The oversized kickoff to the year’s most anticipate Blockbuster summer event, chaning the way you view the Marvel Universe! The outbreak of war on two fronts: Earth and Space, with our heroes torn between them. The world-shattering return of Thanos! Includes material from FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: INFINITY
Overall, 'Infinity' #1 was a great comic. It might help if you've been reading 'Avengers', but you basically get everything you need to know in these pages. I'm curious to see if Hickman will continue separating the story into the chapters that appear here, but either way, I feel like I'm ready and anxiously waiting for the next installment to be released. I know my hopes are high, and there's a chance that I could get let down like the past few crossovers, but something about this first issue just reassures me that Hickman has it covered. Read Full Review
The $4.99 price tag is more than worth the price of admission. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as Infinity brings the galactic noise. Read Full Review
The issue may be a bit much for tiny readers (both in terms of violence and the scope of the tale), but mature readers will love it. Read Full Review
It's easy to say that Marvel's putting out way too many crossovers. And considering that X-Men: Battle of the Adam-X is running at the same time as “Infinity”, that might be true. However, “Infinity” really is an event comic that lives up to its name. Even with roughly 14 pages out of 56 that have been seen elsewhere, it's a comic that puts in as much as it can and delivers a story so big that it could only be told in a format like this. Yes, it certainly has the potential to bungle in the future, but for now, it's the event with the most potential in recent memory. Read Full Review
Rounding out "Infinity" #1 is a handy checklist, illuminating the path this sprawling adventure will span through sixteen comics. Facing that page, however, is an in-house ad that also boasts covers for tie-ins not represented on the checklist image. "Infinity" will have no shortage of influence over Marvel's comics this summer, but it all really starts boiling right here. The "Infinity" gauntlet is thrown, and it makes for a tremendous read. Read Full Review
Will this event forever change the way we view the Marvel Universe forever? Only time will tell. For now, Infinity is looking to be an interesting chapter in the career of Earths Mightiest Heroes. Read Full Review
Infinity #1 is a fantastic first issue, building the situation for this event very well and delivering some of the best artwork you are going to find in superhero comics today. Marvel Cosmic fans, Avengers fans, and fans of the film franchises should be in on this event as the first issue encapsulates everything that is great about those titles and films. This looks like it is going to be one heck of a ride… Read Full Review
The weather may be nice outside, but you'll want to spend some time at your LCS this summer as Infinity continues. With this Hickman has set the bar not only for the series but for future event comics. Read Full Review
Justin Ponsor, on his side of the artistic equation, fully delivers as well, providing enhanced effects in many scenes. He is able to switch from the bright and colorful, the dark and moody to the infinite void of space throughout the issue, granting his expertise to the coloring to create something that is stunning to behold. Despite some very minor tumbles here and there, the team of Hickman, Cheung, Ponsor and the army of inkers provide an astounding debut issue that speaks of grand things with a scope that might be very ambitious in the long run. This is a very promising issue that uses the richness of the Marvel universe and its cosmic components very well. I hope that the quality will remain steady. If it does, we're in for quite a ride. Read Full Review
First let me say that a event book with a 1st issue this hefty in pages is impressive. I also appreciate that by the end of the 1st issue, events are unfolding and not the 4-5 issues of recap that Marvel has done with their event books in the past. Also, Cheung's art is beautiful and I'm confident that Opena and Weaver will be great. And while I was slightly disappointed that they used the entire of the FCBD comic as part of the book, it is a beautiful book that certainly set the next 5 issues to be all about the action in space and Earth. Read Full Review
I have high hopes for Infinity. Even if in some Marvel office somewhere a group of out-of-touch business executives decide what big "game changers" are set to occur, this same corporate shill has chosen the right talent in Hickman and Cheung to make Infinity a real event (or two). Read Full Review
Infinity #1 is packed and gorgeous to look at. However, I must agree with Iron Man’s statement towards the end of the story. “I’m getting tired of end of the world scenarios”. Read Full Review
Infinity #1 isn't something that knocks us out with its first issue, because Hickman isn't that kind of writer. Hickman is a builder himself, and he's letting us see all the threads he's weaving first. Infinity is not a front-loaded book like most event books tend to be. Instead, Hickman is likely orchestrating it so, for once, the last issue of an event series is the one that knocks us out. Read Full Review
