Ultimate Fantastic Four #15

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Adam Kubert, John Dell Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 2, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The Fantastic Four make a startling discover in the vast and lifeless depths of the N-Zone!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 7, 2005

    Whilst you could find fault with the fact that, as another slow-build issue, nothing really happens here but that would be overlooking the strong groundwork done in terms of plot, the constant development of character, and the well-judged if leisurely pace which allows artist Kubert to convey a sense of wonder at the contents of the N-Zone. Ultimate Fantastic Four has moved on from the dull, predictable superheroics of its early issues to become a great little sci-fi adventure book, with an emphasis on character and an appreciation of the fact that big, impressive moments dont always have to take the form of a fight, a death or a secret identity being revealed. If you enjoy a hefty amount of intelligent science in your fiction then this is definitely worth a look and even if you were turned off by earlier issues of the title, this title is worth checking out for a second time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 10, 2005

    I have to give the art full marks, as when the story does call for big impressive visuals, Adam Kubert is more than up to the task, as there's two spectacular moments in this issue that more than justified the slack-jawed looks of wonder that we see on the faces of the Fantastic Four before we get to see what they are looking at. I mean that one page shot of the giant skeleton is a wonderful big impact visual, but the real show-stopper would have to be the reveal shot of the space station that was sending out the transmission. The art also does some nice work on the little moments, as the various expressions do a wonderful job of conveying the cast's mood, from Ben's annoyance when Reed engages in his scientific babbling, to Reed's look of sheer delight when he realizes that the entity on the other end of the line is highly intelligent. Plus, how can one not love the sheer impact of that final panel? Read Full Review

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