Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #97

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Michael Dialynas Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 28, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
8.5Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

City at War, Part 5. With enemies victorious on all sides and allies in short supply, the TMNT are at their lowest point. Yet as the TMNT start to blame themselves, a greater threat looms ever closer...

Don't miss the earth-shaking lead up to TMNT #100!

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson- Aug 27, 2019

    After several solid, story-building chapters, this is easily the best issue of the arc so far, and injects the proceedings with a real sense of purpose as Karai finally makes her decisive move. IDWs TMNT series is always at its best when its different storylines unite into one single narrative, and thats exactly what happens here. Highly, highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Aug 27, 2019

    TMNT #97 made this storyline exciting again. Not that the last issue was bad; it did what it had to do to get different story plots going. But the focus on Karai and the Foot Clan helped get the City at War storyline back on its electrifying track leading up to the monumental issue #100. This issue has gotten me very excited to see what happens next. Plus the solicit for issue #98 is very intriguing! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Jamie Lovett Aug 28, 2019

    It's another stellar step on the road to issue #100. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Cpd113 Aug 30, 2019

    This issue has a great plot, good art and great pacing. It has me excited for the next issue

  • 9.0
    Hislight Mar 17, 2021

    Damn it's getting real for the turtles. This arc is everything that's good with the series. To bad we didn't get more of this street level action throughout the run

  • 9.0
    I Review Comics Sep 7, 2019

    When I finished reading Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #96 I thought it was a foregone conclusion that Splinter was gonna be killed off in this issue. Then I saw the solicits and I knew he'd survive. Thanks for Spoiling the Issue IDW.

    TMNT: City At War Pt 5 covers a lot of ground and gives adequate attention to pretty much all of the principal characters in play right now. I think the only major characters not involved in the issue are Old Hob and the Mutanimals.

    Jennika gets a cool moment with Casey and she dawns her mask for the first time. I get the feeling that she may be the x-factor when it comes down to dealing with Metalhead down the line.

    The main piece of the conflict centers around Splinter and his more

  • 6.5
    myconius Aug 28, 2019

    a pretty ok issue. the pacing of this series is way off. so many issues where nothing really happened. now it feels rushed with too many loose ends needing to be tied up far too quickly.
    many of these plot points should have been dealt with so sooner instead of cramming them all in before issue #100.
    some of the character interactions felt a bit forced and contrived.
    they feel too all-of-the-sudden rather than built up organically.

  • 10
    ÜberGinger Sep 13, 2019

  • 8.5
    Micky H Sep 24, 2019

  • 7.5
    Soos X Sep 15, 2019

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