Civil War #1
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Civil War #1

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 3, 2006 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 39
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

A conflict has been brewing in the Marvel Universe for over a year, threatening to pit friend against friend, brother against brother--and all it will take is a single misstep to cost thousands their lives and ignite the fuse! As the war claims its first victims, no one is safe as teams, friendships, and families begin to fall apart. Civil War, a Marvel Comics event in seven parts, stars Spider-Man, the New Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and the entirety of the Marvel pantheon! Civil War -- the cross-over that rewrites the rules - begins here in this double-sized first issue!

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 5, 2013

    A brilliant story, and probably the best Marvel event of all time, this saw a dramatic change in the way the Marvel Universe would operate, as well as how it's character's would live. The action, and excitement in the story was outstanding, and the dramatic film like atmosphere that it gave was just phenomenal, making this a must read story. I would highly recommend this story as like I've said in my review, it was truly amazing, and well worth the read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 4, 2006

    That art is excellent! McNiven and Vines turn in an incredible job in this issue. The book has a nice realistic look to it that fits the tone of Millar's story perfectly. The splash shots look great, especially the one with Captain America on top of the fighter plane. Simply awesome. The art makes Civil War #1 an absolute joy to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Apr 30, 2006

    An event like this needs to satisfy causal conditional logic: IF as a result of the negligent actions of a group of C-list super-heroes 900 people died (mostly children) THEN the American public would demand accountability of the super-hero population and THEN Congress would enact legislation requiring all super-heroes register with S.H.I.E.L.D. IF S.H.I.E.L.D. ordered all the super-heroes to take off their masks (effectively revealing their identities to the public) THEN Steve Rogers and Tony Stark would find each other on opposing sides of an ideological war that is bound to become violent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Jun 13, 2006

    Always go with Cap. It seems like a good rule to follow. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 22, 2007

    I'll give Millar credit for ending this series in a wholly unexpected way. This ending would suggest that it's been Iron Man and the government that's been in the right all along. I don't agree, but I appreciate that Millar brings the story full circle to the ethical debate rather than a huge super-hero fight scene. Marvel gets points for the unexpected ending, though things here wrap up a little too neatly. The sudden appearances of cavalries for both sides at key moments in the conflict are a bit hard to swallow, and the villains' dominance in battle dissipates so quickly that it lacks credibility as well. McNiven's art boasts the same kind of detail and expressiveness that's made it so attractive in the past, but I found the generic costumes for the new, registered heroes to be far too reminiscent of what we've seen in The Ultimates and Squadron Supreme. This final issue sets up an ambitious new status quo for Marvel's America as something of a totalitarian regime, with Big Brothers Read Full Review

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