Civil War #2

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 14, 2006 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 34
6.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The super-heroes split as the CIVIL WAR heats up! Registration has become law, household names have gone rogue and a Marvel legend makes a decision that will change a life forever. Featuring the NEW AVENGERS, the FANTASTIC FOUR, the YOUNG AVENGERS and pretty much everybody else!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Sam Kirkland Jun 18, 2006

    Civil War delivers in ways other recent major events havent; its quicker than House of M, more accessible than Infinite Crisis, and less mind-numbingly pointless than Spider-Man: The Other. Mark Millar gets the characters hes writing about. The merits of Iron Man and Captain Americas actions could be debated indefinitely, but, that said, I dont believe either cause stands out as right or wrong from a purely objective viewpoint. As long as that continues to be the case, Civil War will continue to soar past my expectations. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jun 18, 2006

    That said, the Spider-Man reveal is only one misfiring element of a book which generally gets it right, and which in my mind is getting better and better as the whole Civil War picture comes into focus. Millars writing might not quite be up there with his Ultimates or Ultimate Fantastic Four, but its close and for a project with such a huge cast and massive ramifications for the Marvel Universe as a whole, hes doing a damn good job. Coupled with McNivens fine art and the great set-up provided by these first couple of issues I cant see this series going too far wrong, and as such it might just turn out to be that rare thing: a company-wide crossover that actually deserves the hype. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 15, 2006

    A good story plus great artwork always equals to a strong and entertaining comic book. I really enjoyed Civil War #2. I must give Marvel credit; I am having much more fun reading Civil War than I did reading Infinite Crisis. Civil War is definitely a title worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Davies Jun 18, 2006

    This latest issue of Civil War begins what promises to be a provocative and action packed series. With such a huge cast its going to be trickly for the reader to avoid getting overwhelmed but so far thanks to solid pacing and quality artwork, there is no reason why any new readers could not enjoy this series as much as old readers can. All this coupled with one big shock of an ending makes Civil War easily on top of the pile for me. It should be for you as well. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Jun 18, 2006

    Overall, Civil War continues along at a slow, moderately interesting pace. Solicitations have somewhat spoiled the story, but the eventual showdown between the two factions, as well as McNivens amazing art are going to keep me around for the long haul. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson Jun 18, 2006

    Lastly, we at the Department are welcome to attempts at presenting political situations in a fictional setting. However, we do not appreciate when the politics depicted show a heavy bias one way or another, despite our own personal leanings. No matter the level of subtlety involved, misrepresentation is misrepresentation and a bias shines bright and clear. Save it for the blogs. Read Full Review

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