Ultimates 2 #7

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 20, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

A betrayal from within the team leaves one of the Ultimates' life in shambles!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jul 28, 2005

    As such, we begin to sympathise with the motives of whoever the mystery traitor may be, even if his or her actions in the issues quietly shocking closing moments go beyond the pale. One things for sure, it sets up an awesome cliffhanger which is as intellectually challenging as it is viscerally thrilling. The Ultimates is truly the Marvel book which has everything, and is - in my opinion, of course - the strongest of Marvels Ultimate line: gripping action, thought-proviking writing, and a fantastic modern take on classic characters make this a must-read. If youve never read The Ultimates before, theres no better time to start reading than the present (or better yet, go back and buy the trades of volume 1). If youve tried them before, then give it another shot, as I cant imagine not enjoying this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 13, 2005

    First off I have to say that I loved this issue's cover shot, as it's a very busy piece, but it also does an amazing job of selling the big idea that opens the issue. The art is also in fine form during the opening sequence where it's called upon to deliver what is essentially the super-powered invasion, and how can one not be impressed by the big impact moments of this opening scene, from Quicksilver's quick escape scene, to the arrival of the Giant Men. Scarlet Witch's disarming spell was also well presented, as was the little moment where Captain America orders a local to enjoy his new-found freedom. There's also a highly enjoyable smugness on display during the scene where Janet and Hank spend a little time together, as the panel where Janet removes her sunglasses is a great little character moment, and it's nicely contrasted on the next page as we see another woman mirroring Janet's pose. The impact of the final action sequence is also largely due to the art, as how can one not be Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 29, 2005

    Theres a way out of what I see as the crass nihilism of this issue, and if Millar uses it Ill rethink my judgments here. Ill still have access to the issues, and Ill check in to see what becomes of Thor, but after last issues gallows humor and this issues excess of ultra-violence, this is just not the book for me. I like my heroes heroic. Read Full Review

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