Overall excellent comic. The art is fantastic and the story is powerfully advanced in a brutal confrontation between Diana and some of her most powerful enemies. The use of the different villains and of Diana's powers is excellent - Giganta, who has been souped up to even greater power by Circe; Dr. Psycho, who manages to, momentarily, seize Diana's mind when her guard is down - a feat that ends up leaving his brain fried! The final villain that Diana faces is Grail - a powerhouse whose abilities and physical skills easily rival Diana's abilities and who attacks when Diana seems to be on her last legs. Their brutal battle is incredible and it leaves me hoping that Grail is, in the future, recognized as one of Diana's greatest rivals and adversaries. In a sense, she was originally designed to be this and it's about time that she was used in that role in a truly memorable way. I hope that this battle really puts her on the radar for future major roles against Diana and other DC heroes.
The backup story, with Lizzie, Jon and Damian is effortlessly charming, as all the stories involving these three have been. But I'm still very curious to see exactly what Lizzie's relationship with Diana ends up being. I assume that Diana is her adoptive mother and that Lizzie is the child of the pregnant Amazon whose rampage set off the entire story arc, but that would not explain why she seems to be unusually powerful, even for an Amazon. more
Im sorry. But its really hard for me not to love an issue like this.
Theres very little in the way of plot here. Its just a long, extended fight scene, with hefty narration by the villain of the story.
But man. Sometimes you just want to see stuff like this in a superhero comics. Bare knuckled, no holding back; fighting.
When they spent an entire issue building up the threat of some of Diana's most iconic villains(save for one feline archnemesis) I expected an entire years worth of storytelling with each hero going after her in a way one by one. But King had other plans. Instead, and probably logically, the story details to us how all of these folks were needed AT ONCE just to get a CHANCE to take Wondy down. It was a concerted effort, basicslly a hail Mary, a combination effort that would've been almost any other heroes worst day.
The issue is brilliantly paced, and it feels like reading 3 issues, because the bad guys just keep coming. But for the final part of this trial, King gets rid of all spectacle... the final part of this fight is just that... a fight. No people to save, no plot to stop, literally just "who can beat the other into submission". And its so, so good. The narration substitutes the minimal dialogue we get from diana, but it never fails to highlight what she's up against and why her triumphing over earns her her name.
Again, im a sucker for issues like this. Superhero comics aren't that complicated. Sometimes, you just want to see an exceptional individual be tested to their limits... and win.
Oh,and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the art, although it almost seems redundant. But sampiere is one of the best working right now just plan and simple. Theres really not much I can say. I have no notes. Its meticulously crafted, gorgeous linework and figure work. No notes. more
Tied with issue #4 for my favorite issue of the run so far. King's doing good work.
Wow. What an issue! Tom King’s narrative soars, but the art by Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey's steals the show.
This wasn’t just a comic; it’s a visual experience. Linework dances with an ethereal grace, capturing Diana’s power & elegance. Her transformation into WW is instantly iconic. Giganta’s hand emerging from underground? Seeing Diana catch the Washington Monument & then use it as a spear? Watching an epic battle between WW & Grail? Pure comic book magic!
Morey’s colors elevate Sampere’s art to new heights. Bold hues crackle with energy during fight sequences, while softer tones imbue quieter moments with depth and intimacy.
Together, Sampere & Morey weave a visual story that’s as captivating as King’s script. They take this world & infuse it with a level of detail & emotion that transcends the medium.
The emotional weight of the script is palpable. Diana’s determination, her vulnerability, her unwavering hope - it all shines through King’s masterful storytelling. Wonder Woman #6 is an absolute must-read.
Also, the “World’s Finest” backup story continues to be pure joy. The dynamic between Damian, Jon, and Lizzie is so innocent and sincere. Belén Ortega’s panel of them in space might be my favorite panel of this mini arc! more
tom king is not my cup of tea. His dialogue and thoughts here are like a robot trying to explain something, or someone from ancient greece transported here, learned English, and tried talking to us. It feels.... stiffy, dull and dry.
That said, the ending was really nice, I liked the second story, and I like the art from Daniel Sampere and the colors from Tomeu Morey. Overall, this is the best issue of this run in my opinion, and I like the action and how Wonder Woman does not give up
I really liked the action throughout this and I thought that Sampere's art only made it better. The narration from the Sovereign is still a bit much, but I must say that I found a good amount of it to be well-written. The backup, once again, was pretty fun. That said, I do think it's a little weird that the first three in this series continued jumping forward in time, just for this to, seemingly, go back to the timeframe of the first one.
Great art! Wonder Woman takes on the villains here! Love this issue although the series can be very wordy
This is by far the best issue in the run so far. The art is incredible and the fight sequence is stunning. I wish the story progressed a little more, since this is the last part of this arc. It doesn’t feel like it lead anywhere. With that said, I love how this feels like we are seeing a legendary battle unfold and I think it really works. As always the worlds finest back-up is cute and a fun little extra story in the end that really gets the sibling, child like back and forth exchanges.
