Steve Rogers' mission to clear his reputation and to re-establish the good name of Captain America continues, as he and Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, tackle a familiar old foe who is contaminating the water supply of a large rust-belt city!
Rated T+
An old foe returns as Captain America and the Daughters of Liberty investigate a cop killer on the loose as this exceptional run on Cap continues to accelerate inCaptain America #15 (Coates, Masters, Milla, Caramagna). Read Full Review
I like Jason Masters' style in this issue. The art works because of its use of clean lines and the panels are indicative of classic detective movies. Read Full Review
While the art does a good job of showing the passage of time and scenery, it's not as impactful when you look back on the issue and realize that it feels a bit spread out. The story that's told in 22 pages could've likely been told in 12 so that we'd be further along. But the pacing will hopefully balance out in future issues as Steve and the Daughters get closer to finding the one person they can punch hard enough to make everything better. Read Full Review
Captain America #15 slows this run to a crawl and yet, it manages to be captivating. Read Full Review
Straight out of a seedy gangster movie, a cop is gunned down in cold blood while a monologue talks about Brotherhood and trust. A slim figure in a trench coat finishes off the cop near what looks like an '87 Buick, as if you had any doubt he was a cop! Meanwhile, Cap and The Daughters review the intel they have on the Power Elite – Some big names: Fisk, Crossbones, and in the first blast from the past Aleksander Lukin and his Daughter…. er, Wife. They discuss the ins and outs of an older man and a younger woman. Oh, Snap! All eyes turn to Steve and Sharon. Read Full Review
Captain America #15 takes full advantage of Steve Rogers' nomadic status quo to experiment with different tones, different art, and different kinds of stories. Some of the forays fall flat, but on balance, the issue has a lively sense of improvisation. And the introduction of a fresh antagonist promises to bolster the next few issues with some strong conflict. Read Full Review
The Legend of Steve continues to unfold, if a bit too slowly. Read Full Review
Captain America #15 is a weak showing from an otherwise strong book and creative team. Read Full Review
" I know what you're expecting--Dreams, ideals, better angels. Not tonight. Let us speak of brothers. Of broken trust. Of justice. "
This was okay.
I don't think the writer has much to say about Steve Rogers at the moment.
Like the previous issue this one never clicked that much with me. Which is a shame considering I was really hyped for "Steve Rogers" to return, since I was a fan of the design.
Coates simply can’t conjure narrative drive.
This felt pointless...where are all the plot lines from earlier arcs? This is a bit of a mess...
What is going on in this comic lately? This is all incredibly boring and uninteresting.
The art is great, though.
This issue didnt get me. The art is fine but this title seems to be going nowhere. Its been slow and i thought we were building to something but then theres issues like this that make it seems like there is not point and im actually kind of confused as to whats going on because nothing really sticks out and I forget half of whats going on by next issue. Hopefully it turns around.