Secret Invasion #2

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Lenil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 7, 2008 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 15
7.3Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

The Invasion is here!! The Marvel Universe is in shambles and it's hero versus hero! Resurrections and reunions!! Is Tony Stark a Skrull? And is that actually Captain America leading the heroes into a new era??

  • 10
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Andrew C. Murphy May 7, 2008

    Oh, and by the way, those Skrulls who invade New York are totally awesome. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan May 7, 2008

    Is that a Dr. Strange/Black Bolt/Iron Man/Mr. Fantastic Super-Skrull? Yes. Yes, it is. And who among us hasn't dreamt of such a concoction? Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 7, 2008

    Bendis doesn't completely disappoint, either. He's always been a master of snappy dialogue, and his talents are put to good use as the factions of heroes begin to splinter and divide. Every line leaves you to question what you read, and certain revelations may not be as clear cut as they appear. The sense of dread and paranoia among the heroes is quickly leaking out from the page. And lest I forget, this month's two-page cliffhanger spread is even better than the last. That's a good thing too. As disappointed as I was in the overall package this month, those last pages still manage to leave me eagerly anticipating the next issue. Let's just hope that book will prove a better value. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 7, 2008

    One final observation I've never been a fan of Leinil Yu's artwork, but if Marvel continues to pair him with such a talented inker as Mark Morales, I just might get on the Yu bandwagon. Together with colorist Laura Martin, Morales brings some much-needed clarity and crispness to Yu's work, and Secret Invasion #2 is, at the very least, a beautiful and exciting sight to behold. I just wish there was more to this issue's story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher May 7, 2008

    Considering this is an eight issue run, this second installment proceeded at the pace I expected. No major revelations were made, there were just enough cliffhangers to make me go OH CRAPZ!, and the art was nice. I know this is a major event for Marvel, but jacking the price on a book that is still 22 pages long seemed like a bit of a rip to me. By the end of the last page, I'm only giving Secret Invasion #2 3.5 out of 5 Stars. A slight slip from the first fantastic issue, but still a great read that continues the story, and it gives me the chance to say "Skrull!" whenever I get the chance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace / Keith Dallas May 8, 2008

    And since our individual reactions to Secret Invasion have been dichotomous so far, I'm interested to see if our opinions flip-flop yet again once the third issue arrives. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 7, 2008

    I was a little disappointed at the cop out Trex fight stopper in the Savage Land and not much else happened, but I'm actually a bit excited by the final splash page with the Skrulls. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 8, 2008

    It is odd, but I actually find the Secret Invasion tie-in issues over on Mighty Avengers and New Avengers to be vastly superior to what Bendis is giving us in Secret Invasion. That rarely happens during big events. But, that is the case with Secret Invasion. Bendis is giving us stories with much more substance with the tie-in issues. We are getting the actual meat and potatoes of the Secret Invasion story and learning all the new information on the tie-in issues while Secret Invasion itself is just delivering all the fight scenes. Read Full Review

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