WOLVERINE's back in MADRIPOOR for an underworld criminal auction specializing in super hero artifacts that will surface more than just bad memories for the mutant formerly known as WEAPON X!
Parental Advisory
Wolverine #9 yet another banger from Percy and Kubert. The two of them are proving to be an amazing team on Wolverine and have made the book into one of the best X-men books of them all. The stakes arent super high; its just Wolverine trying to save his friend, but the creativity makes it work and feel amazing. As intimated above, the only problem this issue has is that it ends too quickly. Read Full Review
I love character development, dialogue, and history when used effectively, especially when a writer can manage all of the above serenaded by bits of action. Percy weaves in an issue thats an info dump… but it doesnt feel that way when youre finished. Readers, this is top-notch, master fiction at its finest this week. New WOLVERINE fans learn a ton while old fans get to peel back extra layers of the onion to truly see that special bond between Maverick and Logan that words cant describe… except Percy finds a way. Im super pumped to see where this is going and I hope Maverick isnt going anywhere any time soon. This issue is deep, suspenseful, powerful, and captivating. Let me know what you think and remember, today is a victory over yourself of yesterday. Have a great week and God bless! Read Full Review
Ben Percy has created the perfect balance in this issue of flashback/data dump/present story to leave me % engaged and searching Marvel Unlimited for Weapon X stories! I can't wait for issue 10!! Read Full Review
Wolverine #9 is a solidly written issue by Percy that expands on the history of the main character in Team X, moves the current story forward a few steps that's elevated to a much higher level by absolutely masterclass art, paneling, and coloring by the creative team. Read Full Review
Wolverine #9 is a bloody and brilliant spy tale, with the art and story reminiscent of spy films, including the James Bond and Mission: Impossible franchises. Fans of spy films or the 90's era X-Men will definitely want to check out this issue, as well as Percy's previous issues. For my money, Wolverine remains one of the better books in the current line up of X-Men titles. Read Full Review
A fun comic with both impressive technical details and a willingness to just be silly. Read Full Review
Kubert delivers some great art in this issue. The panels do a great job of intersecting between the past and present as well as ramping up the tension of each moment. Read Full Review
Wolverine #9 is... perfectly fine. Read Full Review
Amazing story! Gave me a 90s vibe and I LOVE IT! Wolverine's hand being sold at auction? Only time I can remember his hand being cut off it's in AoA storyline. What could that mean?
Benjamin Percy and Adam kubert do it again with another fantastic story. I love the layout of some of the art this was a beautiful looking book.
Another good read for the series here. Kubert's art is really nice throughout this book, and I thought Percy wrote an entertaining story. This wasn't anything absolutely spectacular, but it was really solid. The auction premise was fun.
Wolverine attends the slave auction of his old buddy Maverick, "saving" him in a way that throws them into a cliffhanger standoff with a bunker full of baddies. It's a short installment, but an exquisitely-crafted one, particularly in the structure of the script. Every detail serves a purpose, Die Hard-style. On the art side, I'm not thrilled with the 90s vibe in the character designs, but the layouts, like the words, have an admirable structure.
Give me more Wolverine issues!
This was a good issue.
Volume: 7, Issue: 9
“Bidding War”
Publisher: Marvel @marvel
Writer: Benjamin Percy @benjamin.percy
Artist: Adam Kubert @adamkubert
Colors: Frank Martin @frankmartinbox
Letters: Cory Petit
Cover: Adam Kubert & Frank Martin; Ryan Brown @ryanbrownart , R.B. Silva @rbsilva_comics & David Curiel @davcuriel
Using his Parch identity, Wolverine gains access to the Legacy House, an auction of artifacts related to the superhuman community. Among those items, Wolverine’s former Team X partner, Maverick! Not before long, Wolverine’s cover is blown and he finds himself captured and facing a similar fate. Though his mind wiped to a clean slate, a phrase uttered by his old friend resonates true and Maverick breaks free of his programming and begins orchestrating his and Logan’s escape!
I’ve always liked Maverick. It’s probably the mask. But I also loved him as Agent Zero in the Weapon X series. I think his design here in the black and grey fits perfect. Hopefully this appearance leads to him becoming a fixture in the current X-Force series. As far as the Wolverine severed hand, it obviously has to belong to Old Man Logan from a few years back. I dipped in and out of that series as I was frustrated with all the Wolverine replacements and none of them living up to the real deal.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5)
Reviewed by: @meanadam of The Comic Book Club of Instagram
Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews! more
Fun even if it was corny. I really like the whole auction house pretty cool setup.
Pretty good issue.
With a heartfelt pneumonic the bro-code in this issue of Wolverine doesn't die easy. I am surprised Kingpin didn't rat on Wolverine sooner, but really, why does everyone want to exploit Krakoa so badly. Can't the mutants just be left alone? Still, another mind controlled Wolverine issue wont be too bad on my eyes, especially if he killa some of his friends and goes through another arc of lamenting and grief. So , I say : bring on the next chapter !