The three-armed Prophet wants Old man Prophet found. NewFather disobeys his superiors to seek out weapons needed to combat a new mysterious foe.
The cold war between Atlantis and Wakanda heats up.Who is the secret member of the Illuminati that many of the members do not know about?How does Black Bolt lie?
The cold war between Atlantis and ...
“THE SIGNAL” – Prelude to Infinity
All of the Origin Sites go active as the Earth begins to communicate with something much more ancient than human civilizations.The Terror scientists of A.I.M. unveil the S7 program.
“EVOLUTIONARY LEAP” The High Evolutionary stakes his claim on the Children of the Sun.Hyperion learns the true cost of the decisions he’s made at the Origin Site in the Savage Land.The Return of techno-t...
Death's reign of terror over THOSE WHO RULE continues, as the forces of the END TIMES continue to work to bring about the Apocalypse. It's the END OF THE WORLD: Someone dies, someone lives, and someone falls in love.
When Marine Biologist Lee Archer is approached by the Department of Homeland Security for help with a new threat, she declines, but quickly realizes they won't take no for an answer. Soon she is plunging to the depths of the Arctic Circle to a secret, underwater oilrig where they've discovered something mirac...
Using the knowledge gained from the Black Swan, the Illuminati rework all their plans and cross the uncrossable line.The first secret alliance is formed.If an incursion is normally RED, what does a BLUE one mean?
A day in the life of the Avengers…in the Savage Land.The boys go hunting for dinosaurs and end up catching something else entirely.Hyperion and Captain Universe begin the godlike education of the transformed Savage Land children.
Once, Mind Management's agents were trained in its remote headquarters, Shangri-la. Now, with MIND MGMT shut down-at least officially-its location has been erased from every former agent's memories. So how do you find a secret base? With a secret map.
Welcome to the city of Red Wheelbarrow, where the world's greatest detective has yet to meet the crime he can't solve—every criminal in Red Wheelbarrow is caught and convicted thanks to Detective Gould's brilliant mind and cutting-edge spy technology.
But lately there has been a rash of crimes so eccentric and random that even Detect...
With the help of an ancient force, New father Prophet searches for a weapon to fight a deadly threat to the Empire.
As Shang-Chi battles an ancient enemy, the Avengers hang out in Hong Kong’s swankiest casino.Captain Marvel, Black Widow and Spider-Woman find out it doesn’t pay to gamble in the spy business.Cannonball and Sunspot play craps with a bunch of AIM Agents. AND WIN!
We learn that the Canadian super team Omega Flight got lost in a Garden Origin Site.Discover what happens when the Avengers go in to rescue them.Learn why ADAPTATION is the scariest word in the Marvel Universe.
Learn the history of the enigmatic Black Swan.What answers can she provide the Illuminati?And watch as the New Avengers do the unthinkable!
Only the Futurist can help Lyme and Meru find Mind Managements hidden training ground, Shangri-la. But how can they track a man who knows their every move before they do?
Following the high crimes in the debut issue of EAST OF WEST, the fallout spreads across the broken nations of America. Forces align to stave off the apocalypse, while equally powerful ones do everything they can to bring it to pass.
One of the most exciting new books of the year, this is EAST OF WEST, a brand ne...
Watch as the most dangerous weapon in the Universe is unleashed.Two Universal SYSTEMS collide.What good is a White Event if only leads to the destruction of the planet it was meant to transform?
The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us. A Sci-Fi Western set in a dystopian America where all hope for the future rests in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...who just happen to be trying to kill the President of the United States. One of the most exciting new books of the year, this is EAST OF WEST, a brand new, o...
The fight against the shadowy Mind Management organization spreads to the Middle East! The race is on, as former agent Henry Lyme and investigator Meru rush to recruit assets like the Musician-whose pop music influences the politics and unrest in Egypt-before MIND MGMT does!
The Avengers face off against the World Breaker.Discover the imminent threat to the Avengers World.Watch as we get our first hints as the hidden connections between the events of Avengers and New Avengers.
The Illuminati have learned that Earth is the center point for the death of the Universe.If this is true, doesn’t that mean destroying it might save everything else?Enter the world eater, Galactus.
Matt Kindt, the most original voice in genre comics, outdoes himself in this bold new espionage series!
Henry Lyme’s past is revealed, but investigator Meru wasn’t prepared for Lyme’s shocking confession about tragedies in her own life. Learning that her world-spanning journey has been just another part of the psychic spy’s game, Meru fights back, as MIND MGMT’s first arc reaches its twist-filled climax!
The Illuminati experience their first incursion since reforming.Can the loose brotherhood of end times trust each other enough to use the Infinity Gems in unison?And a new member joins the Illuminati!
Haven’t tried Matt Kindt’s visionary MIND MGMT series yet? Well, lock up your dolphins, shield your brain, and don’t believe anything you see, because this specially priced issue is the perfect initiation into Kindt’s electrifying tale of Mind Management’s psychic spies, its most infamous defector, and Meru, the journalist who stumbles up...
The secret origin of MIND MGMTs greatest agent concludes, with the revelation of his final days at the agency. A gifted psychic able to control the emotions of others, Henry Lyme fell apart when he began to fear that the love of his wife and the admiration of his peers were lies created by his abilities. And when so powerful a mind becomes unhinged...
The Illuminati gather to plan for the death of Everything. Infinity gems, old wounds, lies, agendas and universal incursions. "It breaks hope -- it crushes what makes us decent and steals what little honor remains." --Black Swan
After following his trail around the world, Meru has finally found the missing passenger from the Amnesia Flight, but as he tells his story, she learns the mystery goes much deeper. In the first of two parts, witness the history of the secret MIND MGMT agency, revealed by the psychic spy who nearly destroyed it from within. And as Meru listens, the...
To prevent the collision of our universe with another, the Illuminati, led by the Black Panther, must assemble NOW! It’s the most powerful and brilliant team in the Marvel Universe--The Black Panther, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, Mister Fantastic, Namor the Sub-Mariner and The Beast--against an infinite legion of parallel realities.
As Meru’s investigation of MIND MGMT takes her to China and its “miracle dolphins,” she begins to realize that the clues she’s been following have been intentionally left for her. What do the horrors she’s seen on her journey have to do with a psychic espionage agency dating back to WWI, and why does its most notorious defector, Henry Lym...