A new year on a new world! The Richards family rings in 365 days of adventure on a brand new planet!Someone’s having second thoughts. Really? Already?How long can Reed keep his secret? How long can anything be kept a secret when you’re travelling through time & space with your family…?
I am definitely excited about this series, and really looking forward to seeing how everything develops in the coming issues. One think that Fraction does well is he sets up a story with a lot of layers that makes the reader want to continue to read. Beyond the fact that Reed has this life threatening disease, he's also lying to his family. Fraction emphasizes trust and honor, and I think that's really important to see here. If you haven't been reading, this is definitely a great place to pick up the series and start. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #3 feels like a blast from the past. Its jolly nature is good for the soul, especially after reading a heap of dark and sinister tales of woe. Theres nothing wrong with a story like that, but Fantastic Four is a nice break from the gloom. Its about time that we get some happy superhero stories! Read Full Review
This was a great issue, and a really fun, showing ton's of promise for the future of this series. I would highly recommend both this issue, and the other two issues in this series, and am really looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review
I even found myself being turned into a fan of Mark Bagley's artwork. Honestly, I've never been a huge fan of his, although I never hated his work either, but his work on Fantastic Four looks great for the most part. Although, he does have trouble differentiating people such as Johnny and Franklin, which is kind of a big gaffe considering the age difference. Otherwise, Fantastic Four #3 is a good looking book that nicely complements Fraction's script. Read Full Review
Actually what's nice to see from the art though is just how colourful it all is. It's not dark or grayscale, but it's not a rainbow either. Maybe it matches with the more family themes that Fraction is trying to put it, but it's light enough as to not feel gloomy and a little more fun instead, which is great to see coming from a Fantastic Four issue. Read Full Review
Overall, this is another solid issue. Fraction delivers a satisfying adventure story with a side of heart, and I enjoyed getting to see how the whole family works together to solve their problems. Bagleys pencils are still strong, and move the plot along with a good balance of both the heroic and the weird. This book continues to be a fun but thoughtful romp into time and space, with a nice slice of family dynamics on the side to keep things grounded. The formula is simple and straightforward, but on the whole, it works for me. Read Full Review
Mark Bagley's pencils are probably the best I've ever seen from him. After coming to associate him with more "earthly" concerns (thanks to his defining, virtually endless run on Ultimate Spider-Man), it's a treat seeing him render the sleek technology of the Fantastic Four's ship, and sprawling, cosmic vistas. And since Bagley is the very model of consistency (I can't remember a book he's been on ever shipping late), hopefully this means there will be plenty more where this came from. Is Fantastic Four my favorite Marvel title? Not yet. But it's getting there! Read Full Review
What this issue needed was something a bit more interesting, something more educational. As a one-off issue,Fantastic Four #3is a forgettable one. What it needed was some more facts, some deeper deliberations from the members talking about what they experienced. As a sci-fi adventure title, Fantastic Four would benefit from being more scientific, more theoretical, more…sci-fi. Right now it's an adventure story without dazzle or spectacle, and without a quick pulse, it just feels like it's going through the motions. Read Full Review
I know I've said this before, but while I'm not really a Mark Bagley fan, Fantastic Four is some of his best work, likely because he's drawing weird stuff, being inked by Mark Farmer so it looks a bit like Alan Davis and is olstered by Paul Mounts' amazing purply cosmic colors. Read Full Review
Fantastic Four #3 provides us an enjoyable one and done adventure story. Matt Fraction has done enough to separate Fantastic Four from the pack by making this more of an adventure comic than another superhero comic. The twist of the world that the Fantastic Four visit is not so much of a planet provided some witty dialogue as they try and find a way out. Mark Bagley's artwork is able to help Fraction's script that has a lot of cosmic elements going on in it. Read Full Review
"Fantastic Four" #3 is a decent enough, if unspectacular, story. Fraction has a nice sense for the personalities he writes and he does a fine job of delivering complete stories in each issue of the series that tie into a larger big picture. It may not be as grand in scope as Hickman's run, but it does a sense of wonder and fun, which are critical to this first team and first family of Marvel NOW! Read Full Review
While Fraction and Bagley are terrific comic talents, whatever they're doing here doesn't amount to a book that begs to be read. “FF” and “Hawkeye” are titles that aim outside the realm of what the average comic book is trying to do. That is, they aren't content to spend a whole issue throwing a team of cookie-cutter personalities against a generic bad guy. That's what this book is right now, and with respect to Lee & Kirby (who are undisputed past-masters of the medium), that doesn't work as well as it did over 600 issues ago. This team has the talent to push the series forward. Hopefully they will, but they haven't yet. Read Full Review