Not among the best comics (trough six issues) by King, wich raises the question of why he decided to take this comic, when he could easily keeps writing his brilliants limited series without been disturbed, and keeping his reputation intact. But, also, it is not a bad comic, altough the pace is slow and sometimes one is afraid that King maybe is making the same mistakes he made in his Batman run. Hope he's not. On the other side, the Trinity short story is brilliant.
This arc ends on a frustrating note. I recognize I keep saying that about this book, how it's frustrating me. It's just not hitting the mark the way it should. It ultimately comes down to Diana's lack of real characterization. A problem with the back half of this WW arc is it becomes super myopic. The start of the run tries to show the wider reaching consequences of what's happening, and that's good, because ultimately the book is about a societal and systemic issue. But then the second half of it is exclusively focused on Wonder Woman specifically, with the wider implications just blurring out in the background. And since Wonder Woman isn't really a character, it's grating. She's a stone bust in some Greek museum, she's not a person. You could have these big mythic moments, where you show how strong she is, but what makes it hit is that we know her struggle. She seems almost blasé about the wider conflict that this series is about at points. And that's... Shitty.
While reading this comic, I couldn't help but compare it to the recent JMS Captain America run. It's a way better comic, I highly recommend it. It's about a resurgence of hate in America, as it often is, and something it does wonderfully is it shows Steve Rogers' connection to his community and the people. It shows you *why* he's so heroic and iconic, and that he gives a shit. He's not great for his power, he's great because he's always willing to do the right thing at any cost. He is a man of the people. His first act in that run is to create affordable housing for his neighborhood! He's so grounded, so that when he beats the Nazi or does some grand show of strength against uncertain odds, it hits. He's one of us, he's fighting for us, let's cheer him on.
Meanwhile, in Wonder Woman, we never get that connection. She does these great, powerful things but we're only told they're great and powerful, and we ought to cheer, by the villain of all characters. This is an example of agency without showing it. Which I find worthless. You need the hero to genuinely have conflict, so you can relate. And what's more relatable than having your government persecute you? It's such an easy thing to explore, but King wants to maintain that Wonder Woman is unstoppable. What makes great heroes, what makes feminist icons, is not that. more
This was a good issue but the over narration is really taking away from the story and if it keeps going this way will really make this series a slog to read. Tom King should never write Damian or Jon as he has no voice for the characters and just writes them as arguing brats which is painful to read.
There isn't much meat here and it's far overwritten. King just loves to hear himself prettle on, apparently. It's like he's being paid by the word rather than the page. For instance, all he has to say is that they buried Giganta small and then they enlarged her, or drop her from a helicopter. Instead, he goes on and on about how they buried a fifty foot woman for no reason whatsoever. It's something the reader could have come up with on their own. The explanation he gives is awful. Sometimes it's better just to shut up. On the other hand, we barely ever get well-drawn WW action action scenes. On this point, the issue so great. Lay off the text-boxes King, do us all a favor.
My Comic Review Channel - https://youtu.be/Y3t73t41xPg
Six issues in, this is an impressively-made comic about the abstract idea of Wonder Woman that doesn't in particular feel like it has anything to say about the character besides "she's iconic". The action is well-choreographed and the art is beautiful, but the whole thing is stiff and hollow, with Diana endlessly viewed at a remove by a narrator whose main takeaway is that she's really quite impressive. A well-crafted comic that's too impressed with its own scale and spectacle to actually be about anything, which is a fatal flaw in a Wonder Woman comic.
(Also really, the only queerness we're getting is poor Vanessa Kapatelis recast as a lesbian stalker? Awful.)
I'm sorry y'all but this run is terrible, as dull as it can be. Issue after issue after issue we basically spend time in an random events plot that's completely unexplored and just there to have an excuse to put Diana into contrived fight scenes.
King can't write to save his live. And by write, I mean literally. The dialogue, the words- The things we, as readers, are literally reading. Diana must have been replaced by a robot version of herself here the way she talks and Soverign's narration is both extremely tedious to get through and equally superflous 99% of the time.
It feels like King is actually afraid to write Wonder Woman, so he found himself a crutch (Sovereign) he felt much more confortable writing instead.
The story is barebones and there's basically no characterization beyond repeating some beats (how many times I've read Diana say "No, thank you") that don't really say anything about the characters themselves. It's been six issues and Diana doesn't feel like a character at all, just a collection of tropes.
And now for my hot take hotter than the sun: I don't really think Daniel Sampere's work is that good either. Don'tg et me wrong, they guy is a tremendous ilustrator and each panel, when looked independently, is pretty good. But when put together, it's clear Sampere isn't that great at making a comic feel alive, characters look stiff, like marble statues, and his action scenes, beyond some creative uses of stuff like the stars we link to WW's mark, are frankly pretty bad. No impact, no speed.
Well, that's kinda all for me tbh.