Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #88 concludes The Assault on Burnow Island storyline. We get huge reveals but the victory comes at a heavy cost.
***Spoilers ahead***
It's really hard to discuss this comic without mentioning spoilers. The biggest reveal is that Agent Bishop is actually a massively deformed human that never grew over a foot tall.
To hide the deformity, Bishop's father placed him in a suit not too dissimilar to the Ultroms. The implication is that Bishop is using reverse-engineered Ultrom technology and for the lack of a better word he's as close to being a mutant as he can be without actually being one.
The huge spoiler in the issue is that Slash dies. While under Bishops control he is implanted with a nuclear device that was meant to be a final contingency if all else failed on Burnow Island.
The comic has a number of huge Oh Crap moments in it. It really sucks that these stories aren't being translated into a live-action series or animated show aimed at older teens and adults. These stories would be perfect for translation and reflect the only canon that matters in my opinion. This story has had great art direction, editing, and writing. TMNT is the model of consistency as it chugs along. This story arc has been amazing with great character development, huge reveals, and a bittersweet conclusion.
Kudos, to all involved. I can't wait to see what the team comes up with next.
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Wraps up suddenly but damn what a punch. The Baby MODOK surprise...Slash being awoken with those memories...great stuff.
there were some good points to this issue.
there were also some good moments though this arc as well.
but overall i can't help but feel disappointed.
so much set-up and back story, and not enough action or excitement.
the first 2 issues in this arc dragged with lots of set-up, and left everything to happen in this 3rd issue.
just as this issues started to get exciting, it stopped dead in it’s tracks for more back-story on Bishop. i don’t really care about Bishop. i actually find him more dull than Darius Dun and the Street Phantoms. and they were barely interesting.
so a character that i really don’t care for escapes to fight another day,
while a character i do like dies a wasteful death.
and it'd been SO long ago that Slash had been abducted and turned into a killing machine for Bishop, that i'd forgotten why i even really liked Slash in the first place.
i'm also not thrilled with the Ninja Turtles being so sanctimonious about not killing Bishop.
if they still try to handle Bishop with kid gloves after what he just did to Slash, then i'm probably going to seriously consider to stop buying this comic.
(((((end spoiler)))))
i’ll try re-reading this whole arc through from the beginning.
but as of right now, i’m not really looking forward to it. more
Bishop snuck up behind Leonardo and killed him with his little sunglasses?
now i KNOW y'all are trippin!