Terry Verticchio's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: cxPulp Reviews: 152
7.6Avg. Review Rating

47 Ronin #1

Nov 10, 2012

47 Ronin is a story for the ages. It shows how little our world has changed and how people put such a high value on things like honour and loyalty. Plus a little bloodshed goes a long way to.

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47 Ronin #2

Jan 5, 2013

The stage is set for one of the greatest examples of loyalty and revenge in recorded human history. I for one look forward to seeing where 47 Ronin goes from here. Recommended.

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Afterlife With Archie #6

Jul 25, 2014

As cxPulp's esteemed Blake Petit has mentioned so many times before, Archie Comics isn't really what we think it is. It isn't a series of comics stuck in the mythical 50's. It is quite progressive and it is always trying new ways to reach a different section of the audience. Well After Life With Archie reached out to me. Mostly because all nerds love zombies and secretly long for Cthulhu to rise again, if for nothing else than to point at the unholy abomination and say "Called it!" Yeah we're weird like that.

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All-Star Western #8

Apr 27, 2012

All-Star Western isn't your usual western yarn and that's what I like about it. It's really a super-hero book that happens to take place in the Old West. This title is a real gem of the New DC.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

May 22, 2015

Okay, Archie vs. Predator will not be for all tastes. But I'm more than willing to stick around for the entire run, cuz, like mentioned already its bloody good fun.

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Astonishing X-Men (2004) #34

Jul 1, 2010

Astonishing X-Men does have an old-school feel, as well as being quite detached from the rest of the Marvel Universe, which enables the team to embark on different adventures. So far this has been a fun read.

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Batgirl (2011) #1

Sep 9, 2011

So do I like this change? Well, this isn't like Bucky's return, which blew me away right off the bat. But that's because no one had seen that character for more than 50 years; he returned without any baggage. I've been a fan of Oracle for years and that is hard to shake I have to confess. Still, if anyone can make me a fan of a Batgirl it's Gail Simone. So I'll put my trust in her prowess as a writer.

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Batgirl (2011) #2

Oct 15, 2011

I am quickly warming up to Gail Simone's Batgirl. It has her quintessential dialogue and thrift. She even throws in her patented after-battle lunch between Babs and a possible love interest, all without breaking the rhythm of the plot. What more could you ask for from a comic?

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Batgirl (2011) #14

Nov 17, 2012

Well, I managed to actually score a copy of this book without much effort, which is always a good thing. At any rate, Batgirl remains one of my favourite comics coming out of DC, and even being attached to the latest Bat Event hasn't diminished the quality at all.

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Batgirl (2011) #15

Dec 18, 2012

This issue has to be one of the most menacing comics I've read in a long time. If it was anymore violent, Gail Simone would be arrested by the Quebec Police for corrupting the morals of society. I can't wait to see how this all ends.

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Batgirl (2011) #16

Jan 20, 2013

I'm glad that Gail is still writing Batgirl, as it has been one of the best comics DC has on the shelves. Though I can't wait until this latest Bat Event runs its course and we can get back to Gail's own story lines.

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Batwoman (2010) #1

Sep 17, 2011

This is a good beginning, as the story is intriguing and the art is beautiful. I like this new Batwoman as she doesn't seem to be part of the Bat-Family, though she is tolerated by them. I hope the original Cape Crusader continues to give Batwoman her space.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #2

Jun 18, 2010

I'll admit I am tentative at how things are progressing with this first arc, but this hasn't dulled my appreciation that Birds of Prey is back. All it's done is forced me to pay more attention to what is going to happen next. Gail Simone doesn't have to win me back to this book, as I was sold with the first issue. Gail just has to make the story work in the end.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #4

Aug 13, 2010

While I was looking forward to Gail Simone's return to Birds of Prey, I never expected it to be this seamless and effortless. I can't praise this book more. If you were a fan of her old run then or you are newcomer, you will not be disappointed inBirds of Prey. Highly Recommended.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #5

Sep 16, 2010

Okay this issue is a bit off, but then as I've said many times before, an off month of Birds of Prey is better than most comics out there.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #6

Nov 12, 2010

Birds of Prey is old-school fun, with great characters to root for, villains to hiss at and plenty of action to keep your fan boy heart a pumpin'.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #7

Dec 18, 2010

Oracle and the Birds of Prey are back to lay down the law, but it seems that the villain community isn't ready to lie down and die just yet.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #1

Sep 25, 2011

Black Canary and her Birds of Prey are heroes without a perch. They will be hunted by friend and foe alike I'm certain in the months to come. As a fan of Dinah and the team I have to say that I am interested in where Duane and his crew will take this title. Good start.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #9

Feb 11, 2011

Birds of Prey is like a warm blanket, you just curl up and enjoy the moment. Gail Simone is a comic writer of the old school, meaning she writes for the month. There is no Big Event lingering in the back ground, her stories stand on their own and aim simply to be entertaining and showcase true heroes doing what they do best.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #10

Mar 12, 2011

So begins new chapter in the life of Barbara Gordon. As Oracle she was becoming too conspicuous; she needs to go deeper into the shadows so the villains of the world can't see her coming. The Birds of Prey just became deadlier than ever.

