Captain America #25
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Captain America #25

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Carlos Pacheco, Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 1, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 11
6.7Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Extra-Sized Issue!
•  Who is the All-New Captain America?
•  The conclusion to the story that began in Dimension Z as Zola strikes in unison with The Red Skull!
•  The final fate of Jet Black!
Rated T

  • 9.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Oct 1, 2014

    Captain America #25 brings one chapter closed for Steve and Sam, while opening the doors for many new opportunities in their new roles. The mantle has finally been passed, with as much hype as they built up to this reveal, we now have our new Captain America. Only time will tell what this means for the Marvel Universe as everyone has something different to offer in that position of authority and symbolism. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - F.D. White Oct 1, 2014

    All in all, this is a wonderful send-off for Steve Rogers and a love letter to Sam Wilson that has me more excited for Captain America than I've ever been before. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Brian Benjamin Oct 1, 2014

    Rick Remender's Captain America run is over and there has definitely been some good and bad moments but it does end on a very good high note. Seeing Sam Wilson dressed as Captain America made me smile Nation. I do wish we didn't know about it prior but the build up and the moment was still enjoyable. Overall, I'm looking forward to All New Captain America this November. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 1, 2014

    This is a big moment in the life of Captain America. We knew it was coming. Steve Rogers makes it official that he's stepping down and a "new" Cap is announced. What's next for Steve? Of course you'll have to read to find out. As a finale to a volume, this had a nice change of pace. Steve and the others had to deal with Zola and his attack against New York but it was nice to see more of a focus on Steven and the Avengers instead of dwelling on another battle. Carlos Pacheco and Stuart Immonen do this momentous issue justice. The next phase is set up but there's still more we'll need to see with the current plot. There may be a new Cap but with the way this issue ends, it looks like he's not going to have it easy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Oct 1, 2014

    Captain America #25 isn't the most high octane issue you're going to read this week, but that's not it's purpose. This comic is meant to pass a torch, and it does so quite well. The epilogue for this volume of Captain America will have you craving All-New Captain America, and I found this issue was filled with something we aren't seeing often in superhero comics these days: hope. The darkness of this volume has led to some light and for that I applaud Remender & co. for delivering a different pace and style of issue than what we've seen in Captain America. The future is bright, and I want All-New Captain America right bloody NOW! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jose Caraballo Oct 7, 2014

    The art by Carlos Pachecho (Avengers Forever) is serviceable and slick, nothing too much to boast about, although Sam Wilson gets a beautiful splash page for his reveal. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Eric Lund Oct 4, 2014

    Captain America #25 mostly focuses on showing the reader what lays ahead and misses out on some opportunities to further develop Sam Wilson's character. The issue touches on some points, but mostly centers on what's ahead. There is no doubt that Remender will take a similar approach to really building out Sam Wilson as a character just like he did with Steve Rogers, but as of right now those elements are missing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 2, 2014

    With some great Zola moments and strong visuals, this series ends in a way that builds excitement for what comes next. However, due to a heavy-handed transition and little focus on the man who will be the new Captain America, this issue is just good instead of great. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Oct 2, 2014

    Captain America #25 may not be the best ending to a series ever, but it does do a good job of setting up the replacement series. Though the concluding events feel a little rushed, the energetic tone, and premise of things to come really have me enticed for things to come. Due to this the issue comes recommended, but if you're looking for a jump on point then I'd recommend waiting till All-New Captain America starts. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Herald - Jeff Ayers Oct 2, 2014

    I am going to say it again, the cover was lazy. Also, some of the jokes made by the Avengers during their big meeting, I know were to show levity in the situation, were really trite. Many characters only got face time, and seemed to not be needed there at all. Like, Black Panther was there, and has a long history with both Steve and Sam, yet was featured in the side of a panel, and no lines were uttered. Waste of a good character, in my mind. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 2, 2014

    There's a fun cheekiness to Captain America #25, as Rick Remender makes some funny metacommentary about how the new Captain America - Sam "The Falcon" Wilson - has already been long-spoiled by the marketing machine. That said, the beginning of this issue feels a little disappointing, as you know Sam will survive Remender's last cliffhanger, and the throwaway explanation does little to endear. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Oct 1, 2014

