New Avengers #3

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Steve Epting Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 24
8.7Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

The Illuminati experience their first incursion since reforming.Can the loose brotherhood of end times trust each other enough to use the Infinity Gems in unison?And a new member joins the Illuminati!

  • 10
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 9, 2013

    This is a series of big ideas. Colliding dimensions, Infinity Gauntlets, a mindwiped Captain America; and it's only the third issue. Thankfully, Hickman is saving all of his weird pacing experiments for the regular Avengers series. This comic is very linear and straightforward, something that I definitely appreciate. I know what's going on, I know all of the characters involved, and when they butt heads and argue, it actually means something to me. But all that greatness aside, the series is still moving a bit fast. Only last issue did we learn that universes are going to be colliding, and now it happens to our Earth within the first few pages of this issue. No build up? No greater warning? Still, Hickman has a great handle on all of these characters and he seems to know exactly what to do with them to tell an epic story. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Feb 6, 2013

    Moody and atmospheric, the cinematic pacing of Hickmans writing and Eptings art comes together flawlessly in this issue. Using Hank as the narrator was a perfect choice, allowing us to peer into the friction between these men as outsiders looking in, as their various and conflicting ethical positions collide. The fallout between Cap and the rest of the team at the end was surprising; not only in its cold delivery, but the strain it put on the rest of the cast that was effortlessly expressed in just a few well-chosen panels. With its cerebral setup and the moral questions it raises as the story unfolds, this book just keeps getting better and better. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Feb 6, 2013

    Hickman knocks it out of the park with this issue. Not only is the dialogue well written and interesting, but you can really sense that there is a lot of weight and emphasis being placed on the shoulders of these characters and their actions. What they do is important to the overall scope of the story and I think that is really what makes the reading experience interesting. This doesn't feel like a throw-away story, it feels larger than life. It deals with concepts that are mind boggling and it is presented in a way that is entertaining and really organized. Artist Steve Epting returns to the third issue to deliver truly stunning pencils. There is a lot going on in this issue, and a lot of emotion, and I think Epting did a fine job capturing both those qualities in this comic. Overall this was extremely well done and I find myself anxiously anticipating more. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - George Marston Feb 6, 2013

    Comics these days often have a tendency to seem "unimportant," or "inessential" if the world isn't at stake, or the entire status quo of the universe isn't changing in their pages, and so many titles wind up feeling forced, or overblown and too dramatic. New Avengers is an example of a title getting it right. And of course, that's Jonathan Hickman's strength in general. New Avengers gracefully plays on the last several years of continuity without directly invoking them too often, and builds a set of stakes that almost couldn't be higher, or more entertaining, for the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Comic Book Syndicate - Chris Mailloux Apr 3, 2013

    This book keeps getting better and better. Once again if you want a book with a great story definitely check this out but beware the lack of fighting. If you could only add a few Marvel Now! titles to your pull list I definitely recommend you add this one. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 7, 2013

    And that would be a shame, because this is a cracking good story, working with big, cosmic concepts and affecting the status quo in the Marvel Universe - and that's a rare feat. I'd hate for any readers to miss it because of a cover. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Feb 6, 2013

    On the art duties comes Steve Epting, the perfect compliment to Hickman's story. Here's a guy who really is one of the finest artists at Marvel. His own style seems to scream importance. With out a single word on a page from Hickman, Epting is able to relay how important or vital each and every moment of this issue is. Without a doubt, this team is a match made in comic book heaven. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Feb 6, 2013

    While Hickman's main Avengers title isn't bad by any means, this book takes the cake. New Avengers is a dark drama that sets its small cast full of big egos against a reality-encompassing threat. It makes you feel desperate and sad due to the immense conflict these men face, but it also hits on any nerd's innate love of sci-fi mysticism. The kind that would make Jack Kirby proud, may he rest in peace, 19 years ago today. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Feb 6, 2013

    There’s definitely a bit of a shock at the end of the issue. That’s all I’m going to say. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Feb 8, 2013

    We're just a few months in and it's easy to see that this is one of the best books that the Marvel NOW! initiative has to offer. Even if it didn't look like Hickman's "Avengers" books are set to play a major role in Marvel's next event following "Age of Ultron," it would still be a shame to let great story telling like this slip by unnoticed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 8, 2013

