Civil War #4

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 20, 2006 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 31
6.8Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

A death! A funeral! A betrayal! And a team reborn as the war takes a deadly turn!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St.Louis Sep 23, 2006

    McNivens work is great. Its a mix of Brian Bolland and Paul Mounts. Hes not the best at facial expressions, but he can create compelling destruction scenes. Il like how Captain America looks like an old army grunt. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Sep 24, 2006

    Lets hope issue #5 doesnt cause me to jump off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Sep 24, 2006

    Civil War continues to portray the events that are changing the Marvel Universe. Details are still left to other series. That makes Civil War alone feel like a thin story. But as the core of a crossover, its doing a great job. This is the first Marvel crossover mini-series in years that involved all the Marvel heroes and didnt just focus on a small cast with other characters making cameos. Infinity Gauntlet was all about Thanos and Warlock. Onslaught was an X-Men story guest-starring the Avengers and FF. And when was the last time Spider-Man played such a major role in a company-wide crossover? We could be looking at the best Marvel crossover of all time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 22, 2006

    Civil War #4 was a well written issue. I may not agree with the direction that it is heading or how certain characters are being handled, but I will agree that Millar is spinning a well constructed and written story. The pacing is great and the dialogue is excellent. Millar is delivered a very entertaining story. I look forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Sep 24, 2006

    This issue hurts to read as much as seeing Thors hammer smash Caps shield on the cover. Its exciting, in the manner of surviving a car accident. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 24, 2006

    One or two plot points promise interesting developments in future issues (the schisms in Caps group, for example, or the long-overdue introduction of some Marvel villains to the series at the issues close), and even if the jurys still out on whether McNivens artwork is really worth waiting this long for, its a very solid, consistent job with some lovely little touches which really make the book come alive (check out Sue Storms forcefield-umbrella, or the wonderful sense of atmosphere and mood established in the shes leaving home sequence - for which much credit must also go to colourist Morry Hollowell). Ultimately, this is still a decent enough continuation of the Civil War story which, even if it doesnt hit the heights of the first couple of issues, will be a worthy read for fans of the series so far. Lets just hope Millar kicks the book into a higher gear next issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Sep 24, 2006

    Civil War remains a flashy, clich-ridden (oh look, the black guy is the first to die!) and badly characterised title that utterly fails to live up to the potential of the concept. Millar at least appears to be trying, but you want an Alan Moore or Grant Morrison to pull off something that aims this high. Still, its already proven to be a vast sales success, which is all that apparently matters, and a bit of nay-saying at this stage wont change anything. But if youre reading this in a few months from now, perhaps wondering if the deluxe overpriced hardback is worth buying, Id say go and pick up Annihilation instead; it doesnt aim so high conceptually, but delivers a story with much more going for it than this hollow exercise. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Bailey Sep 24, 2006

    In The End: I cannot support this series any longer. What started off as a good concept has turned into a sensational mish-mash of shock and awe. I realize there are three more issues to go, but I dont see this story turning around. Because of this, I am going to do the one thing every reader should do when they reach that point where that is all they can stands and they cant stands no more: leave. I wont be buying anything else that is connected to this storyline. I am not calling for everyone to follow me in this because there are people out there who are enjoying this and think that this is the best thing Marvel has done in decades. That is their right. The thing is the story has gone in directions that make no sense to me and instead of beating my head against the wall and wasting my time, money and energy in something I dont like, it is better to just walk away. I could turn out to be wrong and the ending could be fantastic, but Im not going to wait around hoping thin Read Full Review

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