This book is consistently entertaining with each issue and there is no end in sight for how far this series can go. Read Full Review
This is one of those rare titles where it's a pure pleasure to read. While it doesn't have quite the drama of other books, it has a thoughtful tension all its own that raises it above childish nostalgia. Read Full Review
This is definitely my favorite issue of the week! Read Full Review
At $3.99, I can understand how some people might be nervous about taking a chance, but every issue of this book has been, at the very minimum, solidly entertaining. This incarnation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is much more than a simple exercise in nostalgia. It stands on its own merits as a relevant, fun ongoing series that is well worth the attention of any comic book fan. And as an aside, I deeply appreciate IDW's policy of keeping their advertisements on the back pages, as well as providing an ample letters page. It makes the read uncluttered and enjoyable, and I wish more publishers would follow suit. I am more willing to pay a higher price when my eyes are burnt by distracting adverts every three pages. Anyhow, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #7 is a bang-up issue, and it gets a well-earned four out of five star rating. Read Full Review
If you haven't picked up this series this is a great place to jump on even if you missed last issue. I enjoyed every minute of it and was sad it was over when I finished. I know I say I might be a fanboy of TMNT but this is a really good read and haven't regretted getting the series since #1. Read Full Review
I get the feeling that the best is yet to come from this series, but it's lovely to have a TMNT comic that, 7 issues in, is a sure bet in quality month to month. Read Full Review
If you're not reading this comic, I don't know what to tell you. It's got talking brains inside mechanical bodies, giant philosophical rats, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Honestly, what more do you want? Worth a look. Read Full Review