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Birds Of Prey (2011) #11

Apr 16, 2011

Birds of Prey is running on all cylinders right now and it isn't slowing down by any means. BoP remains a quality character-driven book. Recommended to all.

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Black Widow (2010) #4

Jul 23, 2010

This is new beginning for Black Widow. And though that sounds a bit trite, considering this is a comic book, I have to say that this story and the creative team are endeavouring to make sweeping changes to Black Widow and her history and I am curious to see how well they do.

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Black Widow (2010) #6

Sep 23, 2010

So begins a new arc of Black Widow. The woman just can't seem to let the grass grow under her feet. I like the tone so far of the story and Natasha's voice is strong. A good start.

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Black Widow (2014) #15

Feb 21, 2015

As I've lamented before I hate titles like Black Widow. I've been collecting it for 15 issues and nothing has been resolved, but I continue to be interested in seeing if maybe this month, Natasha gets to the end of her adventure. Yeah that'll happen soon. So I guess I'm going to be around for a while. Ah well.

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Black Widow (2014) #18

May 30, 2015

As I have mentioned numerous times, it is titles like Black Widow that keep me interested in comics. They tell nice stories without having to completing undue what has come before it. This volume of Black Widow simply added another compelling layer to what was always an intriguing character.

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Catwoman (2011) #1

Sep 24, 2011

Things certainly moved fast and furious with this first issue of the new Catwoman. I'm not sure if Judd Winick was playing fair with all the sex, innuendo and cheesecake art, but I can hardly complain about that. Still the flow of the book was excellent and the story piqued my interest. I guess we'll just have to until next month for the pillow talk.

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Echo #22

Jun 12, 2010

Echo moves at a glacial pace. But there is still so much happening and the characters as so interesting that no matter how frustrated I am with the pace I keep coming back, and enjoying every issue.

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Echo #23

Jul 23, 2010

Of course nothing was resolved in this issue; there was only great character interaction and little else. But then if you've been with Echo since the beginning then you should be used to that by now. I know I am. Maybe next month something substantial will happen. See you then.

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Echo #26

Dec 11, 2010

Things feel like they are moving faster now, but with Echo that means the plot is moving from a snail's pace to that of a turtle. We're near the collider, but how long it will take Julie to get there I can't begin to guess. Still, as exasperating as this title has been, it has kept my attention for so long that I can't bring myself to drop it. Especially now that we are so damn close to the end.

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Elektra (2014) #1

Apr 27, 2014

This is in an intriguing beginning. But it's easy for me, as I have a soft spot for female characters who have a penchant for violence. Though I think, it will be difficult to give a character like Elektra a voice of her own, without her veering off into becoming a banal anti-hero. But I look forward to seeing how it goes.

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Elektra (2014) #10

Jan 24, 2015

It's due to titles like Elektra that I still buy comics. This is a quiet little title, off the radar, with good art, superlative writing and has a character that works. Elektra will never partner with Cap or be part of the Avengers, but she will continue fight the legions of evil in her own way and win the battles she chooses. Can't go wrong with that.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #583

Sep 23, 2010

So much gleamed from one issue that I bought on whim. Well, I guess you could say that I'm becoming a fan of Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #585

Nov 27, 2010

So I find myself a quick new fan of Jonathan Hickman and his run on Fantastic Four. I'm sure all these myriad of events are heading toward a great moment of convergence and the fate of the world will rest in the hands of these four intrepid heroes. Can't wait.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #588

Feb 25, 2011

In my humble opinion, Jonathan Hickman has to be the best writer in the industry today. The ideas he's coming up with in all three of his Marvel books are simply amazing. If you're not reading Fantastic Four, you are truly missing out on comic gold. And you hate kittens.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #608

Jul 21, 2012

Jonathan Hickman's run on Fantastic Four is rapidly coming to a close and I am truly sorry to see him leave. But he has left behind perhaps one of the best runs since the title began all those years ago.

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FF #13

Dec 30, 2011

Just when I thought I was out, Jonathan Hickman pulls me back in. What he's done with Fantastic Four and FF in recent years is simply incredible. I can't recommend this title highly enough.

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Fight Club 2 #1

May 30, 2015

All in all I am intrigued with Fight Club 2. It certainly is an interesting choice of a plot to bring back into the collective minds of comic fans.

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Fury MAX (2012) #7

Dec 9, 2012

Fury is a five minute read, but you find yourself reading it again an hour later, and then a couple hours after that. This comic puts the hooks in right away. I highly recommend it.

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Fury MAX (2012) #8

Jan 5, 2013

Fury isn't a history lesson. It's about a man trying to what's right in a world that doesn't function that way and so he finds himself beset on all sides by enemies. I like Fury and how easily the story moves and flows.

