Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes #1
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Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes #1

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Matt Kindt Publisher: First Second Release Date: May 8, 2013 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
9.4Critic Rating
10User Rating

Welcome to the city of Red Wheelbarrow, where the world's greatest detective has yet to meet the crime he can't solve—every criminal in Red Wheelbarrow is caught and convicted thanks to Detective Gould's brilliant mind and cutting-edge spy technology.

But lately there has been a rash of crimes so eccentric and random that even Detective Gould is stumped. Will he discover the connection between the compulsive chair thief, the novelist who uses purloined street signs to write her magnum opus, and the photographer who secretly documents peoples' most anguished personal moments? Or will Detective Gould finally meet his match? >
Matt Kindt operates with wit and perception in the genre of hard-boiled crime fiction. Red Handed owes as much to Paul Auster as Dashiell Hammett, and raises some genuinely sticky questions about human nature.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 12, 2013

    I know that the cliché for every great book is that the reader is unable to put it down once they begin. I’ve actually rarely found this to be true because there is always something to pull you away from a book; it’s just how life works. I will say that I continued to read this book while my wife watched TV, while we ate dinner and while I walked back and forth between rooms while performing a variety of tasks. I did everything I could to make sure that I wouldn’t be away from the book and while I soaked up every page I feel deeper and deeper into the fictional world that Kindt was creating and it was fantastic. This is definitely a book to keep your eye on and you can bet that I won’t be quick to forget its impact. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov May 13, 2013

    If you're looking for a crime comic book to put other crime comic books to shame, then good news, everyone: "Red Handed" is here. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Apr 24, 2013

    Kindt is one of today's master storytellers in the comic industry. It's not just the words he puts on the page or the story they populate, it's every small detail that's added, every item added to each page. It's an amazing package. When this graphic novel is released, it's an absolute must buy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - David Gillette May 8, 2013

    Red Handed ultimately should be lauded for its daring approach even if it's a bit uneven. The book engages and takes risks in its storytelling, and that should be celebrated. That's enough for me. Read Full Review

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