    We've seen the ending of this one coming for a while, but the epilogue was a nice surprise. It seems there's a fox in the hen house, and the Avengers don't see it coming. That's a pretty big challenge for a new Captain America, especially as Jet's loyalties are now in doubt. I have to say I'm looking forward to the new art team as well, in hopes that they'll be able to give Sam Wilson's Cap his own visual style. This big announcement issue is solid through and through. It's not going to change the world or be anyone's favorite comic that comes out this week. But it does it's job, even if it's somewhat unspectacular. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 4, 2014

    Just know that the Sam Wilson stuff is really good, and I think Remender could do a good job with him going forward. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Outright Geekery - Adam Normal Oct 4, 2014

    What should have been Sam Wilson's victory lap crashes and burns in the final issue of Captain America. It isn't terrible, but this issue is definitely not as good as it should have been. Not by a long shot. The crux of the issue has been spoiled already, sapping a lot of the fun away, and the rest of it suffers from some sloppy scripting and annoying Avengers. At least the art is pretty… Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Oct 2, 2014

    But then the new Captain America is revealed, and it's great. There's a nice joke about the announcement lacking dramatic tension that is very meta, but it works. And with that, I'm excited for this new era. I know it won't last. I know Steve will eventually be forced to come back and pick up the shield. But if we get a year or two of good stories with this new cap, then surely that's no bad thing. I'll stick with the series into the new era, and hope this admitted gimmick allows for a deserving character to get a spotlight that is richly deserved. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Oct 2, 2014

    The issue closes out with a short epilogue that introduces a compelling new mystery and a pair of villains that provide enough of a tease to sell readers on next month's "All-New Captain America" #1. The darker, mysterious nature of this conclusion makes for a different visual color-wise than the rest of the comic, but the layouts and overall style still are in keeping with the previous pages. The shadowy look is fittingly different to serve as the start of an all-new chapter in the life of the all-new Cap. Overall, "Captain America" #25 is a bit of an awkward farewell, but one that at least starts off and finishes strongly enough. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Chase Magnett Oct 5, 2014

    Captain America #25 is very similar to last weeks Thor: God of Thunder #25 in that it works so hard to set up the next big thing that it fails to be its own thing. Remender is so interested in pitching All-New Captain America #1 that he fails to effectively conclude the story hes written so far. Both of these issues mark the end of highly successful and much lauded runs, but fail to live up to the standards they established for themselves. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 10, 2017

    At least the Winter Soldier comes back at the end. That does help a little bit. He is Marvels greatest hero, and you can fight me on that one all you want. Youll still be wrong. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Ryan Jul 2, 2019

    I know this issue gets a lot of hate because Sam replaces Steve as Captain America, but I loved it. Great art and a huge cast. Some of the jokes were cheesy, which is why this issue is 9.5 instead of 10. Sam was the obvious choice to replace Steve and the epilogue was awesome

  • 8.5
    mrDovydas Oct 19, 2014

    Amazing end of the series which also served as an introduction for the new volume.

  • 8.0
    havok1977 Oct 22, 2014

    The best part of the issue was the nuHydra cabal, including the mole and Remender reusing the characters he introduced in his Winter Soldier mini.

    The rest has pretty art but was mostly forgettable, I only wonder if Sharon was replaced somehow and is lying about Jet?

  • 7.5
    Hislight Jan 1, 2025

    Jet ending felt so weird. Just didn’t sit right with me especially considering the whole story we know she wouldnt turn on Cap. And just pouts and leaves? Whack. Sam becoming Cap is the best part here.

  • 7.5
    DarePool53 Oct 5, 2014

    A well-drawn end to the volume that ticks all the boxes.

    Remender acknowledges the 'anti-twist' by having Sam brush it off with a pithy remark. Essentially saying what all the readers would be thinking.

    Most of the issue is, predictably, devoted to transition. We see how the landscape changes for the Avengers, while most of the intrigue stems from the separate epilogue - as we get a glimpse of the upcoming threat.

    Issues that have a lot of exposition and transition crammed into them always come off as a little bit clunky and this issue is no different. However, you'll quickly forget about it, as you are left to contemplate what the future holds for Sam Wilson.

    A good end to a good run.

  • 9.0
    Julhin Apr 25, 2021

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Jul 6, 2021

  • 7.5
    iPodwithnomusic May 2, 2021

  • 7.0
    samizrozami May 2, 2024

  • 6.0
    K Sharath Feb 5, 2022

  • 5.5
    Demarcoa Oct 3, 2014

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