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Fury MAX (2012) #10

Mar 31, 2013

So if you like your stories with more grit than 24 sandpaper and layered in coal black real-world cynicism then Nick Fury is the title for you.

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Fury MAX (2012) #11

Apr 28, 2013

Just when I thought Fury couldn't get any darker or more cynical, well I should have known better as this book is written by Garth Ennis. I shudder to think what's going to happen next month. With the glut of team books and mutant titles filling the shelves lately I like to think that Fury is a sleeper hit for Marvel, one of those quietly consistent comics that keep the hard core readership happy and entertained.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #23

Dec 18, 2015

Well, I needed another bad-girl book to buy on regular basis, and I guess Harley Quinn is it. And I think I came onboard at just the right time, as she may even have found a new man to call "Puddin'". I hope he survives being her Baye. Odds are long against it, unfortunately.

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Harley Quinn And Power Girl #3

Aug 20, 2015

Well if I've come to understand anything about comics, if you want a title to be fun and clever, just give it Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray and you'll have hit. If you don't believe me well you're not reading Harley Quinn and Power Girl.

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Harley's Little Black Book #1

Dec 5, 2015

For the time being I'll keep up with how Harley interacts with the hero world in Harley's Little Black Book. Fun stuff.

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Huntress (2011) #1

Oct 7, 2011

This is a good beginning for Huntress. It is a simple story of heroes being heroes and their long struggle against crime and the forces of evil.

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Inferno #1

May 31, 2015

Inferno is off to a rock'em sock'em start, which is always good for a comic. But while I'm all for a gentle trip down memory lane, I hope this story line doesn't dwell too long on what was and moves on quickly to the present.

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Infinity #1

Aug 16, 2013

Even with all the cosmic battles Infinity is building slowly. The pieces are in place, and I look forward to seeing where Jonathan Hickman moves them on the board.

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Infinity #4

Oct 13, 2013

I have to say out of the myriad of Big Events Infinity is the best so far. The story doesn't feel rushed or patchwork. It's as if Jonathan Hickman plotted it all out ahead of time and is simply refining the story as he goes along. Wow, what a concept!

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #642

Sep 3, 2012

So if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed (or even underwhelmed) by the latest Big Event, give Journey Into Mystery and the "Everything Burns" arc a shot. I think it's going to be fun. Remember, kids, comics are supposed to be fun.

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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #649

Mar 4, 2013

Journey Into Mystery is fast becoming my sleeper favourite of this year. If this creative team keeps up the good work and Sif continues to be so cool well I may just have to stick around a bit longer on this title.

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Justice League (2011) #22

Jul 15, 2013

And there off! Big Event #1 begins. DC is out of the gate running at full speed. They hope to pull ahead of that no-good upstart punk, named Hickman over there at the supposed House of Ideas. For now, anyway, I must say Geoff Johns has made a good early lead.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 20, 2015

Justice League hit one out of the park on the first pitch. I have to say that hasn't happened to me in a long time. This title has everything: story, dialogue, pacing and art. As for the last item, there's a panel right after the money shot; its of the heroes, they don't say a word, they just rush head long into the fray to do what they do. Stop evil. Bam. Fricken comics. Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.

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Justice League Dark #22

Jul 28, 2013

Trinity War is a Big Event that actually feels like a big event. The heroes are going to be put through the wringer. Maybe someone is going to die. As nerds, we all know how it's going to end, but that won't make the journey any less entertaining. And comic are all about the journey...a journey that never ends.

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Madame Xanadu #25

Jul 31, 2010

This latest arc is obviously centred on how the mystical aspects of the senses and how Madame Xanadu efforts to help those poor ordinary people cope with their situation. I can only hope she is a bit more pro-active the next time. If I've had one complaint with this title it is that Nimue can be at times too reserved, too hesitant and too reluctant to become more engaged in the defending those people who come through her door.

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Madame Xanadu #29

Nov 27, 2010

Madame Xanadu was an intriguing series, one that I must commend DC for taking a chance on creating. In this day and age of quick returns, to produce a comic, I'm sure of limited appeal, like this one was a daring decision. Perhaps I'll go back and read Madame Xanadu from beginning to end and see what nuisance I'm sure I missed the first time.

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New Avengers (2013) #3

Feb 11, 2013

Well Jonathan Hickman has my attention so far. He has given the main characters a lot to consider and now they have embarked on a path that will change their lives forever. Let's hope the ends justify the means.

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New Avengers (2013) #5

Apr 29, 2013

New Avengers is a title that is building slowly. There is little action and lots of talking around things. But that's what I enjoy. I like not knowing what the hell is going on. I like that Jonathan Hickman is making me think about the story instead of spoon feeding me some trite re-hash of something gone by. I can't recommend New Avengers highly enough.

