jaredallas's Profile

Joined: Aug 27, 2015

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jaredallas reviewed Ringside #1 Nov 29, 2015

I haven't watched wrestling in years and even then I wasn't a card-carrying fan. Still, the characters in this debut were easily identifiable. The story had a nice rhythm. The characters were big enough to be memorable and interesting, but still familiar enough they landed in the "Yeah, that could be a real dude" territory.

Ringside #1

By: Joe Keatinge, Nick Barber
Released: Nov 25, 2015


RINGSIDE is an ongoing series set within the world of professional wrestling, written by JOE KEATINGE (SHUTTER, GLORY, TECH JACKET) and drawn by acclaimed illustrator NICK BARBER, combining the ensemble drama of THE WALKING DEAD with interconnected rotating perspectives...

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jaredallas reviewed A Train Called Love #2 Nov 29, 2015

Unforgivably bland, for my tastes. The only remarkable moments in it are nonsequitur, shock value softballs and thirty-year old (at youngest) Germans-are-so-weird jokes.

A Train Called Love #2

By: Garth Ennis, Mark Dos Santos
Released: Nov 4, 2015

Myles and Valerie's face-off with the appallingly German Schmitt brothers takes an unexpected turn, while Marv's plans for Mike turn out to be inappropriate and then some. Meanwhile, Penny tells Marcy the sorry tale of what she caught Marv doing on the internet, Call-me-Dave comes a-calling, and love blossoms while bullets fly...

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jaredallas reviewed Monstress #1 Nov 8, 2015

Spectacular. I was hooked from the first page. Liu's writing establishes the tone and creates the world so quickly, and Takeda's illustrations are so beautiful and vivid that I find it hard to imagine someone not being completely enthralled with this issue. Phenomenal debut.

Monstress #1

By: Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
Released: Nov 4, 2015

Astonishing X-men and Black Widow writer MARJORIE LIU returns to comics with artist SANA TAKEDA (X-23) for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Steampunk meets Kaiju in this original fantasy epic for mature readers, as young Maika risks everything to control her psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, placing her in the center of a devastating war b...

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jaredallas reviewed Grayson #11 Aug 27, 2015

Exceptionally fun issue and Mikel Janin shows off some more of his panel wizardry. There is a double-page spread that is phenomenal in its subject, the dialogue, and the layout and art. You'll know the one. Great series that doesn't let up.

Grayson #11

By: Tim Seeley, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 26, 2015

Its Grayson versus...Grayson? To save Agent 1, Dick must face his most dangerous enemy yet: himself.

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jaredallas reviewed Prez #3 Aug 27, 2015

This title continues to impress me every issue. This was easily the funniest and probably the best all around. I'm excited see where it goes from here. The plot for this issue is full without getting messy and several interesting characters and situations are introduced without overwhelming. I hope people are giving this title a fair shake, because it's really quite good.

Prez #3

By: Mark Russell, Ben Caldwell
Released: Aug 26, 2015

President-elect Beth Ross assembles a cabinet including her former boss, a disgraced congressman, and an anti-Smurf intellectual. Plus, Congress scrambles to pass pork-barrel legislation. Literally. And Boss Smiley imprisons his critics in a gerbil cage.

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