WONDER WOMAN REJOINS THE FIGHT! After the birth of her daughter, Diana finally returns to the battlefield ready to take down those who dared to harm her Wonder Girls. To take down Sovereign's formidable general, Grail, she must call upon her friend turned foe...The Cheetah!
IT'S THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR THE SOVEREIGN! After the loss of her great love and the birth of her child, Wonder Woman decides this is a job larger than just one hero. Who will assist her in her ultimate quest for justice? Find out as Diana gathers her army!
THE MANY DEATHS OF DOOMSDAY! Superman and Superwoman must deal with the return of the rampaging Doomsday and...wait...Superwoman?! After the events of Absolute Power, Lois Lane has new powers...but how long can they last?! And waiting in the shadows is one of Superman's greatest enemies...the Time Trapper. Jump on to a new exciting story arc that w...
EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise...without the sisterhood that shaped her...without a mission of peace...what's left is the Absolute Amazon!
The art is lovely, but I found nothing exceptionally moving or interesting about this issue. It didn't live up to the hype. And I'm also tired of so much of Wonder Woman's story revolving around Batman, Superman, and men in general.
With the tide of the war against the Sovereign turning, Wonder Woman's greatest love takes matters into his own hands with deadly consequences. Could Steve's end be the beginning of Diana's greatest adventure yet? Behold the birth of Trinity!
WONDER WOMAN VS. THE SOVEREIGN! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! ...
WONDER WOMAN AGAINST HER GREATEST FOES! After thwarting each threat that the Sovereign has thrown at her, he decides to bring in the biggest guns the DCU has to offer. Let the battle royale begin! Plus, the Super Sons' bedtime story goes wrong!
I was initially rather impressed. But as the series goes on, he seems to be trafficking in some racial and gender stereotypes that I find troublesome. The art is the saving grace.
With the world losing trust in the Amazons, Wonder Woman takes a moment to grant the wish of a dying boy and gives him the perfect day. Meanwhile, the Sovereign constricts his grip on the government. Will Wonder Woman be able to hold out hope as the world around her grows darker? Plus, Trinity spends the night at the Fortress of Solitude with her b...
Kinetic and a great deal of fun.
The covert first mission of the re-formed Birds of Prey has established their beachhead...in Themyscira! What could be so important to Black Canary that she'd risk the wrath of the greatest warriors on Earth?!
BLACK CANARY'S ALL-NEW TEAM ON THEIR FIRST MISSION! Black Canary has built an all-new team with a very specific and very dangerous first mission: extraction! Their target: [REDACTED]! She's being held on [REDACTED] and guarded by a battalion of [REDACTED]. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, then we're explaining it wrong! It's a terrible mission! A...
THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...
One of the best, most fun, most wonderful to look at comic books I've read in a while.
BREAKING HEARTS AND FACES--THE BIRDS OF PREY ARE BACK! Every mission matters. Every life saved is a miracle. But this time, it's personal. Dinah Lance is one of the DCU's most elite fighters, and combined with her sonic scream, she's a fearsome foe in any scenario...but sometimes even the Black Canary needs help. Faced with a personal mission broug...
THE HEART OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE HAS STOPPED BEATING. Kamala Khan died a hero's death in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #26, saving our entire universe. Come join the other heroes of the Marvel Universe, the creators of Ms. Marvel, and comic fans everywhere in honoring and remembering one of Marvel's brightest stars!
Rated T+
Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T
Who is the Grinning Man, who's always grinning no matter what he's doing, even when he's murdering people, and what kind of deal did he make with Neron? Nightwing and the Titans better figure that out soon before they lose one of their team members... Then, in the backup, Nightwing continues his lessons mentoring Jon Kent, a.k.a. Superman, and this...
This book was pitch-perfect/exquisite!
The third and final chapter of the critically lauded and Eisner-nominated secret history of the Amazons crescendos with the inevitable-an all-out war against the gods. When Zeus discovers the goddesses defied him by creating the Amazons, seemingly nothing can stop his fervor to eliminate their warriors...not even Hera herself. But the Amazons' numb...