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New Avengers (2013) #7

Jun 21, 2013

If there is one Marvel book that I look forward to each month it is New Avengers. This is some of Jonathan Hickman's best work. His flare with dialogue and complex storylines is really shining through with this title. Highly recommended.

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New Avengers (2013) #8

Jul 28, 2013

After eight issues New Avengers hasn't slipped yet. This comic remains my favourite that Marvel is putting out right now. Recommended.

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New Avengers (2013) #13.INH

Jan 4, 2014

New Avengers is one of the best written books on the shelf right now and is very much Jonathan Hickman's pride and joy, a venue for him to stretch his wings and test his abilities as a story teller.

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New Avengers (2013) #17

May 4, 2014

I like this dichotomy that Hickman is creating, having the New Avengers face a group of pure heroes, while they have kept so many secrets from their comrades and I'm sure those secrets will come back to bite them in the ass. New Avengers continues to be my favourite book from Marvel, as it never ceases to build from issue to issue.

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New Avengers (2013) #30

Feb 28, 2015

New Avengers is coming its conclusion one way or another, if the big title on the top of issue is to be believed. Jonathan Hickman is crafting one of the most perplexing and intriguing storylines that I've read in a while. I have a feeling it will end with both a bang and a whimper.

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New Mutants (2009) #14

Jun 18, 2010

The Second Coming continues to have my attention, mostly because it is one big, desperate battle scene. The kids have dropped the gloves and are no longer holding back any more. These are no longer heroes that defend the people who fear and hate them. These are people staving off extinction. Just good fun.

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Original Sin #6

Jul 16, 2014

Of course we're still no closer to knowing for certain who did the deed. There is always something delaying the situation, which felt a bit contrived, but we gotta fill eight issues here. Still, for this summer's Big Event, Marvel's Original Sin is a decent story that has my attention.

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Punisher (2014) #15

Feb 7, 2015

I hate titles like Punisher. They keep me in comics, when I know it's high time to finally tank the damn things. Oh well. As long as the Industry keeps making great comics like this one, I guess I'm still in. Sigh.

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Queen Sonja #7

Jun 10, 2010

I am enjoying where Queen Sonja is going so far. I like how she's trying maintain a bridge between her old life and her new one; it's only a matter of time before we know which life she will embrace in full.

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Queen Sonja #8

Jul 16, 2010

Just when I thought I had enough of the She Devil, Queen Sonja now has my attention. I look forward to finding out how she deals with this new situation, as well as what new developments arise.

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Queen Sonja #10

Oct 1, 2010

Queen Sonja is really putting the character in a new light for me. Perhaps she will become a bit more ambitious and strike out on a good old-fashioned campaign of conquest. Now that would be nice to see: Empress Sonja.

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Queen Sonja #11

Nov 6, 2010

I find it quite amazing that after so many years the stories involving our favourite She Devil with a sword remain fresh and entertaining. Queen Sonja continues that tradition quite well.

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Queen Sonja #12

Dec 11, 2010

It is obvious that Queen Sonja is opening her past and her heart to her courtiers in hopes that they refrain from making the same mistakes she made in her windswept youth. With what we already know about her those mistakes no doubt weigh heavily on her.

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Queen Sonja #13

Jan 22, 2011

If the last few panels are any indication, I think Queen Sonja's bedtime story will soon be interrupted, as a new enemy has entered Sogaria and is determined to make Sonja's rein a short-lived one.

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Queen Sonja #15

Mar 28, 2011

There is a blurb about next month's issue in the "Dynamite Dispatches" section of the comic that caught my attention. The summary declares that "Being a Queen sucks". With that intriguing statement it doesn't take much imagination to grasp the notion that Queen Sonja is not going hold her crown for much longer, whether by her own volition or by impetus beyond her control. This would be a shame, as I've come to enjoy her in this setting very much.

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Queen Sonja #21

Oct 7, 2011

Luke Lieberman is really making Queen Sonja into his own creation and transforming the character from an ordinary man-slayer into something more complex and intriguing. I for one am enjoying this new direction and look forward to seeing where it leads the She-Devil next.

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Queen Sonja #28

Apr 6, 2012

Queen Sonja is at her lowest ebb, and so does what she must to safeguard human life. But she is never without a plan, nor without loyal followers to help bring them forth. I'm really enjoying this title and seeing Sonja use her cunning and resourcefulness to help ordinary people. Heck, I'd vote for her.

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Queen Sonja #33

Jan 5, 2013

Queen Sonja is nearing the end of her tether. I don't think she has the stomach to rule a nation, even though she seems well suited to the task. But I could be wrong. Sonja could be masking a wonderful stratagem of some kind, in which to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. She's not the type of woman to let those rabid dogs pretending to be Kings get the better of her.

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Queen Sonja #35

Apr 28, 2013

Queen Sonja was a good idea for a comic. It took the character in a bold new direction. I guess I'll have to re-read the series again to determine if it succeeded or not. Hopefully there will be a collected omnibus at some point. But taken as it is, I'd have to say Queen Sonja it was fair and fun run.