That said, this issue also illustrates why Cheung would have been an unwise choice to pencil the entire series. Four different inkers, including Mark Morales and Cheung himself, handle different portions of these 64 pages. And unsurprisingly, the difference in line weight, draftsmanship, and clarity among these four inkers is very noticeable. The reprinted FCBD material is the most clean and elegant, unfortunately. Perhaps the upcoming issues will be able to offer more visual consistency despite the fact that Opena and Weaver will be dividing pages. Read Full Review
Great start to Infinity and this is one book worth picking up regardless of you views of Marvel events. You're definitely missing out if your someone who enjoys the Avengers title. It has the same feel, and the artistic nature carries over into this book which is a plus to me. Do yourself a favor and add this to your list if you haven't already. Read Full Review
This was a great opening issue, and although it wasn't quite what I expected, it was a brilliant way to open the event, as although it wasn't spectacular, it builds everything up nicely, giving a nice picture of what's to come. This also makes it relatively new reader friendly, as although reading Avengers, or New Avengers gives a better overall experience, it isn't essential to read them to understand this. The issue itself also had a lot of development points, keeping a aura of mystery, and I for one look forward to seeing where it goes next. I would highly recommend this issue, as although not phenomenal, it was great, and shows a lot of promise. Read Full Review
There's a lot to like about Infinity. With almost a year of stories in various titles shoring up its launch, it doesn't have the abrupt, forced tempo of events like AvX. On the other hand, there are some striking similarities to Marvel's last cosmic epic, something that Infinity will need to distance itself from. Still, there is plenty of fodder for a much richer tale than Marvel has told in its last few crossovers, and Jonathan Hickman is Marvel's premiere author of these kind of stories. With fan-favorite characters returning in its pages and one of the best mainstream superhero artists in the world on board, Infinity has nothing but possibilities ahead. Read Full Review
For those in fear of "another event," the good news is this makes it feel worthy. There is a lot going on. Perhaps too much but you will feel satisfied after laying out your dollars for this comic. There's some huge things coming to the heroes in the Marvel Universe. With a battle on different fronts, it's going to be fun seeing the Avengers fight one threat while a certain other individual takes advantage of their absence. If we have to have events, this is how I want it to play out. There is a grand feel to the story and you'll feel yourself staring at each page in awe over what transpires. Too often comic book events are hyped up and fizzle out but INFINITY delivers in the first issue. You'll definitely want to come on board for INFINITY. It's going to be a crazy and thrilling ride. Read Full Review
Jonathan Hickman is one of my top 3 favorite writers in all of comics. He's the man that should be doing the big events like this, and I can't wait to see where Infinity is going. I really hope that this series keeps my interest, (I stopped reading AoU after a few issues) because I think Hickman and team are going to give us something really special! Pick it up! Read Full Review
Anyway: longtime fans of the author will be delighted to see him in the zone, and even detractors will find themselves saying, Where has this Hickman been? Has the last page of a Jonathan Hickman book ever made you exclaim, Oh, snap!? Infinity will. At least it will if you are as old as this reviewer. Read Full Review
I'd find it surprising if this series gets a ton of readers that haven't been reading one or both of Hickman's Avengers series and those readers will get so much more out of this than those who have no idea what a White Event is, or an Incursion, where a Builder comes from, or why Ex Nihilo and Abyss are now Avengers. Infinity is off to a very strong start and that should encourage the multitude of readers who have grown weary of Marvel's event comics, which seems to have become synonymous with disappointment. I'm extremely optimistic that this will turn out to be one of the best Big Two event comics of all-time. I'm hedging my bet on Hickman, folks. Read Full Review
Infinity #1 is only the first piece of the puzzle, and as such will leave readers with many questions. Some of his newer characters are not clearly defined for newer readers, but the scale of the story makes up for these quibbles. The first issue, at last, makes an event feel like an event. Read Full Review
This isn't the event for everyone. If you dig Hickman's work, especially Avengers and New Avengers, get ready for one of the best comics in your life. Otherwise, look at the pretty art and try to keep track of what's going on. Read Full Review
Jonathan Hickman starts Infinity off on the right foot. The first issue is a great read, and has me hopeful for the rest of the event Read Full Review
In this first issue the stakes are raised once again. As Iron Man laments, "I'm getting tired of end of the world scenarios". It will be fun to see how far the Avengers are pushed with this latest set of threats and how the team responds when there is danger coming from so many angles. Hickman and company have crafted a solid start to the event that is beautifully illustrated, with new characters and multiple storylines to explore. Read Full Review
