Infinity #2

Event\Storyline: Infinity Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 4, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 28
8.1Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The Inhumans pay the tribute. Victory in deep space. The secrets of Thanos.

  • 10 - Ben Silverio Sep 8, 2013

    Basically, what I'm really trying to say is that 'Infinity' beats any huge summer blockbuster that appeared in theaters over the past few months. I am still in awe at just how many things are falling into place and connecting to each other from the start of Hickman's run with the Avengers. There hasn't been a wasted issue under his watch and the pure scope of things is nothing short of epic. Plus, with an ending like the one in this issue, how could you not want to keep reading? The next chapter simply cannot come fast enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 8, 2013

    Look, this series isn't for everyone - it's complicated and thoughtful (the twist at the end was a shocker with an intellectual twist) and, yes, it's challenging - but I am loving every bit of it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Sep 4, 2013

    The colorization of Justin Ponsor does work in that respect too, as the explosions, alien beings, powers are just as well done as are the darker aspects of the issue featuring Corvus Glaive and the Inhumans. He is able to bring the high-octane colorization full of warm and bright colors with the political and downright dark moments in tandem, realizing a unification of the whole issue even though the two styles of scenes should not mesh together so well. This take skills, which Ponsor does possess in spades. Continuing the action and the themes brought by the first issue wonderfully, Hickman continues his event comic without a hitch as the cosmic and darker aspects of the script are rendered beautifully by both Opea and Weaver. A worthy continuation of the superb first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 3, 2013

    "Infinity" #2 provides enlightenment to the label of Cull Obsidian and the distinction between that moniker and the Black Order that has been applied to the collective of Thanos' generals. Paired with a sharp, six-panel recap of the events of "New Avengers" #9, the revelations in "Infinity" #2 make this installment of Marvel's summer event story a must-read. The recap is a nice touch for readers who can't afford or choose not to be plugged in to the entire crossover aspect of this event. Hickman and crew provide just enough to let readers know what they've missed and to stay up to speed, but the work is really much richer when absorbed completely. A clear message is delivered that will change the course of this series and inform the actions of Thanos as the Marvel NOW! universe faces a multi-pronged threat with ferocious capabilities. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Sep 5, 2013

    So far, Infinity is my favorite event comic in a long time, thanks in large part to Hickman's wicked good writing and the excellent art teams so far. In many ways, Infinity succeeds because it's so big, and because it gives us something we don't always get when it comes to events: a feeling that this time, things are different, bigger, and better thanks to the inclusion of the entire Marvel Universe. And as the story marches on, it only gets more exciting, and that's just wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Sep 10, 2013

    The stakes are very high in Infinity, as is the body count so far. We often complain about character death used as a shock tactic to try to make event books seem more important, but our faith in Hickman is strong enough that if he goes that way and kills someone we actually know, this story is thick enough with intrigue and legitimately-crafted cosmic menace that it will feel earned instead of forced. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Sep 6, 2013

    . Infinity #2 showcases stellar writing; the stuff all comics should be made of, including "wtf" moments galore with dramatic twists. The artwork is sleek and energized"decimation never looked so good. As for now, it's bad guys 2, heroes 0. Check this one out. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Nerds On The Rocks - MikeFitz538 Sep 4, 2013

    Another great issue by Hickman, only accentuated by the different artists for the two different plots. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - Stephen C Sep 19, 2013

    Infinity #2 continues the trend of its predecessor, once again proving that Hickman can craft an epic without sacrificing the intimacy of personal interactions. I'm incredibly excited to see where this is going and hoping to see the pacing of "Fall" matched in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Maxwell Majernik Sep 5, 2013

    Infinity is beginning to shed the problem of ‘too much story in too little time' that plagues crossovers, especially ones that are based in the cosmic part of the universe. Hickman's true vision of the story is beginning to show and with an exciting final panel, it is safe to say Infinity is going to just get better from here on out. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Sep 4, 2013

    Overall a good read, featuring solid writing and some really fantastic artwork. Not flawless, but a good chapter in this developing saga nonetheless. Its definitely worth picking up, whether youre following the event or just curious to see what the fuss is about. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 4, 2013

    Opena's art in particular is extremely event-worthy as he depicts epic space battles and the retaliation by Gladiator and his Shi'ar warriors. Meanwhile, Weaver excels at delivering a more subtle, emotionally-focused series of pages. Not entirely dissimilar in the first place, Weaver and Opena's styles mesh well thanks to Justin Ponsor's unifying colors. Even with five artists working across three titles, Infinity is shaping up to be an unusually cohesive event book in both art and scripting. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Sep 5, 2013