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Rachel Rising #3

Nov 6, 2011

I really like where this story is going. With Rachel Rising Terry Moore has taken the tired and over-used zombie premise and made something fresh, so to speak.

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Rachel Rising #5

Feb 3, 2012

Like I mentioned before, Rachel Rising is quite a departure from what I'm used to from Terry Moore. And I like it. The man is obviously having fun pushing the envelope with all the violence, but he knows enough to rein things in, as some creators can go too far, and allows the reader to use their imagination to fill in the blanks. So keep smoking that pipe, Mr. Moore, and have fun torturing your creation.

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Rachel Rising #6

Mar 8, 2012

Rachel Rising is some of Terry Moore's best work, it is a tight story, crisp dialogue, and creepy as hell characters. I'm having fun so far.

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Rachel Rising #8

Jun 3, 2012

Raising Rachel is like all of Terry Moore's work; it takes considerable patience and perseverance before being rewarded. I can only hope that reward doesn't take too long to manifest itself.

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Rachel Rising #22

Jan 4, 2014

Rachel Rising is more of a calm undulating stream rather than a torrent of rapids. But underneath the tranquil surface is evil, fear and despair and once you dive in you find you cannot escape.

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Rasl #8

Jul 31, 2010

Rasl is intriguing in that you can't bring yourself to drop it, despite its unorthodox schedule. Everything about it is perversely compelling.

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Red Lanterns #1

Sep 18, 2011

This issue was all set up, as we are shown the direction the Red Lanterns will take and potential areas of conflict that may arise in the future. All in all the narration and dialogue was clear and concise and the flow of the comic was well done. So in pure Comic Reviewer parlance Red Lanterns #1 is a good start.

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Red Lanterns #2

Oct 7, 2011

Atrocitus has purpose but still lacks direction. He will need to look deep inside himself to see if he can endure the consequences of raising up one of the Red Lanterns to his level.

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Red Sonja (2013) #1

Jul 20, 2013

It's going to take an issue or two more for me to see if Gail Simone's Red Sonja is any different than what's come before. But I am intrigued by what she's put down and she certainly hit the ground running.

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Red Sonja (2013) #16

May 31, 2015

What Gail Simone has also done with Red Sonja is she's broken away with how the character has been portrayed in the past. Gone is her oath to not give in to a man unless beaten in battle. As well she has given up living for revenge for all the wrong that has been done to her in the past. Red Sonja is free. Free to make her own way in the world.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #51

Sep 11, 2010

Red Sonja is a good companion to Queen Sonja, as it gives the fan two different aspects of a great character. One provides high adventure, while the other offers high intrigue. Both versions of the She-Devil are fun.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #53

Nov 27, 2010

Red Sonja may have the respect and trust of her friends, but the idea of an all-powerful and unstoppable weapon is pretty farfetched even in the Hyborian Age. I can't wait to see if she can deliver.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #54

Jan 29, 2011

Red Sonja is the type of warrior that never seems to have enough sense to get out while the getting is good, or simply avoid the desperate situation to begin with. Is she too honourable to flee? Or is she simply too much of a decent person to see evil triumph over the innocent? So even in the lawless world of the Hyborian Age they were heroes, flame haired and fierce, ready to lay down their lives for others.

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Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #55

Mar 5, 2011

Red Sonja remains a fine title, even after all this time and the writers continue to take the character in new and intriguing directions.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. #5

Jan 2, 2011

SHIELD is one of the most compelling books that Marvel has on the market right now. There a plenty of great ideas being thrown about, and I hope that Jonathan Hickman can bring it all together.

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S.H.I.E.L.D. #6

Feb 19, 2011

In all my years of collecting SHIELD is unlike anything Marvel has ever undertaken before and I must commend the Editorial staff for obviously giving Jonathan Hickman a free hand in creating this title. It is one of the few comics that I look forward to month after month.

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Scarlet #1

Jul 9, 2010

While Scarlet doesn't start off overly strong, it does pack a punch. The reader is intrigued by the ambiguity of the main character and the art is well rendered. We'll have to see how the world embraces Scarlet's crusade for change and how that change will eventually change her.

