Ultimate Fantastic Four #9

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
6.0Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

DOOM PART 3 Victor Van Damme has sent a swarm of deadly robotic pests to attack the Fantastic Four at the Baxter Building. Still struggling to understand their new lives, will the Fantastic Four be able to band together and save the day?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 9, 2004

    All in all, this is not a bad issue of UFF: just one that doesnt match the heights of Ellis last two efforts. If this is just a blip on the road to a great Doom finale, its forgivable - but with the title character of the arc nowhere to be seen this issue, some fans may come away feeling a little less than satisfied. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 6, 2004

    The art is a very solid display of Stuart Immonens ability to deliver the action aspects of the plot, as there's a great sequence where Sue uses her force-field to employ a rather novel attack, and the big finish to the fight is a great looking visual though Dave Stewart deserves a lions share of the credit for this latter visual. I also rather enjoyed his take on the Thing, as Ben looks like the hulking monstrosity he needs to be, but the art also manages to convey a impressive number of emotions on the character's face from his steely-eyed stare as he faces down the oncoming swarm, to his look of caution as he discovers he's immune to Johnny's inferno. Read Full Review

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