Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #76

Writer: Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman Artist: Damian Couceiro Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 15, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
7.7Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

"Invasion of the Triceratons" Part 1 of 5. A small force of armed extra-dimensional Triceratons have arrived in the heart of NYC! Will the Earth welcome them or destroy them?

Bullet points:
* The start of a major new story arc!

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Joshua Evans Nov 15, 2017

    The artwork hearkens to the better stylistic renderings of the mutant brothers over the years (and there have been many). Theyre muscular, not too bulky, but ALSO not too thin! The NYC detail was fitting, but at the same time I noticed there were no wasted scenes of rampant city scenery which I believe is because we already know what New York looks like. Assuming the intelligence of the reader always pays marvelous dividends. One really unique scene that Im stoked to return to in future issues is the depiction of a bio-techno mutant turtle controlled by what appeared to be some variant of virtual reality goggles. Making something like that work in the frame-by-frame imagery of comics is just talent showing off and I loved every nuanced pixel of it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    On Comics Ground - Luis Cruz Nov 16, 2017

    "Out of the pan and straight into the fire." Can the turtles get a break? All I want for them at this point is for them to sit down, play some videogames, and eat some pizza, but lately the Turtles have been through so much. Returning home you think they will be able to at least sit down; nope. Also, humans can be such cruel creatures; always afraid of thing's they don't know. The Triceratons come to see their home planet and right out the bat, it's a full on war. Hopefully the Ninja Turtles get there in time to stop all the madness. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Nov 14, 2017

    That said, the final page throws an interesting wrinkle into the mix, suggesting the welcome re-integration of yet another previously dangling plotline, and the dynamic between the different parties of which there are now four has the potential to make for a genuinely exciting arc. Definitely a storyline to keep an eye on, Turtle fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hislight Mar 1, 2021

    Great stuff! Finally we get back into the ideas that were started a few issues back.
    This is a great introduction to the Triceratons and a great start for this arc.

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Sep 25, 2022

    Wow, Agent Bishop is an F-ing psycho to instigate war against the Triceratons.

  • 6.0
    myconius Nov 26, 2017

    this arc shows great promise of things to come, though i am a bit disappointed that the Ninja Turtles are only in 3 pages of the ENTIRE comic!!!

    i've been saying for quite a while that the Ninja Turtles have become guest stars in their own comic series! and it's getting RIDICULOUS!!!!

    this was still a very well written comic, and the art was excellent!

    though i feel the last panel was unnecessarily done just for shock value.

    it really made no sense.

    here's to hoping that the Ninja Turtles will actually once again become the stars of their own comic series.

    i'd love to rate this issue higher, but for the lack of Tmnt in a Tmnt comic i just can't!

  • 10
    ÜberGinger Nov 27, 2017

  • 8.0
    mseccatore Nov 17, 2017

  • 7.0
    Gabriel Valões Nov 18, 2017

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