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Scarlet Witch #1

Dec 12, 2015

Scarlet Witch has all the signs of being one of those under-the-radar titles that have tormented me for all the years I've been collecting comics. I'm torn between hoping it isn't and wishing it would be. Fricken comics.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #23

Jul 9, 2010

Okay this was a nice interlude from the high drama of the previous arc. Back when the team was still a team. Now I can't wait to see where the Secret Six will end up next.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #24

Aug 6, 2010

The one thing about having villains as the main characters is the slippery slope they have to walk. Have them too villainous and the readers will back off, make them act too much like heroes and the readers will be equally miffed. The Secret Six has maintained their sure footedness so far and I for one have enjoyed this series immensely.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #25

Sep 3, 2010

Well, for me Secret Six is one of those comics that quietly provide entertaining stories month after month, all without huge stars or being saddled with the baggage of continuity or whatever big event is being planned for by the powers that be. Highly Recommended.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #26

Oct 9, 2010

Secret Six has been around for some time now, and each arc is better than the previous. Of course it's hard for these characters to maintain their outlaw status and not slip into the role of proper heroes, but for the time being Gail Simone has them straddling this moral fence perfectly.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #27

Nov 6, 2010

Secret Six hasn't wavered once since it began and everything just seems to get better and better each month. I can't recommend this title more.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #28

Dec 3, 2010

It is obvious that Gail Simone is having tonnes of fun with this title, and that she had been given a carte blanche to create whatever kinds of worlds and characters she wants. I don't this she's been ever given this kind of freedom before, and I for one am grateful. I can't recommend Secret Six highly enough.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #30

Feb 3, 2011

The Secret Six are like the Anti-Titans; they are perhaps the closest thing to a 'family' of criminals that the DC Universe has right now. Highly Recommended.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #31

Mar 5, 2011

Secret Six is one of those comics that entertains the reader month after month, and it has done so for me 31 times. I can't recommend this title highly enough.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #32

Apr 8, 2011

The Secret Six aren't heroes or even anti-heroes they are all villains of the highest order. Their only redeeming quality is the loyalty they share for one another. Will that be enough to avoid their fate?

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #33

May 6, 2011

No one ever escapes Hell unscathed. The Secret Six have been shown their souls and told they can never escape their fate. As well, they have been informed of the one inescapable truth about life: You can get what you want but still be disappointed. Secret Six is a gem of a book.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #34

Jun 4, 2011

I could eat Gail Simone's dialogue with a spoon and embrace her characters so easily that I'd invite all of them, including King Shark to Christmas dinner without hesitation. Secret Six is best DC book I'm reading right now. I can't recommend it high enough.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #35

Jul 8, 2011

For me the Secret Six has been the best comic on the market. I read this issue in my car right after buying it at my LCS and it took me less than ten minutes, but it was fun ten minutes. I highly recommend this comic, for the time being, unfortunately.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #36

Aug 6, 2011

Secret Six was another little comic that could; month after month it chugged along providing superlative characters, clever dialogue and some great stories. With Secret Six Gail Simone created a comic for the ages. And I hope our merry band of damaged misfit villains return to the DCU very soon.

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Secret Warriors #24

Feb 13, 2011

Since Jonathan Hickman took over as primary writer of Secret Warriors I haven't been disappointed in his stories. His Nick Fury is perhaps the best rendition of the character that I've come across in a long time; he belongs right alongside Jim Steranko. The art is good too; the opening and closing moments are done by the series regular, David Marquez, but the flashback art is Vitti and both styles complement one another perfectly.

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Secret Warriors #25

Mar 5, 2011

Even an off month of Secret Warriors is better than most books on the shelf, and it wasn't that off to begin with. Things are coming to a head, as the war that began so many years ago is finally reaching its inevitable conclusion.

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Secret Warriors #28

Jul 30, 2011

There is a nice note at the end by Jonathan Hickman thanking all the people that helped him make Secret Warriors. He of course thanks the fans who stayed with what was a simple Dark Reign crossover book and made it into a monthly title. This was one those titles that floated under the radar, which aren't controlled by outside forces like Editors or what movie is coming out. Secret Warriors reminded me why I love comics, as it was clever, well structured and most of all it was fun.

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Secret Wars (2015) #2

May 15, 2015

Well, when I began reading Jonathan Hickman's Marvel work I never thought he'd be given this big of a Big Event. Where he'd be allowed to destroy everything and reshape it as he thinks best. Certainly a testament to his skill as storyteller and Marvel's trust in that skill to give him free reign to do as he wills. So this is a fine beginning to Secret Wars.

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Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #1

Aug 23, 2014

So this was a good beginning, with one story from the past and one from the present. But it is nice to see Wonder Woman with a second title. Hopefully in the subsequent months the new creative teams will be given the opportunity to produce a Wonder Woman comic that fans both old and new can enjoy.

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Star Wars (2013) #1

Sep 6, 2013

So is The Star Wars any good? Sure, its good pulpy fun, much like the original Star Wars was. I look forward to see where George Lucas' original vision takes us.

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Star Wars (2014) #2

Feb 8, 2015

Of course we all know how this is going to play out, so for me Star Wars reads more like a fan fiction than a normal comic book. But that's okay. Seeing Vader being bad-ass, Luke growing, Han being a scoundrel and Leia being an even bigger bad-ass was just plain fun to see.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader #2

Feb 28, 2015

I am enjoying the direction Darth Vader is taking with these first two issues. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Swords of Sorrow #2

Jun 5, 2015

Swords Of Sorrow has a bevy of ladies, with long flowing manes, eviscerating men with swords and shooting them in the head. If that isn't enough to make this title a best seller, I don't know what else will. It all works for me though.

