Power Girl #2

Writer: Leah Williams Artist: Eduardo Pansica Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 25, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
6.1Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

+ Pull List

OUT OF METROPOLIS, ON A ROAD TRIP! As a Kryptonian virus rapidly spreads along the coast, Power Girl departs Metropolis looking to redeem herself for her catastrophic mistakes. It's not easy being a part of the Super-Family, but Paige has never let the pressure get to her before. She just needs something to punch. And she's found her target in space pirate and hater of all who hail from Krypton: Amalak!

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Eric Thomas Oct 24, 2023

    Packed with touching drama, offbeat laughs, and art that elevates all aspects to high heights, this is an issue that exceeds the standards set by the first issue in the best way possible. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Charlie Ridgely Oct 25, 2023

    A very solid outing from start to finish, and another chapter in a series that's shaping up to be a great one. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Oct 26, 2023

    Power Girl #2 takes a sizable step back from the first issue when Leah Williams injects a lot of slice-of-life fluff, weird character personality shifts, and random plot developments for a disappointing issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Oct 24, 2023

    With the depiction of Power Girl as insecure, dependent upon Superman and Super-family, inexperienced living on Earth, it's probably OK to refer to her as Paige, as she's absolutely nothing like the Karen Starr Power Girl we know and love or the one we've seen before. You might be able to enjoy some of the art in this issue, but it's a real struggle to connect with this iteration of the character. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 1, 2023

    So it isn't working as a Power Girl book or a 'new character' book.  I'll stick around a little longer. But in the meantime, I'll pull the Conner/Palmiotti Power Girl trade off my bookshelf. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Hislight Jul 19, 2024

    I dont get why this is review bombed for not being a replica of the past telling of Power Girl. I like re invented characters. That being said this issue is good but not great. I like where this is going !

  • 7.0
    ResearchReader Nov 1, 2023

    I feel like this issue is fine, but if we are going this route with Power Girl, we really need to emphasize and explain her personality change of old. Like Leah has the skills to do this. She hints that she was really traumatized by her experience/capture by her old 'pod'. Use that to explain her imposter syndrome, shaken confidence and panicky decision making. Leah is putting all the needed parts in the plot, but she has to tie them together otherwise it is just me giving her the benefit of the doubt.

    I will say that Amalak 'twist' was quite welcome and I enjoyed that writing.

    This book isnt the best, and I am still rather upset with how Power Girl is portrayed personality wise. Additionally her Paige Alter ego is so more

  • 7.0
    LeonReadsNRates Oct 25, 2023

    An improvement from issue 1 but still has way too much fluff for what is basically Karen's first comic in a very long time (I refuse to call her Paige). Amalak being taken hostage by an alien or virus was a turn of events I wasn't expecting but now that he's out of the way, and Karen has finally put on her pants it time she goes virus busting, right? RIGHT?

    I still can't adjust to this "omg we r besties!" thing with Omen, which I'm trying my best to ignore, but the art and coloring are definitely a highlight in a comic. If the comic continues to improve from hear, I may even give Leah Williams a passing grade.

  • 3.0
    derbycomics Oct 24, 2023

    Leah Williams tries to put Power Girl on a larger pedestal after a disastrous debut issue that reduced the character to a paranoid superhero, but fails in a different fashion in the second issue of this new series. Williams does give Power Girl more of a direct focus, and we start to explore her imposter syndrome and wonder whether or not the identity issues she’s facing are real or part of the problem she’s been tasked with fixing. My biggest issue w/ Williams’ story so far is how much our interpretation of Power Girl is based on other characters. In the last issue, we say Superman laying it on thick, and this issue it’s Lois Lane’s turn to try and tell Power Girl what/who she should be. It creates a wall between readers and Powe more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.0
    Softboy Oct 24, 2023

    Just when you thought Leah Williams writing for Power Girl couldn’t get worse, it most certainly does. Williams has damaged the character of Power Girl severely, making her a clueless mediocre shell of a character she once was. Power Girl use to be a successful confident business owner with strong ties to the super hero community, Williams destroys all of that by making Power Girl an antisocial awkward insecure employee of the Daily Planet, that relies too much on Omen and Lois Lane.

    Omen the Titans resident precog / telepath is extremely annoying here. Williams is trying to force the character of Omen into Power Girl’s life and it’s just not working at all, and neglects Omen’s character in the process. An example of thi more

  • 7.5
    ed1138 Nov 28, 2023

  • 7.0
    retcon_D Nov 2, 2023

  • 6.0
    pizzamain Feb 1, 2024

  • 6.0
    Watchtower022 Oct 29, 2023

  • 5.0
    TheFallenKing13 Oct 25, 2023

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