The world of Batman: White Knight expands with this standalone tale! On the night of Bruce Wayne's traumatic birth, Victor Fries must intervene to save the lives of Martha Wayne and the future Batman. As the evening unfolds, Victor distracts Thomas with the incredible tale of his own father figures-one a Nazi, the other a Jew-and their complex connection to Wayne Laboratories. As the Third Reich roars into power, the deep friendship and working relationship between the Baron von Fries and his research partner, Jacob Smithstein, is in crisis. Ordered by Himmler to speed development of their cryotechnology in service of world domination, Smithsmore
OverallSean Murphy delivers a solid story here, which will both entertain and educate. I really loved the segment at the very close of the book where we meet the White Knight version of Batman during a visit to an older Victor Fries. But it is the story within the story about Victor's father the Baron and his surrogate father Jacob, which will melt even the iciest of hearts. Read Full Review
Even if you have not read any of the other White Knight series, this issue really stands on its own without it and can be read as a one shot. I really hope Murphy decides to do more with this story and add on to it because there is so much more to explore in the Freeze character and from reading this one, he is the one I want to do it! Read Full Review
The only real flaw to this book is that while it is accessible to newcomers who have not read the original White Knight series, you get much more out of the story if you have read the original. That being said, the initiated would do well to check out this one-shot, as would fans of Janson's artwork. Read Full Review
I loved every line, every panel and every page of this issue, and know that I'm not alone. Read Full Review
Sean Murphy is building his case for more and more content in his DC Universe. I really can't wait to see how this "watch" plays into the Curse of the White Knight story. And I really wish he would go all "Stephen King" in producing more additions to his reinvention of the Batman world. Finally, Harley and Bruce sitting in a tree". when's that kiss going to happen? Read Full Review
If I haven't convinced you enough already, you need to pick this one up. Even if you have not read any of the other White Knight series, this issue really stands on its own without it and can be read as a one shot. I really hope Murphy decides to do more with this story and add on to it because there is so much more to explore in the Freeze character and from reading this one, he is the one I want to do it! Batman Curse of the White Knight presents VON FREEZE is available now so do your self a favor and pick it up today. It is also available for digital download from your preferred online retailer. Read Full Review
What Batman: White Knight does so well gives readers something to chew on. Murphy's one-shot story adds even more depth to an already in-depth series. Read Full Review
Von Freeze gives a grounded dark story for Batman's most sympathetic foe. Read Full Review
Klaus Janson's polished but gritty art is a perfect substitute for Murphy's on this issue, and this issue's handling of thorny and dark subject matter puts any other handling of the Nazis in comics recently to shame. Read Full Review
There are times where I feel like I'm reading this exuberant, a bit over the top, comic from the 1940s but when we flip to the present, that totally changes and returns to familiarity. It's a beautiful story that evokes sadness but also hope. Read Full Review
I will be honest Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze was not the type of content I thought DC would relegate to their Black Label imprint, but I'm glad they have. Not every Batman story need be about crazy maniacal villains or insane death plots. Sometimes they just have to be about reminded us of the very human choices we all have to make and how to overcome whatever may find us. Read Full Review
Klaus Janson's art helps make this issue pop visually as well and engages the reader with panels filled with details and expressive characters. Read Full Review
Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze is a heavy hitting book that doesn't shy away from the gritty reality of Nazi Germany. Read Full Review
Familiar with a twist of surprise, this is a great pick up for any Batman fan looking for something that gives a new perspective on old tropes. Read Full Review
If you're looking for the traditional Mr. Freeze story this is not it, but that's far from a bad thing, so if you're looking for something new you should definitely give this take on the classic Batman villain a shot. Read Full Review
Sean Murphy and Klaus Janson craft a powerful fable offering hope in dark times. Read Full Review
Overall, Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze #1is not a bad comic but it adds little to the overall narrative of the Batman: White Knightuniverse. The story of Victor is interesting an could be its own series but as a one-shot, it doesn't do enough to fully grab my attention. That being said, fans of the series should pick it up. Read Full Review
Nazis are the kind of antagonist that always works, but having a character side with them even for a short time definitely muddies the waters a bit. And Murphy's clunky dialogue keeps this one from really reaching its true potential. Read Full Review
Batman: White Knight Presents Von Freeze was absolutely spectacular and just as good as the other installments of the White Knight universe. I was expecting the worst for this one-shot as Janson handles the art instead of Murphy himself, yet Janson delivers just as would as Murphy has. It’s really one of the highlights of his career. Murphy writes one of the most emotionally charged comics I’ve read as he states that he used his own family issues to write this comic. Von Freeze is a deep and beautifully written character, and this one-shot adds even more layers and depth to the White Knight saga
This will be interesting. A tie-in to Curse of the White Knight and as such it's the first issue not to be drawn by Sean Murphy, instead being done by Klaus Janson.
The Good:
Klaus Janson's art is great here. It's different from Murphy's but similar enough to not be too much of a contrast and put readers off.
I love the personal touch Sean and Klaus gave it from their own experiences.
Victor's backstory is tremendously well done here. I love every aspect of it and the history aspects, like the main story, is one of the more interesting parts of the issue.
It's also a nice look into Victor, Nora, Thomas and Martha's lives before the story we know.
The Bad:
Nothing more
This Mr. Freeze origin story was super well done and very fascinating!
idk why i thought this but when i heard this was coming out i thought it was murphy on art that was colored by Janson, not Janson doing all the art. Some parts the art is tough to look at, especially the end with Harley and Batman, but the rest of it is serviceable. What is great about this issue is the story, which gives Mr. Freeze an interesting backstory and motivation in this universe. Ive always liked Freeze more when hes a sympathetic character rather than a supervillain, and this was really good in showing why his tragic backstory.
The story was phenomenal but I really didn't like the art.
Creating an elseworld is one thing. Creating one and then making it vibrant, deep and complex is something completely different. Sean Murphy really made something special with White Knight, hasn't he?
The comic's plot may be conidered easy and straight forward - it's an origin story of sorts, showing how Victor became the man he is today. Don't expect another half assed villain tale, like abomination served to us by Scott Snyder back during the New 52 days, nor generic bad for the sake of bad nonsense from Peter J. Tomasi's current Detective Comics run.
There's no superheroes to be found here. Just regular people, with conflicted personalities and twisted reality of world war II.
The comic's weakest part has to be more
I thought this was good. I just wish the art was better. I really don't like the art. But this oversized issue went by like it was nothing, so that has to be a good sign.
Really enjoyed it. Ending was good. Nice tf idw spotlight style comic for mr freeze.
" The night you were born, Bruce-- told me everything i needed to know about your father. He was a man who always willing to change rules in other to help the people who needed him the most... "
Needs Murphy art and the story felt very predictable.
The art was distracting. The story was fine, I guess. It went by fast, but I was annoyed by all of the characters.
-Sean Murphy is a good character writer. It shows here. Victor and Thomas really feel like real people with their dialogue.
-Jacob and Victor's relationship felt very genuine.
-I like the family theme of this comic. It was very well-done and it was nice to see it not have a depressing ending.
-I like the idea of Freeze tech being used to experiment on Jews. Well, not the… you know what I mean!
-Of course Hollingsworth's colors are very good. That hasn't changed since White Knight.
-The emotion was solid here. This comic made me feel things.
-I really don't like this art. Sean Murphy's art is pretty vital to the White Knight worl more