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Thanos Imperative #1

Jun 10, 2010

Well, another cosmic event has begun and I'm sure it's going to be wild time. If you haven't tried these books, the first page re-cap is very good at bringing you up to speed, so you can jump in with both feet without fear.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #3

May 31, 2015

I noticed in the top left corner of the comic the title box of "Archie Horror". I guess the Publishers have taken hold of this new direction for Archie Comics with both hands. Sabrina is of course perfectly suited for this new line of comics. And I am having lots of fun reading them.

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The Fearless Defenders #1

Feb 11, 2013

Two hot heroines working together to defeat some bad guys. Well that's what the Fearless Defenders are about and that is pretty much why we buy comics in the first place. Isn't it?

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The Star Wars: Lucas Draft #1

Sep 6, 2013

So is The Star Wars any good? Sure, its good pulpy fun, much like the original Star Wars was. I look forward to see where George Lucas' original vision takes us.

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The X-files / 30 Days Of Night #2

Aug 21, 2010

Seeing The X-Files in any capacity will always be a treat for me. But I look forward to being introduced more fully into the world of 30 Days of Night. Of course having Vampires that actually eat people is a quite a revelation in this day and age.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #3

Aug 16, 2013

The truth is out there. Love seeing that in one form or another. X-Files: Season 10 is a nice reprieve from all the super-heroes and Big Events.

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Thor (2014) #8

May 17, 2015

I can't help but think that after the latest Marvel Big Event has run its course the situation concerning Mjolnir will return to its former owner. I just hope that Jason Aaron will have the opportunity to complete the story I'm sure he wants to write. And I'll be there to see how Thor ends.

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Usagi Yojimbo #129

Jul 2, 2010

I don't think Usagi has gone an entire week without falling into some bizarre adventure or another. If there was ever a character in need of a respite from himself it is Usagi. But where's the fun in that?

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Usagi Yojimbo #130

Jul 31, 2010

Once again Usagi can't stay out of trouble even for a minute and now he finds himself hip deep in bad guys. I really think this guy needs to find another career. Nah, where's the fun in that?

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Usagi Yojimbo #132

Oct 29, 2010

Hey look, Usagi is in another fine mess. You'd think I'd be kinda sick of this happening so often. But guess what? I'm not. Usagi Yojimbo remains one of the most fresh and exciting books on the market.

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Usagi Yojimbo #133

Nov 26, 2010

All of which brings us to the final image of the book. Usagi was told that if you throw a kawarake, a shard of pottery, off a cliff and make a wish it may come true. He finds one and so Usagi makes a wish, which we aren't told and the stone shatters on the rocks below. I'm not sure as to the relevance of the shard breaking, but I can hazard a guess quite easily as to what wish Usagi made. I hope it comes true. Usagi deserves some peace.

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Usagi Yojimbo #134

Dec 25, 2010

Just another day in the hood for the Rabbit Ronin. He don't look for the trouble, but he don't shy away from it either. Tread lightly when Usagi comes around.

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Usagi Yojimbo #135

Mar 5, 2011

Ah Usagi, he seems fated to cross the paths of a myriad of strangers, who all seem to be driven by forces beyond his reckoning. If the everyday machinations of the world weren't enough, the gods or some otherworldly presence seem determine to interfere in his life.

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Usagi Yojimbo #141

Nov 6, 2011

Well, 200 issues of a Samurai Rabbit wandering the highways and byways of feudal Japan, killing bandits and ninjas, saving the day and never getting the girl. I'm sure if someone pitched that today the editors would laugh or find a way to make Usagi Yojimbo more gritty and brooding. For some reason that kind of thing seems to sell nowadays. Anyway congratulations, Stan, on another great accomplishment with your creation. Okay, fun's over. Get back to work.

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Usagi Yojimbo #145

May 22, 2015

After what seems like forever (though we've had plenty of awesomeness to fill the months) Usagi Yojimbo is back and our favourite Rabbit Ronin is doing what he does best, getting involved in something that he should have the wisdom by now to walk away from. Personally, I hope he never becomes wise.

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Usagi Yojimbo #146

Jun 19, 2015

The two ladies that have been part of Usagi's life for a very long time are now together and the poor guy is being dragged along, trying to keep them from behaving normally, which could lead to one of them being dead. I feel for Usagi. I really do.

