The first Tribulation Event strikes the Earth! The Avengers fly into action as the Ashen Combine - a collection of the Multiverse's greatest monsters - descends from the Impossible City to follow their respective appetites. Cityslayers all, pursuing the assassination of metropolitan areas for sport!
Rated T+
Avengers #3 generates an aura and excitement without even throwing a punch, with drama in the dialogue and magnificent art. Read Full Review
Carol and T'Challa's exchanges are especially great, and while a few pieces of dialogue try a bit too hard, it's a small hiccup in an otherwise excellent issue, and I can't wait to see these bigger than life battles play out when Avengers #4 hits. Read Full Review
Villa delivers some fantastic imagery throughout the issue. The visuals are bright, beautifully detailed and enhance the exciting nature of the story. Read Full Review
The Twilight Court strikes! As Earths Mightiest faces the group that brought down Kang, can the team survive? The team deliver us a fluffy, filler of an issue that did little to progress the story. Hopefully this isnt a standard for the run, because I expect great things from these two creators. Read Full Review
Avengers #3 should get your pulse pounding with a bevy of intriguing and scary new villains. The Ashen Combine are serious contenders for the weirdest and scariest villains in Marvel Comics. Read Full Review
A new batch of villains is introduced straight from central casting. I'm hoping for a fun twist behind them, but perhaps they're as straight forward as they seem. We'll find out, but for now, they just get introduced. Read Full Review
The new characters are interesting but the setup that they're a real threat isn't there. Read Full Review
Love it!
Wow! This volume of the avengers is coming out of the gates strong! This issue was the best one of the first three and has the makings of an absolutely epic story! I love it!!
This is slowly becoming my favorite series at Marvel, hands down. The art is absolutely stellar, and the writing/pacing makes everything feel epic. But my favorite thing about this series so far is that it truly feels like a team up book, and Mackay makes Carol come alive as a leader like never before. So far this series is leagues better than its predecessor.
The words and art are next door to greatness, and the reading experience is fun. No, there's not a lot of plot progression. We get lots of villain introduction and stage-setting, instead, which is nearly as good.
I quibble over the range of interest I have in the Ashen Combine characters. Some are just more intriguing than others, both visually and conceptually. But the same could be said of the Black Order--of whom they remind me (maybe a little too much).
Villians are badass. Art continues to be incredible with every page. And the writing is strong. Every panel was fun. Only gripe is that its a setup issue
Intensely middle chapter-y in a way that would tempt me to call it awkwardly paced for a floppy if there was scene or even a single panel in this comic I would want to be without, but there is not
This was another really good issue for the series. It wasn't quite up there with the first two, but it was still really enjoyable. We finally see the Ashen Combine after having them initially shown online months ago. There isn't much to them yet, but I'm not sure that there needs to be. I trust MacKay to make this really good, as I've enjoyed every book I've read from him. Something I particularly liked about this was Carol's leadership being focused on. This is something that's had a focus on it in the past two issues, which I've enjoyed, and I liked it once again here. Carol can be hot-headed and I liked that, after talking with T'Challa, she actually strategizes instead of just rushing into the fire. With the stage, seemingly, set for somore
Full Week Reviews in Link!
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
This has been done so many times already, but MacKay does it well
Pure setup issue. Pretty mediocre considering it. Could have been a #1, and certainly would have benefited from the extra pages of one. Some slight restructuring could have allowed for the story to be more than just that.
In the end enjoying the issue hinges almost entirely on enjoying the designs of the new antagonists...which fortunately i did, on most of them.