After years of bitter and violent conflict, the Greek pantheon of gods stands united to welcome their latest goddess...Hippolyta of Themyscira! Due to her heroic efforts in the mortal realm, the former queen has earned her rightful place among the gods and plans to use her newfound powers to take care of her Amazon sisters from beyond. Little does she know, some of the gods are wary of the new future Hippolyta brings and will do just about anything to stop it! Join the Wonder Woman writing duo of Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad-along with artist Caitlin Yarsky (Black Hammer) in her DC debut-for an unforgettable new adventure on Mount Olymmore
Olympus Rebirth #1 is a fantastic story, showing Hippolyta's journey to Olympus, her ascension to godhood, her conflicts with the other gods, and her quest to Tartarus.Even those who aren't well-versed in Greek mythology will love the combination of action and drama here, but fans of Greek mythology will delight even more in spending time with this version of the Greek pantheon, one of the best versions I've seen in ages. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Olympus Rebirth #1 brings the Greek Gods back to relevance. This is both a tour of Greek mythology and an attempt to reconnect them back to the DC Universe. Those that have been immersed in Hades or Lore Olympus, remember Wonder Womans previous entanglements with these gods, or just love the ancient stories will adore the designs and interactions with the characters. Read Full Review
If you're a Wonder Woman fan, this story is essential reading. There are many plot threads set up for future issues of the main title, and you get to see what Hippolyta has been up to after the Trial of the Amazons event. I know there's also several fans who love the scheming and politicking of the Greek Gods who should find joy with this one-shot. Pick this up -- you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review
The slower, more methodical pace of Olympus: Rebirth #1 is a welcome one if you're even slightly interested in a story about the gods. The various Greek gods and their personalities, mixed with a building threat only Hippolyta knows about, make for an enjoyable experience. Yarsky's art is absorbing, enjoyable, and just the right fit for a story that draws you in and is vividly realized. Read Full Review
This has a more epic feel than the recent Wonder Woman arc, and that's where these two writers excel. This is the kind of story that kicked off their run, and it bodes well for their next act. Read Full Review
It will remain to be seen just how much Olympus: Rebirth #1 becomes "essential reading" for the future of the Wonder Woman mythos but at very least, it's an enjoyable excursion. Read Full Review
Olympus Rebirth (One-Shot) is an overlong, dialog-heavy exposition issue that focuses on fleshing out Olympus and the gods after their rescue from the Graveyard of the Gods. The information is useful, and a few tidbits foreshadow Wonder Woman's future, but the issue is largely a boring information dump. Read Full Review
Strong issue. Cloonan and Conrad write a great Hippolyta, definitely makes up for her underuse in their run so far.
Designs for the gods were mixed for me. Hecate was the best but ones from WW: Historia still probably won't be beat for me.
This takes a very long time to get going, but once it does, the story told is good.