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Usagi Yojimbo #147

Jul 18, 2015

Okay, Usagi has lots of girls in his life. But really I think it's time for him to have a romantic love interest. He doesn't pine for Mariko anymore. Kitsune and Chizu are too...well...crazy for him really. Alas, Stan Sakai loves torturing his pretty little darlings so whenever Usagi does find a woman he really likes, she ends up being an assassin in disguise or being murdered by such a person. It seems that Usagi will forever be unlucky in love.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #1

Aug 8, 2014

This is going to be a roller coaster of a story. There will be plenty of action, intrigue and betrayal. But to be honest, I kinda feel sorry for the aliens. After all, they traveled all this way to earth only to have their asses handed to them by the Rabbit Ronin and his Uber Posse. It has to be, folks. I've followed Usagi Yojimbo too damn long not to know how it'll end. But I also know that of those people I mentioned above many of them will not survive to see that end. More tears will be shed than cheers. I can't wait.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #2

Sep 5, 2014

I am having a ball with this comic. It comes as a breath of fresh air with all the big events and crossovers and talking plants. Its great to see that old school comic book fun is still possible and Usagi Yojimbo: Senso is all that and more.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #3

Oct 3, 2014

In all honesty I haven't read a comic this fast paced in a long time. I hardly had time to take a breath things are happening so quickly. Usagi Yojimbo: Senso is rip roaring fun. I recommend it to even those fans with only a passing understanding of the Usagi Yojimbo.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #4

Nov 7, 2014

Of course to many readers all of this sentiment may seem trite and even puerile, but for the fans of Usagi Yojimbo we see the layers that Stan Sakai is pulling aside. I feel that he is making Senso for the fans. After 30 years of gentle and even subtle storytelling, Stan Sakai is standing on the proverbial mountaintop screaming to the heavens and the entire world for all to hear. Outstanding.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #5

Dec 29, 2014

Well there is only one issue left of Usagi Yojimbo: Senso and it has been a non-stop thrill ride with high emotions and action to spare. I'm just loving this series.

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Usagi Yojimbo: Senso #6

Jan 10, 2015

Usagi Yojimbo: Senso was gift from Stan Sakai to all of his fans, old and new. He created Senso to remind us what comics are really about. They are stories to entertain the young and young at heart. And he succeeded.

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Velvet #1

Nov 4, 2013

Oh and did you know that there was talk on making Lois Maxwell, the original Miss Moneypenny, the new M, back in the day. But it was turned down, unfortunately.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 1, 2015

But if there is one aspect of We Stand On Guard that grabbed me right away it's the art by Steve Skroce. Wow it is off the hook good. His style is so, rich, detailed and clean. The images are bold, the battle scenes well rendered. And his art is made all the better by Matt Hollingsworth's colours, which are bold without being garish.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #600

Jul 1, 2010

Wonder Woman is not for everyone. People have always had strong feelings for and against her. However, I'm willing to continue to pick up this title if the stories are good and remain at least in the spirit of the character.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #601

Jul 29, 2010

Enough. JMS' has my attention with his version of Wonder Woman and I am wondering who the villain is that destroyed her life, and how she will bring them all back, and the revenge she will reap upon those that dared to cross her.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #603

Oct 1, 2010

This "All-New" Wonder Woman has yet to knock my socks off, but I am confident that the pay off will happen soon.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #604

Oct 29, 2010

I am too much of a nerd to give up on Wonder Woman before this story arc comes to an end. But I just have to mention that I have certain reservation about how well it will come off if these last few issues are any indication.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #605

Dec 24, 2010

This great experiment has been going on now for five issues and in all honesty I am not impressed. The dialogue is bland, the story is boring and conventional and the characters are at best forgettable. My primary expectation with comic books of any sort is to be entertained. I am far from being that with the All-New Wonder Woman at this point.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #1

Sep 23, 2011

It is hard for me to review this new Wonder Woman, as it has been only one issue. While it hit all the right buttons there wasn't anything in this issue that made me stand up and declare 'wow'. But I have confidence that an accomplished writer like Brian Azzarello will make Wonder Woman a fun and enjoyable comic once more.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #2

Oct 21, 2011

While I haven't been blown away by what is happening, I find the dialogue to be strong and the story has my interest. If anything, I will admit that this newer-all-new Wonder Woman is great starting point for any new readers wanting to get into the character.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #7

Mar 25, 2012

I've dropped far better books when they ceased to entertain me, but I can't bring myself to do it with Wonder Woman. I feel like a Toronto Maple Leaf fan, where I believe that next year things will be different despite all evidence to contrary. But I can't bring myself to quit, as you just never know someday it may come true. Never has my being a fan been such a burden.

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Zatanna #2

Jun 24, 2010

Well in two short issues Zatanna has put the hooks in fairly deep. I like the character. She has moxy and power that she's not afraid to use on her enemies. I have no problem in recommending this title even after this short time.

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Zatanna #3

Jul 23, 2010

Well, I have to say things ended a bit more quickly than I'd expected. But Paul Dini has laid some fair groundwork for the future and Zatanna has my attention.

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Zatanna #4

Aug 13, 2010

I've got a feeling that Zatanna is going to be one of those old-school kinda books, where the main character is going to be sent into impossible situations month in and month out, without let up. Zatanna is simply going to be fun. Works for me.

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Reviews for the Week of...