    This book sits in your gut and makes you feel its drama. This are certainly not the old Avengers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Feb 6, 2013

    New Avengers is definitely a title that most comic readers need to try out. The heavy content and lack of traditional action may turn some readers off, but this is a mature comic that doesn't try to be something it's not and is far from conventional or traditional, no to mention that Steve Epting's art continues to be some of the best in an ongoing Marvel series. This comic is a hit; don't let it pass you by. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Christopher Romero Feb 9, 2013

    This issue offers us glimpses of highly-influential players of the Marvel U such as Thanos, Watcher and Galactus; making us wonder if they might play a role in Hickman's story. New Avengers is shaping up to be one heck of a story, possibly even better than the flagship Avengers title. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 6, 2013

    This is a big, important book that warrants to be called such. Full of big and bombastic moments, this has set some major pieces in the play that Jonathan Hickman wants to show in his tenure on the Avengers title. With a script like this, good character work and some very good art, it is quite easy to recommend this title. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Feb 7, 2013

    New Avengers has really picked up as of now, so I'd say jump onto thebook soon before the plot thickens. I'd also suggest Avengers becausethere are ties between the two titles, even though we haven'tnecessarily seen them yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Geek Smash - Andrea Shockling Feb 6, 2013

    I did feel like "New Avengers" #3 was extra talky-talky, especially the two page spread of 28 closeup panels right before the final reveal. Usually I prefer a more explanation-via-visuals approach, like the one used in combination with minimal dialogue to show Doctor McCoy what's up. All told, however, "New Avengers" is a solid comic that manages to both illustrate the danger, destroy a potential solution, up the threat level and remove a hero in one fell swoop. Who will keep the Illuminati in check, now? Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Outer Realm Comics - warriorfist Feb 9, 2013

    Don't hesitate to be on the ground floor of something monumental. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Maxwell Majernik Feb 7, 2013

    New Avengers is one of the most unique books coming from the Big Two right now. It's not often that you see Marvel or DC take such a risk on a concept like this for one of their more popular franchises.That said, it is a heavy read. The book isn't for everyone and after issue 3 it looks like this is how the comic is going to feel from here on out. Personally, I can't get enough of New Avengers and look forward to where it goes in the coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 22, 2015

    Another installment light on action means another installment that works very well for me. The team here is facing something very hard to process and comprehend with a kind of surreal aspect to it that definitely plays out well. The heavy focus on dialogue is spot on as there's not much to actively do at the moment but to figure out what to try and do and how to react. Each of them brings their own histories to the table and I love watching that play out here, especially with the addition of Hank and his own view that was rather unrepresented before. This is not a tight, fun and comfortable team you want to hang out with. And that's what's needed considering the stakes. There's a lot going on in this issue as it gives us our latest Incursion and the ramifications from pushing back against it, which is only going to spiral further. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Feb 9, 2013

    This issue New Avengers was certainly a step up from the previous 2 as the book seems to be finally getting it's feet on the ground. The talking is over, it is time for serious action and next issue teases that they may have to seek help from a devourer of worlds to get the job done. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Ben Silverio Feb 10, 2013

    Now that the team has gone and done what happened at the end of this issue, I'm curious to see what else they are capable of. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue because of that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Terry Verticchio Feb 11, 2013

    Well Jonathan Hickman has my attention so far. He has given the main characters a lot to consider and now they have embarked on a path that will change their lives forever. Let's hope the ends justify the means. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - John Scott Feb 8, 2013

    The worst offense is towards the end of the book, there are a whole like 4 pages of just solid text and exposition from Cap, it's just not overly exciting. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Feb 8, 2013

    So, while New Avengers #3 isn't the best issue of the book, it's still advancing a pretty compelling story, where the team are gonna have to make some hard choices in the immediate future. Nothing is resolved in a satisfactory fashion here, but the first of those "hard choices" does get made towards the end of the book. This certainly isn't your typical Avengers title, that's for sure. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Feb 8, 2013

    It's still just not fun, and the Avengers should be fun to read. Read Full Review

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