DC Comics: Bombshells #1
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DC Comics: Bombshells #1

Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Marguerite Sauvage Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 22, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 10
8.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

It's World War II and Batwoman's battling crime on the home front. But events in her life are about to quickly change, and she may be leaving Gotham behind for a bigger cause.

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Aug 15, 2015

    A fun beginningas theplayers are introduced. I'll be along for this ride for as long as it's as good as this premiere issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 15, 2015

    The book is placed in the forties, during WW2, and looks at the adventures of the female super-heroes of the time. While the merchandise line seems to lean on a sort of Vargas pinup girl or air force bomber iconography, this is not a cheesecake book. The entire book revolves around these women as heroes, not eye candy. And with this period piece feel, and on the heels of the show Agent Carter, this was entertaining and engaging. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Aug 12, 2015

    A stunning first issue for a series I hope to have lining my short boxes for a long time to come, DC Comics Bombshells #1 is quite simply the perfect cast with the perfect creative team at the perfect time. Hurrah for books designed and written by women. Hurrah for books that will appeal to women. Hurrah for these ladies on the page. Genius iterations all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Aug 13, 2015

    DC Comics Bombshells #1 gets a high score from me because the creative team flat out wowed me with this opening issue. Smart dialogue, a sturdy plot and consistently engaging pieces of artcaptured my attention from beginning to end. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Vanessa Gabriel Aug 12, 2015

    Bombshells #1 is a strong start to the series. Each character packs a powerful punch in design and personality. Set in the era when DC Comics was in its infancy, these women are the flagships and the trailblazers. Full of potential and personhood, they usher in the Age of Heroines. Bombshells is a cleverly orchestrated breath of fresh air and quite fun to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Mr. H Aug 15, 2015

    The majority of this issue served as an introduction to this brave new world (Where women handle every corner of society: business, marketing, even all sports) being adapted here. I loved every second. It all clicked wonderfully. The characters were colorful. The dialogue was snappy and the twists on classic icons were well welcomed. Both Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage blew me away. Everything about the comic felt right. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 25, 2015

    While expectations are high with this book for me, they were essentially met in every way. The potential for this book is strong and the team here nails it for me with its singular character focus to start and then expanding into the bigger world. There is a huge world to explore here and the chance to do so many fun things, but also strong emotional material with epic stories, that it feels like this should be a daily release. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Stella Bowman Aug 14, 2015

    If you are looking for a story with strong female leads taking place during an important and fascinating time in history, then I suggest you pick up DC Comics Bombshells! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Aug 12, 2015

    DC Comics Bombshells releases digitally on Saturdays and the monthly collected edition gives you 40 pages for your four bucks. It's got an all-star female lineup that puts Marvel's concessionary female Thor to shame. And it's set in an alternate WWII past with fun attention to 1940s aesthetics including the architecture, costumes, hairstyles, and other culturally recognizable nods. While the opening issue is mostly introductions and scene-setting, it's clearly and aptly laying in the groundwork for exciting adventures ahead. The two Marguerites (Bennett and Sauvage) make comics fun again (with a high appeal to a young female audience) without sacrificing any character integrity. I am very much looking forward to seeing where this book takes us! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Aug 15, 2015

    DC Comics Bombshells is what happens when you take a simple idea and blow it up into a complex and novel tale. Marguerite Bennett and Sauvage take the glorified World War II aesthetic and make into a larger story beyond the American-centric Band of Brothers spark notes version, focusing on numerous sides of this conflict and giving it historical weight. This is the best kind of book one could hope for based on a simple toy line and it's great that they've pulled it off. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Jul 27, 2015

    “DC Comics Bombshells” #1 is the first of three chapters that will make up the first print issue so it's obviously very short. However, Sauvage and Bennett have something very exciting here and I'm really looking forward to more. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Aug 12, 2015

    Whether it's because of their retro-sexy-yet-sex-positive look, or because of the incredible cosplay-ability of their costumes (at any comic convention you may attend, chances are you'll see cosplayers dressed as Diana the Riveter, or Jet-Pack-Bubble-Gum Hawkgirl), the Bombshells concept and look isn't going anywhere, and this book should help cement its place within DC's roster. A book so full of strong, agency-filled female characters, both drawn and written by women, is still rare enough to merit notice. But when it's this good, too? That's a cause for celebration. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jeff Lake Aug 12, 2015

    Though crafted as a digital read, Bombshell's print transference proves an enjoyable one. Marguerite's Bennett and Sauvage show a keen understanding for the stories they're out to tell, their characters both familiar and decidedly fresh. In a marketplace crowded with male dominated reads, book's like Bombshells stand out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Aug 25, 2015

    This creative team clearly gels very well together and they combine to make a very fine first issue that is tons and tons of fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Aug 18, 2015

    DC Comics Bombshells takes full advantage of its monomial creative team's strengths and the result of a bustling world that laughs at the comics industry's failures with its heroines, on the page and off. The colors are beautifully restrained but the personalities are as bold as DC's main line, often bolder. The old fashioned narration and lyrical dialogue runs the reader through the heart and Sauvage's art is unlike any other book on the stands. Though the translation to print undermines these early chapters and Wonder Woman's segment is merely a worthy retelling of her myth, Bombshells #1 proves that the series has what it takes. The market is starved for more well-written heroines, but Bombshells will satisfy regardless of gender, race, or philosophy. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comicsverse - Bri D'Anton Aug 17, 2015

    Bombshells #1 is a fun opening to what will hopefully be a strong continuing series. Although the episodes are short, which can be a little unfulfilling, there is enough here to love and come back for more! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Aug 19, 2015

    "DC Bombshells" is a brilliant feminist reclaiming of a fun artistic tradition. The creative team is clearly having a blast, and you don't want to miss out on the party. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Aug 17, 2015

    Bombshells is a win for both female characters and female creators, and that double victory is well worth celebrating. I know that this creative team isn't for the long run and it'll be switched out, but it's absolutely off to a grand start. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    GWW - Agasicles Stamas Aug 16, 2015

    Overall, I liked this book. It has a certain, genuine charm to it. But I came away not particularly engaged in any of the stories other than the Batwoman one. I'm not adding this to my regular pull just yet, but I would not avoid it if it came up in my weekly random picks that augment my regular pulls. For those who really like period pieces or who have a nostalgic yen for comics stylized from previous eras should like this issue just fine. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Aug 13, 2015

    Still, the book is really early in its run and it's difficult for it to have built up much in terms of tension or stakes. The episodic nature of combining three separate digital comics doesn't really lend itself well to telling a full story, so the book only feels like a montage of unrelated events. We're only really getting to know these characters right now, and that's okay if not totally fulfilling. Bennett and Sauvage, though, are obviously having a blast with this thing, and I think that tongue-in-cheek attitude with a real desire to tell a good story help make this book not feel like some marketing ploy spinoff. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jul 25, 2015

    Do to the short length of Digital First books, most will probably wait until it's collected to buy this and that might really be the way to go because right as I was getting into the book it was over.  Even though the dramatic elements of the story were cut short in order to introduce this Bat Woman to readers and because it needed to get the big picture of the series started, with excellent art and a great re-design, I had a wonderful time with this issue.  So whether you decide to pick this up as a digital or as a collected work, just make sure you do because it's rather quite wonderful. Read Full Review

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