one on that count. Waid, Samnee, Wilson, and Caramagna are the best of the best at what they do, and, in the case of Black Widow #1, what they do is make gorgeous, thrilling, enjoyable comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    PopOptiq - Anthony Spataro Mar 3, 2016

    Black Widow is off to a blisteringly great start that is simple but highly effective. More comics should take notes from the team of Samnee, Waid, Wilson and Caramagna to focus on utilizing each member of the creative team to make for a truly fun and exhilarating read that couldnt possibly turn people away from picking up the next issue. There hasn't been anything this fun and confident from issue one since perhaps Matt Fraction and David Ajas Hawkeye. If there is some kind of poetic way to sum up Black Widow #1, it would have to be something directly taken from one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents as he chases after Natasha once she escapes from the helicarrier: she turns a 40,000 foot fall into a ballet. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Mar 4, 2016

    This is a creative team perfectly in sync. The creative bonds that were forged by their time on “Daredevil” have solidified so that they can come out of the gate guns blazing with “Black Widow” #1. This is a comic that holds no prisoners. From the word go, it takes off running and expects the reader to keep up with ever escalating chase sequence. It's a perfect showcase of the versatility of the superspy character of Black Widow, acting as the James Bond cold open to the series with the promise of a dark mystery to be unfolded. Until that time, though, you should already have this issue and you should already be spending all your time pouring over each gorgeous panel until your eyes melt so, honestly, I don't even know who's reading this right now. I'm going to stop writing now and go back to re-reading “Black Widow” #1. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Mar 2, 2016

    Samnee's artwork got me thinking the homie should do stunt choreography " he has Natasha doing so many tricks that seem so invisible that you find yourself going back to see where Natasha set up the action up two panels prior. The maneuvers look flawless and almost out of nowhere by the final panel. Samnee makes Natasha look like a master of the prestige. Samnee and Waid did great creative tag-team when they had Daredevil flourish with the revamp during their run; I expect nothing less with their run of Black Widow and it's even a funny coincidence that they jump to Natasha's title as she and Daredevil used to share a series back in the day (but you know what we say about coincidences around here). Natasha's first issue delivered glory and left me sitting her like "TELL'EM WHY YOU BAD, BLACK WIDOW! TELL'EM WHY YOU BAD!" Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Mar 3, 2016

    At this point,if you can't get behind this title, with creators at their absolute peak, an intriguing set-up, and a main character that has never been more interesting or cool, then you're just not getting enough excitement in show business. Some might complain that this issue is all action and no story, but I think it's deliberate. This is meant to rocket this series out of the gate, and intrigue you enough to buy issue two. If the series remains this action-heavy, that could become a flaw, but at this point I can't see that happening. If there is a flaw, it's only in that this is just the first issue, and it remains to be seen if the quality can continue to be this high. But with this team, chances are you're about to get another classic run. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Mar 3, 2016

    The first issue of the new run onBlack Widow is an excellent display of a creative team at the top of their game. These folks know how to bring out the best in each other, and it shines in this book. Marvel needs to stop putting out so many books that I can't stop reading. Pick this up at your local comic book shop or digital comics app now! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Mar 1, 2016

    Overall, I wasn't expecting to love Black Widow as much as I did. Coming off such a successful run, I was honestly expecting the two to stumble a bit or not live up to the hype, Waid and Samnee however take a sledgehammer to the hype wall and keep on sprinting past (on jet packs). While I was a little thrown off to not see Waid's usual character work on display, I realized while reading that he shows a defter approach to the character by stripping out unnecessary monologues and plot complexities and focusing on pure visual spectacle. It's like The Revenant but for comics (that's my current references quota met). The comic shows exactly what the Black Widow is capable of and exactly the sort of thrills that are in store for the series, something that should make readers very excited. Do yourself a favorite and pick this up, it's the truest form of a pure action comic and I'm super pumped to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 2, 2016

    Those hoping for a deep, complex narrative may be disappointed with the first issue of Black Widow. But when a comic looks this good and takes such full advantage of the medium's storytelling possibilities, who needs pesky words? This issue will almost certainly be looked to as a teaching tool for up-and-coming comic artists. Not a bad start to this new series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Gregory Paul Silber Mar 2, 2016

    Though it has little semblance of plot and is almost completely devoid of pathos, Black Widow #1 brings to the table some of the most exciting action that comics are capable of for an impressive debut. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jessica Petrecz Mar 4, 2016

    This creative team really comes together to tell a fantastic spy story that leaves you on the edge of your seat. It is nice to see Natasha Romanoff front and center as the lead for this spy drama and really showing what a formidable super spy she is. Samnee and Waid come together and showcase their talents to tell a great story with all art and few words. With this first issue starting this new series with such a bang, it is exciting to see what more we can expect from this creative team and Black Widow. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Mar 2, 2016

    "Black Widow" #1 kicks off with a figurative bang, followed shortly thereafter by a literal one. As co-writers, Samnee and Waid demonstrate a slightly different kind of synergy, but it's a strong one that bodes well for the remainder of the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Sam McCoy Mar 10, 2016

    Waid and Samnee provide a near perfect first issue to get readers hooked. It's action packed and sets up enough mystery to keep readers excited. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 14, 2016

    As good as the comic is getting me interested in a stand-alone Black Widow comic, it's impossible not to compare it to Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting‘s Velvet (about the world's best female spy on the run from her own organization) which likely inspired it. Under that high standard Black Widow #1 isn't great, but it's still quite good. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Beat - Alexander Jones Mar 3, 2016

    Add to the pull box. This is what comics are supposed to be. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Mar 4, 2016

    With this being a first issue, you'd be mistaken for thinking that the content ofthe book may be lackingin the story department. However, with this book and it's actionbased formatthe issue works. Hopefully, under the guidance of Waid, later issues will addto the action, otherwise, set action pieces on top of more set action pieces can get a bit repetitive, regardless of how well it is done. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 2, 2016

    If you're looking for a team that is consistently great with their work, you'd be hard-pressed to name many people who do what Samnee and Wilson do, particularly on a month-to-month basis. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 5, 2016

    This first issue definitely makes a statement, and it does its job of kicking off this new series, but I fear it was just too slight of an issue. Waid and Samnee don't fail to entice, setting up a mystery about what Widow stole, and giving her plenty of action moments. But the issue was over way too quickly for my tastes. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerdist - Eric Diaz Mar 5, 2016

    So do I recommend this issue, and want to continue reading? Absolutely! But at the same time, I'm fully aware that there are fans out there who are going to feel gypped because it takes so little time to read. So based on that and that alone, Black Widow #1 gets one half of a burrito less than it probably deserves. But make no mistake, this is still a damn good comic book. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Mar 2, 2016

    Overall: Black Widow #1 was an unsatisfyingdebut issue. I finished the issue and had the feeling of wanting so much more for my money. I love action as much as the next reader. However, I also like some character work and interesting plot lines, too. I do not feel that I am asking for too much by wanting more substance and content to a debut issue of a new title. Black Widow #1 felt lacking in so many ways. The fact is that Black Widow #1 is a $4.00 comic book. That is a lot of money and I expect more than just an issue that reads like a prelude. I would only recommend Black Widow #1 to diehard Black Widow fans or extreme action fans. For all other readers, Black Widow #1 simply does not deliver enough content to justify the $4.00 price of admission. Read Full Review

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