Rated T+
Action packed issue that never loses sight of the smaller heroic moments. Read Full Review
So what's the future of the Marvel Universe looking like at this point? If it keeps going in this direction, it could be very bright indeed. Read Full Review
Good issue overall and solid build-up for finale. Read Full Review
I am glad the end is getting near this event hasn't been terrible but it has been far great. I am interested in what Rogers does with the powers given to him from the cube. Read Full Review
Won't overcome anyone's complaints about the difficult premise, but it's well-drawn and hits the points it needs to hit. Read Full Review
After finding some bright spots with the last issue, this one seemed to take a pretty mediocre turn in both the action and storytelling. The cover art suggested some action that is not to be had in the issue and Hydra Steve's plans just seem a little goofy at this point. Read Full Review
Okay, this issue is not the best written, and it can fall flat if you let it, but if you dispend belief and allow yourself to be swept away in the excitement and big screen popcorn blockbustery-ness of it all? It's a lot of fun to see the heroes band together. Read Full Review
Despite the promising build-up to the climax of this crossover in Secret Empire #8, issue #9 is a mostly disappointing affair. The influx of so many heroes leads to a jumbled narrative that focus more on spectacle and quips than highlighting the key players. But because of the muddled, inconsistent art, this issue doesn't even deliver on a visceral level. It's a worrying development for the series as the grand finale looms near. Read Full Review
Overall: Secret Empire #9 is a sloppy read that is not particularly well constructed. This issue certainly is not worth the $3.99 cover price. At this point, Secret Empire just needs to end so Marvel can forget about this dull mess and move on to something better in the future. Read Full Review
Was anybody was in the mood for Civil War 3? No? Me either! This is again your standard Marvel Cosmic Cube nonsense, combined with uneven tone and storytelling, accompanied with a corny narration the entire way through that just doesn't raise the provoking thoughts Nick Spencer feels it should. With everyone after a giant reset button to begin with, at least the end is on the horizon, and we can all forget this ever happened soon enough … kind of like the events of Civil War 2 and Axis. At least your eyes will enjoy themselves. Read Full Review
Secret Empire is exactly what you don't want from an event - a hollow, uninspired slog. Read Full Review
Avoid this like the plague. Leinil Francis Yu, Rod Reis, and Joe Bennett provide good artwork, and the color work of Sunny Gho and Dono Sanchez-Almara complements them well. However, it doesn't make the proceedings entertaining in any way. Read Full Review