Ultimates 2 #9

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 7, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

A member of the Ultimates has betrayed the team! Will this terrible discovery interrupt the wedding of Iron Man and Black Widow? Find out here!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Dec 9, 2005

    That said, with this issue everything that Mark Millar has been working hard to build over the last 8 issues of the title seems to really be coming together. Theres some resolution to the Ultimate Traitor thread, a peek at the fate of Hawkeye since the attack on his home and family in issue #7, and even a long-overdue explanation of the Scarlet Witchs powers. There are still some mysteries to be resolved and plot holes to be tied up I wouldnt put it past Millar to pull another twist on the Traitor front, for example, and itd be nice to explore just how Thor and Cap were so comprehensively set-up earlier in the title but this issue serves its purpose well: to introduce the most credible threat yet seen to world security in Ultimates, and one which is surely going to necessitate a similarly grandiose response. This is a fine representation of the Ultimate Universes darkest hour before the Ultimates come in to save the day for the final time in Millar and Hitchs blockbust Read Full Review

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