Prez #3

Writer: Mark Russell Artist: Ben Caldwell, Mark Morales, Jeremy Lawson Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 26, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 10
9.3Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

President-elect Beth Ross assembles a cabinet including her former boss, a disgraced congressman, and an anti-Smurf intellectual. Plus, Congress scrambles to pass pork-barrel legislation. Literally. And Boss Smiley imprisons his critics in a gerbil cage.

  • 10
    Infinite Comix - Jacob Torres Aug 30, 2015

    An astute satire and commentary on America's social, cultural, economic, and political landscapes, Prez #3 paints a grimly entertaining look at the future in one of the best books DC has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Aug 26, 2015

    So, where does that leave us? Is Prez too real to be futuristic or too light to be taken seriously? Neither. Russell and Caldwell strike the perfect balance of making fun of this craziness while also acknowledging that, hey, we just might be living it. And every time Beth has a smirk on her face or a sly comment escape her lips, its pretty clear shes talking to us as much as the men surrounding her in the book. And you know what? We deserve it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Aug 26, 2015

    Prez #3 is another fantastic issue of the mini-series, still providing a really fun and entertaining time. Its protagonist is great, the story is a lot of fun, and the humor and satire seem like they are always on point (to the point where it's almost terrifying to think how close it gets to reality). This is quite easily one of the best comics DC or almost any other company has put out this year. I cannot recommend this comic enough and hope you check it out. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Bri D'Anton Aug 28, 2015

    PREZ is well thought and considere. It's evident in this issue. She's the person who can finally get on it and fix things, clearly needed by the sight of poor, desperate Manny. Caldwell is still going strong with the art. Everything is kept as fun as its plot and the facial expressions are key. There's plenty of energy and everything is nice and easy to follow. My only complaint is that the plot is still a bit slow-going. We could use a little pick-up, but everything else is so perfectI seem to not notice it that much. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Aug 27, 2015

    Prez continues to be a pitch-perfect send up of the American political system. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Sam Riedel Aug 30, 2015

    I do have some lingering reservations, namely the frequency of time-sensitive references on Russell's part; he assured me on Twitter last month that there was a very good reason he used Facebook by name rather than a Future Brand X equivalent, which will become apparent in September's Prez #4. While I'm more than willing to stick around and find out what that reason could be, I'm dubious about how well Paris Hilton jabs and hacktivists in Guy Fawkes masks will stand the test of time. But given how stinging Russell's satire is across the board, and how the art team manages to blend cartoonish absurdity with intense, realistic emotion, this is one book that cannot afford be cancelled. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Weird Science - Joel Bowers Aug 28, 2015

    This book is still one of the best I am reading from DC comics. This issue is still delivering what the last two did, a crazy political satire that is amusing but is also scary how close we can be to this. While this issue was not as funny as the last it was still entertaining in some parts. The art in this book goes hand in hand as opposites to this story. I really think you guys should give this a shot if you are not reading it. Read Full Review

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