As the NYPD hunt her down, Supergirl takes refuge with a new friend named Siobhan. While Supergirl may have temporarily escaped her troubles, Siobhan's are just about to catch up with her: the curse of the Silver Banshee has risen, and this time it's brought its family with itDon't miss this special issue featuring artwork by comics legend George Prez!
This series has been really solid since the beginning. This issue, which was what I term a "bridge issue," was well above the usual quality for books of this nature that flow between story arcs. All I can say is, if a book can be this good between stories (see my earlier review for Legion of Super-Heroes #5 for an example of a book that does not flow well), then the quality of the books during major arcs are good indeed. Well done, gentlemen. Read Full Review
This relaunched "Supergirl" has eight issues behind it, but Supergirl still hasn't learned English, she doesn't have a home, and has only been able to have conversations with a handful of other characters, but the overall narrative doesn't feel decompressed or stretched out. Quite the opposite, in fact, and this issue is a splendid example of what "Supergirl" has to offer readers. Sure, every issue doesn't have Prez art, but the density of the story, increased visually by Prez's propensity to fill panels, is on par with the series. As a matter of fact, this issue serves as a nice introduction to readers looking for an in with the Kryptonian cousin of Superman. Read Full Review
Michael Green and Mike Johnson have created a whole new character for Supergirl, a way to make Silver Banshee more than a simple third-tier villain. Black Banshee arrives at the club, using his dark magic to stir up chaos in efforts to find his daughter, Silver Banshee, and in the confusion, Kara loses Siobhan. Of course, fans already knew who Siobhan was the moment she showed up earlier in the issue: Silver Banshee. Green and Johnson leave the issue on a cliffhanger for next month when it looks like Supergirl will team up with Silver Banshee, something I never thought I'd say. Read Full Review
But that alientation and isolation angle felt a bit forced here. The relentless attack by the army, their ignoring the good that Kara had done, the lack of communicating with other characters, and the lack of Superman all detracted from the book. And perhaps worst of all for me, it really dimmed the brightness of the last issue. I also will freely admit that I missed Mahmud Asrar on the book. It is amazing how different a feel this book had without him on it. I can't wait to see his take on the banshees. Read Full Review
In terms of looks, I wanted to like the issue, but the ability to read confounds that desire. Read Full Review
The title hasn't regained the momentum it had in the early issues, and the character work doesn't go as far as it should to make up for it, but the title still remains a credible portrayal of its star character. Read Full Review
After eight issues, Supergirl still hasn't found its voice. It's not terrible, but, with 51 other options, it's getting hard to justify picking up this book each month. At least in this reviewer's opinion. Read Full Review
So despite the fact that this Kara is much more shallow than the Kara that recently ceased to exist after Flashpoint, i.e. the Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle Supergirl, she is getting more interesting as each issue goes by. By giving her a new BFF this issue in the young Siobhan/Silver Banshee, she might finally begin to become likable as well as interesting. DC Comics really needs to get her settled pretty quickly though and establish a relationship for her with Kal-El. If not theyre going to just continue to ruin and drive away legions of life long Superman fans with all this new angst direction they are determined to take with those who wear the S-Shield. Read Full Review