After rescuing the Cheetah from the clutches of the evil International Milk Company, Wonder Woman must set her sights on the real monsters behind it all…the gods! The gods of fear and panic, Phobos and Deimos, have been having a little too much fun controlling the minds of men, and the world has started to suffer the consequences. Diana is going ...
WITNESS THE BIRTH OF THE NEW DC MULTIVERSE! Spinning out of the pages of The Flash, the heroes have learned the secret of Pariah's new worlds-but at what cost does this knowledge come, and what can they even do with this information-or even worse, perhaps Pariah and the Great Darkness want them to know...? On Earth-Zero, Deathstroke continues to mo...
Following closely to the events of BLACKEST NIGHT, this miniseries event concludes as the Amazonian Princess comes to terms with who she is and what her role is in the world. But will her acceptance make her more appetizing to the Black Lantern hordes--or could that emotion be their undoing?
This is it! The ultimate battle pitting Superman and the forces of The Truth against Bendix and his monstrous machinations has begun! But victory will be an uphill climb for our heroes as they lay siege to Gamorra. Plus...the smooch heard 'round the world.
After almost losing her friends in a vicious battle with the newly formed Villainy Inc., Wonder Woman is going solo! Defeated, Diana must find her way again in a world that seems to have moved on from her and her quest for peace. What could possibly make our hero feel like herself again? Enter Cheetah, and she's got her claws sharpened for a good o...
Mary is back home in the City of Brotherly Love, and she's feeling nothing but hate! Not only did she have to leave her dream school, but now she's the caretaker of her siblings and a city that is skeptical about the new hero in town. Everyone wants a piece of Shazam, and super-powered misfits are lining up to take her on! When her world is falling...
Witness the birth of the new DC Multiverse!
Spinning out of the pages of The Flash, the heroes have learned the secret of Pariah's new worlds-but at what cost does this knowledge come, and what can they even do with this information-or even worse, perhaps Pariah and the Great Darkness want them to know...? On Earth-Zero, Deathstroke continues t...
Workplace harassment complaints, health code violations, and inhuman work hours. All just a few of the things that your everyday human resources representative has to deal with. Lucky for you, Poison Ivy isn't your average HR rep. She's much more flexible and her punishments are far worse, too! So be on your best behavior because Dr. Isley is watch...
What happens when writers from Harley Quinn the TV show and Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour the comic book get together and swap stories from New Gotham? Absolute mayhem, that's what! Follow what happened to some of your favorite Gotham sidekicks on Tawny Young's new trash-tastic daytime talk show and watch the chairs f...
Art by Adriana Melo, Sweeney Boo, Jill Thompson and Emi Lenox After an unforgettable first visit to Themyscira (see Trial of the Amazons), Yara Flor has been crowned Wonder Girl and her Esquecida tribe accepted into the Amazon sisterhood...so what now? The jungles of Brazil beckon our heroes home, just in time for some new adventures! You won't wan...
After years of bitter and violent conflict, the Greek pantheon of gods stands united to welcome their latest goddess...Hippolyta of Themyscira! Due to her heroic efforts in the mortal realm, the former queen has earned her rightful place among the gods and plans to use her newfound powers to take care of her Amazon sisters from beyond. Little does ...
Heartless has an extra-giant jar that has Blockbuster's name on it, but as a man of refined taste, Heartless doesn't just collect any type of heart...he waits for someone to experience a specific emotion in particular before taking it all away from them and adding it into his collection. Does Nightwing have what it takes to save the life of the ver...
With Nubia on the mend, she'll need all the help she can get to battle the powerful villain behind it all: Zillah. Enter Hawkgirl and the new Wonder Girl...Yara Flor! But there is something more to this vendetta against Nubia and her efforts to bring peace to Man's World. Could Zillah be connected to our queen's life before she became an Amazon? Fi...
When Pariah and his forces of the Great Darkness laid waste to the most powerful superheroes of all time, all hope was lost...but the spirit of the Justice League can never truly die. John Stewart takes flight to defend his planet as the Emerald Knight of Justice alongside allies Red Hood and the blind prophet Kyle Rayner! Plus: Hawkgirl takes to t...