Star Wars: Princess Leia #1
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Star Wars: Princess Leia #1

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 29 User Reviews: 27
7.9Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

• When Princess Leia Organa was captured by the Empire as a Rebel spy, she never betrayed her convictions, even in the face of the complete destruction of her home world, Alderaan. When her rescue came, she grabbed a blaster and joined the fight, escaping back to the Rebel Alliance and helping strike the biggest blow against the Empire-the destruction of the Death Star. But in the aftermath of that victory, the question remains...what is a princess without a world?
•  Writer Mark Waid (Daredevil, S.H.I.E.L.D.) and artist Terry Dodson (Avengers & X-Men: Axis, Uncanny X-Men) bring us a story of Leia's quest to help her people and fin more

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - alexkrefetz Mar 5, 2015

    Complimenting a great story is art from Terry Dodson and Jordie Bellaire. Dodson's art is simultaneously whispy and solid. I'e been a fan of his for a long time, and the Star Wars universe seems ripe with beautiful vistas, aliens and star ships for him to draw. Everything is both familiar and new to longtime fans " I've never seen Star Wars portrayed in a way like this. Bellaire's colors are also fantastic, with solid choices that help the art leap off the page. Overall, this may be my favorite of the Star Wars books so far; the only thing not fantastic is that this story will end in 3 more months. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Mar 5, 2015

    Mark Waid's characterization of the princess herself is faultless; effortlessly finding the sweet spot between Leia's icy outward shield and the warm intelligence of her unguarded self. Terry Dodson's artwork is simple yet striking, whilst Jordan Bellaire colors in a warm and bold palette that feels appropriately Star Wars-y. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 6, 2015

    The purpose of this book is good and the visuals are excellent. The Force is strong in this one, and I'll be buying every issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 5, 2015

    The lack of talk about men and relationships is welcome here as we have Leia coping with a tragedy, not looking for a shoulder to cry on, and to find a way to be useful to her people in their time of need while still being a royal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 10, 2015

    Leia manages to be tough but feminine, heroic but sympathetic. It's not an easy balance to manage, but the team has built a strong foundation for the future of her "long ago" adventures. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 7, 2015

    This might be my favorite of the Marvel Star Wars comics. It's got a lot more personality than the Darth Vader comic, and it's just more personable than the Star Wars title " both for obvious reasons. Waid dives right into a very interesting, very unexplored part of Leia's life, and I really like the plot they've come up with, having Leia take a direct hand in responding to the destruction of Alderaan. The fact that her whole planet blew up is really glossed over in the movies, so this comic will be a great place to explore the issue, and Waid uses a few cool movie cameos, like Dodonna, and a great scene with Admiral Akbar, to set up the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Mar 5, 2015

    The new direction that Marvel is taking Star Wars is an intriguing one. This series is one that maybe no fans ever really asked for, but the question equally could have been “why didn't they?” The execution is not flawless, but the story is both engaging and entertaining enough to be an appropriate vessel for Star Wars' first heroine. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Thereelbradbelll Mar 10, 2015

    While Star Wars: Princess Leia #1 may leave a little to be desired in the action department all the qualities of a great first issue are here. Waid and Dodson's ability to progress a known character while at the same time establishing new one's should excite both Star Wars and comic fans alike. If issue #1 is any indication 2015 should hold in store some exciting and progressive missions for both Leia and Evaan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers Mar 4, 2015

    Leia, a once senator and princess of a world that doesn't exist, has done so much for the Rebellion, but now finds herself struggling to fit in to this new wartime landscape. The ideas are strong with this script. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Mar 3, 2015

    Princess Leia #1 continues to prove that Lucasfilms and Disney made the right choice in returning the franchise to Marvel, as though this was a factor that was always going to happen, I'm glad that it's not been so in vain. Despite this, there are some moments about this opening issue that didn't feel right, and I hope this is taken note of going forward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Erika D. Peterman Mar 9, 2015

    That said, Princess Leia #1 gives readers a fuller portrait of a deserving character and an energetic, well-paced story that bodes well for future issues. Even the casual S" fan will enjoy this entertaining and accessible re-introduction. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 5, 2015

    "Princess Leia" #1 is a wonderful immersion into the "Star Wars" galaxy. Waid, the Dodsons, Bellaire and Caramagna bring the far, far away universe much closer in the twenty pages of this comic and leave readers anxious for more. Thankfully, there is only a pair of weeks until the next issue but, for now, "Princess Leia" #1 is waiting to be re-read, just as surely as the original movies are waiting to be re-watched. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Heather Joy Mar 5, 2015

    Its clear that Mark Waid knows what hes doing and was absolutely the right choice for this project. This seasoned writer/artist team has hit yet another home run with their flawless juxtaposition of talent. I cannot wait to read the next four parts of this mini-series and see just how far Princess Leia takes us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Amy Okamoto Mar 5, 2015

    Princess Leia #1 is the first in a five issue mini-series. Although it does alter some of our perceptions of certain characters, it still offers a strong and unexpected plot that has a lot of promise for future adventure. We won't have long to wait for the next issue which is out on March 18. Now that the groundwork has been laid, I'm looking forward to seeing if this adventure takes off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 4, 2015

    This issue does a great job setting up where Leia is at mentally after A New Hope and setting her on a new course of Alderaan redemption. It is a bit slow and dialogue heavy though, so expect less boom boom and more talky talky. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Mar 6, 2015

    Marvel's Star Wars line has been nothing short of fantastic and though Princess Leia may not live up to standards, it's still quite a strong comic. Waid mostly strives on a strong and relevant plot that substantially picked up in the second half of this issue. And through the end, he convinced me that this mini-series will be worth it in the long-haul because he's putting aside what didn't work and bringing what did to the forefront. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Mar 4, 2015