    Shocking twist to the end of this issue and certainly a game changer. When you thought Thanos' motivations were clear, you are hit with something which puts the plot into perspective. This is what Hickman does and it is what he does best. Adding layers just when you think you know everything and what's to come next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Sep 5, 2013

    It may have taken us dozens of Avengers and New Avengers issues and countless chapter headings to get here, but Hickman's vision is now fully formed, birthing an epic space opera every bit the equal of Annihilation or War of Kings. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Sep 5, 2013

    While Infinity #2 is fantastic, one must wonder how much entertainment and appreciation you can squeeze out of this story if you arent at least reading Avengers and New Avengers. All three titles are incredible, but not everybody can afford to buy numerous books, especially if its just to get one story. With both DC and Marvel screaming for your attention, it can be hard to tell what to spend your money on. Well, Infinity should be one, with Avengers and New Avengers a close second and third. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Sep 5, 2013

    Infinity #2 continues the strong writing by Hickman. The visuals continue to impress with Opena and Weaver sharing art duties. A couple of flaws keeps it from being perfect though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Sep 4, 2013

    INFINITY is shaping up to be a big story. Jonathan Hickman is laying things out and we get to see how much of the Marvel Universe is being affected by the various threats. There is a lot going on as the action jumps from moment to moment. Jerome Opea, Dustin Weaver and Justin Ponsor deliver some epic scenes that convey the scope of Hickman's story. This doesn't just come across as another Marvel event. You get punched in the gut with how big it is. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 13, 2013

    Although not quite as good as the last issue, this was still a tremendous continuation to the event, and it has certainly kept me excited about the series. The suspense, and drama throughout was simply outstanding, having some brilliant interactions, and leading to some shocking developments. Due to all this, added the brilliant action I would highly recommend this issue, and am looking forward to the next Avengers tie-in, and ultimately the next issue of this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Sep 19, 2013

    Infinity #2 is another intelligent read. Hickman is an impressive wordsmith who is up there with the likes of Grant Morrison. There are few comic book writers writing for Marvel or DC that I would place in that category. Of course, Infinity is not for everyone. Readers who prefer linear reads that are easy to consume and veer more to cotton cnady for the brain will probably not be enamored with Hickman's big event. Also, this is not a big event that can be enjoyed by only reading the core Infinty mini-series. Both Avengers and New Avengers are required reading. However, if you enjoy a big event with an epic scope and a grand scale along with a story that is complex and truly engages the reader's mind then Infinity is certainly worth giving a try. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 4, 2013

    There's a lot of spectacle in Infinity, but what this book is sadly lacking is focus " Hickman jumps from faction to faction without really giving us a whole lot of room to really gravitate to any particular characters. In that way, Infinity reads a lot like a Roland Emmerich disaster flick, where the destruction is ultimately the main feature rather than any one character or development. For Marvel's long-term strategies, that's not necessarily a terrible idea, as Guardians of the Galaxy and Inhumans show that Marvel's next frontier lies in the stars. But for a standalone reading experience, Infinity feels like it is trying to pack in everything it can into one book" except for one definitive narrative throughline. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Sep 4, 2013

    As for the artwork itself? It's not bad, but certainly not as awesome as the previous artist. I give a lot of credit to the amount of detail and line work the artist puts into it (just look at that last picture), and there's certainly some awe inspiring images. However, the characters' expressions are just dull and lackluster, some people look older than they are, people in the background have no faces, the layouts can be confusing, and the action is dull. It's very static in a way, with no sense of motion or movement to it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 7, 2013

    Thanos' plot moves forward a little in this issue, and I don't just mean the revelation about his son, which might turn into something good. I mean the big, dramatic standoff between the Inhumans and the preening, annoying representative of the Black Order. I can't even remember his name. Lordy was that scene preachy and filled to the brim with cliches. At one point, the guy has all of his generic soldier henchmen kill themselves in the Inhuman throne room just to prove that they don't fear death. Ho hum. We've seen that a million times before, and I was shocked that the Inhumans were shocked. They are tougher than that. There is nothing interesting or shocking about the Black Order. They are as generic as villains come, and they will be defeated before too long. I just hope Infinity doesn't drag out too much before we get there. Read Full Review

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