Even with all the cosmic battles Infinity is building slowly. The pieces are in place, and I look forward to seeing where Jonathan Hickman moves them on the board. Read Full Review
If you skip down to this summary of everything, then heres the short of it: consider me sold. This is the first readable Marvel event in years (and the one Ill read more than two issues of!). Credit goes to Hickman and Cheung for such a spectacular start with only a few inherent flaws. Pick up Infinity #1 as soon as you can, or then Hickmans death of everything will come true (maybe). Read Full Review
The artwork for the comic is pretty good. All the aliens and space scenes were neat; the use of color and inks were great, characters all look different from each (facial expressions were dull though) other; the action, again, looks pretty good when it was there, and lots of detail was put into the scenery and backgrounds. Outside of some very generic looking layouts, this was a very well drawn book. Read Full Review
In the first issue of Infinity, Hickman has laid the foundation for a pretty good spacebuckling adventure, and I won't be at all surprised if he can bring Thanos some of the eccentrically glorious villainy that Jim Starlin gave him (and few have approached since). I'm sorry that Cheung evidently won't be around for future issues, but Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver are certainly capable enough. And if we must have the obligatory listing of all the upcoming crossover issues to purchase, it's nice to have it in the form of one of Hickman's stylish infographics. I just wish I could muster a little more enthusiasm for the launch of a well-conceived, well-executed superhero epic. I must be getting old. Read Full Review
Infinity has started on a good note.Hopefully it won't dwindle out and end flatly. This is Marvel's summer event that has been hyped up for quite some time. With the few tie-ins it has, this doesn't look like it will be a money drain. I have complete trust that Hickman will deliver what I think will the best event Marvel has had in a while. Read Full Review
How awesome is that Adam Kubert/Laura Martin cover? If you’re wondering if it is my new desktop background, it is. And the digital back-up with Silver Surfer isn’t half bad, either. Read Full Review
"It's possible that we solicited a six-issue miniseries and are shipping a sixteen-issue series," Hickman recently told Comic Shop News. The fear, of course, is that he's dead on the money, but just in a way he didn't intend. As it has already been revealed that this series will"jumpstart a long-dormant genetic inhuman strain"with Matt Fraction andJoe Madureira's Inhuman later this year. Despite this, it's a cautious thumbs up for this first issue, pointing the Marvel Cosmic Universe in the right direction for a major clash, but still needing to show us the ability to pull it all together. Read Full Review
Speaking as a reader of Hickman's current runs on Avengers and New Avengers, Infinity is proving to be a nice payoff for me. Unfortunately, for those unfamiliar with the reality-altering circumstances and consequences of those titles, Infinity might prove to be quite impenetrable. Read Full Review
Where often event-based books are hollow at their core, this one suggests layers. The Infinity Gauntlet in particular often descended into mere sound and fury; I cannot see Infinity falling into the same trap of mistaking pretentiousness for meaning. In part, this is because as I have suggested above, finding meaning is not Infinity's intent, it cares not a jot whether you are inspired by it, only that you are interested enough to find out what happens next. Those teaser movie credits began the third age of Thanos, and Infinity is the promise of those credits writ large. Read Full Review
So you could say I was not a fan of the opening shots of Marvel's latest event comic but I will say that despite the many flaws I mentioned the portions of Infinity #1 not dealing with the builders are actually pretty enjoyable and well written. If you were already planning on buying this comic there's no real reason for me to tell you otherwise but if you're on the fence about this issue I'd say to take a look at the current Avengers book story line and judge from that just how much of the builders and Captain Universe you can take, if they're too much for you there I'd say wait for the trades but if you're okay with it then go ahead and pick this book up. Read Full Review
And the art is amazing. Jim Cheung is one of the greats these days, and the issue looks every bit as fantastic as it should. We're going to be spoiled for art on Infinity, I can tell. Read Full Review
I doubt if I'll event continue to readInfinity as a true crossover event. Marvel can market this mini series however it wants, but as it stands right now,Infinity is just a major point in Jonathan Hickman's grand Avengers design. That's not a bad thing, but when looking at the logistics of this being the second major crossover event of 2013 — and starting only two months after the previous one ended — it's hard to justify jumping in when the learning curve is so freaking steep. If you read Hickman's Avengers series, you'll want to readInfinity because if you don't, you'll be lost after it's over. Otherwise, this event may not be for you. Read Full Review
I've read all of Hickman's run on both Avengers and New Avengers, but even so, I'm totally lost here. Hickman seems to think he's writing a season of Lost, with flash forwards and sideswides and backways, and like 6 different storylines running concurrently. Read Full Review