Battle is joined as the Avengers race to combat the Ashen Combine. But with Lord Ennui, the Citysmith, Idol Alabaster, the Dead and Meridian Diadem scattered across the planet, each with their own city for prey, have the Avengers spread themselves too thin? United, the Avengers stand. But divided...?
Rated T+
The structure of the story highlights a story much larger than I had initially believed, with an enormous scale and potential for directions to travel in. The art is spectacular, unphased by the constant changes. And it is almost impossible to guess how the rest of this tribulation event will be handled going forward. Read Full Review
Brace yourselves, Avengers fans: this is the real deal, especially for anyone who likes new villains and big ideas. The Avengers have met a new match and it's heavy on the horror in an action-packed issue. Read Full Review
Villa crafts some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are dramatic, fun and filled with great details. The action looks amazing and I love the composition of the panels. Read Full Review
This was a fast paced, action packed issue that somehow managed to include meaningful character motivations and back story without hurting the pacing. When I finished reading I wanted nothing more than to pick up the next installment to see where the story goes next. This is cliffhanger storytelling at it's best. Make sure you pick this one up, you will not regret it! Read Full Review
As the story drags a bit, we get some key character moments between Captain America and the Black Panther, which looks like it could give us those classic Cap schisms hes had with Iron Man moments, like during the original Armor Wars, Operation: Zero Tolerance, plus a little known story called Civil War. You might not have heard of it. Anyway, I cant see what comes next for these two. Read Full Review
Avengers #4 starts the battle between the Avengers and the new threat – the Ashen Combine. We see half the team go up against some members of the new villains, while Cap and Black Panther infiltrate the villains' HQ in orbit. The art really brings this comic to life and infuses it with a strong dynamic energy and is enhanced by the colors as well. The writing is solid as all the characters have distinct voices and their battles are evenly paced and handled well, so no one fight takes up the entire book. Read Full Review
Jed MacKay and C.F. Villa have started hot and have not turned down the temperature at all. Avengers #4 is another example of that, with how the teams fight against Ashen Combine builds on the long-term Tribulation Events story. This is certainly the big, epic stories you expect one of Marvel's premiere superhero teams to be involved in. Read Full Review
Writer Jed MacKay set the table for the Ashen Combine to become a genuine Avengers-level threat, and that promise is realized in Avengers #4. Read Full Review
Solid writing and art make for a fine comic still, but if everything hinges on the ‘kewl' factor of these two generic villains, the overall story is going to suffer. Read Full Review
I am just really enjoying these no-brainer pure Avengers comics.
This issue was great and so far this run is off to a great start! It makes me want to hunt down other titles that Jed MacKay has been on since I haven't read much of his work. I'm just happy that the Avengers is good again! New villains can be difficult to make interesting but when it works, it's awesome to have someone new around to cause trouble.
MacKay continues to pump out well-written stories like it's nothing, and this was another example. The Ashen Combine are established as crazy powerful villains already, and I thought their, respective, battles with different members of the Avengers were great. Something else I appreciated was the change in costume for Iron Man and Black Panther. It was a lot more notable with Iron Man, but I also noticed Black Panther's costume being updated to match the one seen in his current run from Eve L. Ewing. All things considered, this was another strong issue for this series and I'm excited to see what comes next.
It's a nail-biting adventure that just keeps ramping up the tension. The words and art are superb, particularly in the granular sense. Most of the panels and most of the lines are terrific. Their larger structure is a little simple, though.
By this point, it seems like keeping the team split up into individuals (or pairs) will be A Thing in this volume. And I'm not sure it's an entirely good thing. It delivers some great character moments--I'm afraid for Wanda and I love Sam and T'Challa's snarky interactions--but it has a big braking impact on plot development. One of the reasons this story is so tense is that it's moving so slowly in a big-picture sense. And when some individuals get additional space for fully-developed scenes, more
This is good, but I dont quite feel the grip yet. Art is solid and the story is good enough, just need to see how this unfolds a bit more. Still havent really gathered my thoughts on this first arc.
The Ashen Combine are the slickest new group of villains going in Marvel today.
I love Idol Alabaster and Citysmith but my favorite is Lord Ennui, who can barely be bothered to do his city-conquering.
The Impossible City is interesting, but it's obvious where that is going.
Love the art too.
Last issue got a solid 8.5 and this tale felt identical so for that reason it only gets and 8.
AVENGERS #4 is packed with action from start to finish as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes try to stop the Ashen Combine from enacting their plans to destroy the planet. We’re only four issues into Jed MacKay’s run and the new team is already facing a challenge that may be too much for them to handle!
I’ve appreciate how much MacKay is able to give multiple heroes a moment to shine in each issue so far, even when one or two of them take center stage in any given issue. AVENGERS #4 is a true ensemble book as MacKay picks up where he left off in the previous issue with the Avengers splitting up to stop members of the Ashen Combine who are attacking different cities across the globe. Readers witness four different battles occurring more
This feels a bit like the justice league not sure why. A fun avengers story so far but its nothing special
A very classic Avengers vs Evil aliens. Okay!
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10
Basically what we got from the last issue, except there's nothing new here
I had to check to see if I missed an issue when I was 1/3 into this issue. I was not but then it dawned on me that none of Marvel’s newest world conquerors were that memorable to me. I enjoyed the first 2 issues, the third left me with a “wait and see” feeling, I’m still waiting.
Black Panther and the Falcon sent to space to take out a ship while Captain Marvel remained on Earth?
More respect is due for Captain Marvel and her ability to lead the team but the wrier does not seem to have a handle on it.
Art is fantastic.
Will hang in a bit more for the ride.
Not really a fan of this storyline. The art and action are good, but I don't understand much of anything else. The villains don't have much of a backstory. Carol, as leader, isn't even in this issue, and two street-level characters are the ones that have been sent into space? Why exactly?
I don't feel like this has been thought through very well.
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