    “Princess Leia” #1 is a fine debut that leaves you wanting more immediately. There's a lot of room to grow but the central plot is strong and the art team is stellar. Any little girl who grew up idolizing Princess Leia won't be disappoint andStar Warsfans are in for a real treat. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Mar 4, 2015

    From the beginning, Princess Leia showed she could easily stand up the evil forces of the Galactic Empire, including Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin. Now in her own series, she has to figure out what's next for her after the destruction of her homeworld. Mark Waid picks up the action immediately following the events of Episode IV and helps to establish more to the timeline for the characters. Despite taking place during the original trilogy's time period, Waid makes it exciting by leaving us wondering what will happen next and simply being able to see how great Leia is. The art by Terry and Rachel Dodson along with colors by Jordie Bellaire works wonderfully. This series reminds us why we fell in love with Star Wars so long ago. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 4, 2015

    Marvel's Star Wars hot streak continues with the release of Princess Leia #1. This newest series fills an important hole in the Star Wars timeline and gives Leia the starring vehicle she deserves. While a few flaws drag this debut issue down a bit (the Luke/Leia scene, uneven facial work), it's still a solid addition to Marvel's growing lineup. But maybe give one of the leads a different haircut next time? Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Mar 5, 2015

    Overall, Star Wars: Princess Leia is a great start for a character driven story. Marvel has done a great job welcoming Star Wars back home, and I can't wait to see other possible titles in the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Needless Essentials Online - Stan Ford Mar 4, 2015

    For Star Wars fans, this book is a must buy, and it holds up there with some of the best Extended Universe that Dark Horse published. While I personally find fault with Dodson's style, it's just that, a difference of opinion on style. The storytelling is on, and the inconsistency in likenesses is minimal, with Leia and Dodonna looking like themselves enough to accept them as the characters that they are supposed to be. The environments feel real, and the anatomy is, as always for Terry Dodson, spot on. I recommend that Star Wars fans pick this series up, but if you're just a fan of comics, give it a browse before you commit. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Mar 9, 2015

    The themes in Princess Leia #1 fit nicely into the overall mythos of Star Wars in that it explores Leia's role in wake of the loss of Alderan. It's a critical time where she's in a position to make plenty of fateful decisions. The effects of these decisions eventually play out in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, but they now have a greater context in terms of the journey that got her to these fateful moments. That journey is still unfolding and at a somewhat sluggish pace. But the fruits of that journey have been known since the mid-80s. Knowing the context of that journey just helps make those fruits taste even sweeter. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Kelly Richards Mar 4, 2015

    Princess Leia stands apart from its counterparts by being the only of the three recent Star Wars titles that is aimed primarily at a female audience. Accessible to those with no prior knowledge of the Star Wars universe, but not positioned in such a way as to alienate longtime fans, Princess Leia looks to be off to a strong start. However, at this point it is difficult to see whether it will be able to build any real momentum over its five-issue run. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Mar 9, 2015

    I cant say that this series is off to a perfect start, but what series ever does get off to a perfect start? There are definitely some interesting ideas here that im looking forward to see develop. In the official Star wars canon as it exists today, Princess Leia is one of the more prominent characters who really hasnt been explored all that much, so its nice to see that this series is going to give us more of her, and in an interesting fashion. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Mar 5, 2015

    Mark Waid is a writer that can wring intriguing pathos from even the most myopic of characters, and here he's tasked with turning Princess Leia " a character historically informed by Carrie Fisher's otherwise chilly performance " into a person that is not only relatable, but sympathetic. And while there is the long game to consider with Star Wars: Princess Leia, Waid makes strides in this premiere issue to give Leia an internal focus, an identifiable emphasis on her priorities that would make her icy demeanor reasonable. However, the story he has to tell to do so isn't in keeping with what Star Wars and Star Wars: Darth Vader have laid out. Because of this temporal dischord, Princess Leia #1 doesn't mesh with the visual " or even the narrative " flow the prior two Marvel comics have achieved. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Mar 11, 2015

    Although we get glimpses of other familiar characters including Luke, Wedge, Han, Chewbacca, and Admiral Ackbar, it seems that Leia and Evaan will be carrying the bulk of the story from here on out as the pair search for other survivors of Alderaan whom the Empire has put a bounty (including a certain Rebel princess). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Mar 5, 2015

    Overall, “Princess Leia” #1 is, unfortunately, a very mixed bag. While the artwork is gorgeous and elevates the book into definitely something worth simply looking at, the dialogue really hurts the issue and makes actually reading it a difficult get through. It's frustrating to me as someone who is a fan of all of the components going into this issue, from the established universe and the characters to the creators, that it comes off as so uneven. Still, there's no real reason that the series can't improve and for anyone already liking Marvel's other Star Wars, you could do a lot worse than this. Even if you are just reading it for the art. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Mar 7, 2015

    Princess Leia is off to a decent but slow start. If the book had been condensed down 10 ten pages or so I think there could have been more of a first issue "wow" factor written into the back half. Instead all you really get is setup and not anything very interesting when you boil it down. The second issue will be very telling about the long-term prospects for this comic book. This is an okay read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Herald - Matt Lehn Mar 7, 2015

    Princess Leia is an important concept greater than its on-page padding. Waid is a far more capable writer than this initial twenty pages balefully reflects. There's an idea for a story in here somewhere yet the reader is given little to invest in beyond telegraphing between skeletons of prospect. There's no maguffin just a vague idea that some cathartic experience will undoubtedly befall our protagonists in their "quest". Read Full Review

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